Matthew and the kids had spent several minutes on the lake, drinking the water and splashing the water onto their faces, giving a refreshing feeling after the cold water bathed their faces.

While Matthew was looking at his reflection on the lake, he realized that something seemed amiss. Putting his hand onto his chin and tilting his head left and right, Matthew tried to figure out where did the weird feeling came from.

But Matthew couldn't figure it out until he took a deep breath and released a sigh.

'That's it!'

Matthew tried taking another huge breath and he was able to do it just fine. Then looking at his body from the reflection from the lake, he realized that his body that was supposedly full of cuts and wounds from his fight with the general is now back to normal with no visible cuts or any other injuries on his body. And from the fact that he was able to take a deep breath just fine means that his broken ribs had already healed.

'How did this happen?'

Matthew then remembered back then when he had just been born into this world and his side was wounded by a spider leg, but the next morning the cut had already disappeared as if it was never there before, making him entirely forget that he had an injury the day before.

However, his wounds yesterday were nothing that could be said as light injuries. His ribs were broken, cuts were found all over his body even on his scutes. There's no way Matthew would forget all about it.

'But they're really gone. Gone-gone, I can't even see any scars on any sides of my body. I may have realized it later or almost completely forgotten about it if not for the reflection on the lake. I mean, I have no complaints, but… How?'

'Ah, when something unexplainable happens and you don't know what it is, it's finally time to…'


'Do you know what happened to the wounds on my body? How did they suddenly disappear out of nowhere in a single night?' 

[Excessive wounds were found in the host's body. Emergency treatment was carried out by the system. Host can see the system's notification in the notification log]

'Alright system, please open the notification log'


    Notification Log

-Excessive injuries detected, bionutrients will be deducted to completely restore the host's body-

-Many injuries are detected on the host's body, immediate treatment will be conducted to avoid permanent injuries-

-Level 14 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 14 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 15 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 13 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 16 Human Knight Killed-

-Needed amount exp for level up reached, please evolve to further level up-

-Congratulations, you've reached Level 20, you can now evolve-

-Level 24 Human Sword Knight Killed-

-Level 12 Scrofa Boar Killed-

-Level 11 Scrofa Boar Killed-

-Level 13 Scrofa Boar Killed-

-Congratulations, you've reached Level 19-

-Level 17 Human Knight Killed-

-Level 13 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 15 Human Soldier Killed-


-Level 17 Human Knight Killed-

-Level 13 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 15 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 9 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 9 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 11 Human Soldier Killed-

-Level 8 Human Soldier Killed-


'It said that I had excessive injuries… Well, not that it's wrong considering I can't even count how many injuries were there on my body from being cut with the general's sword. And it also said that it took some bionutrients, how many bionutrients exactly?'

'System, please open the basic info tab'


Name: Matthew

Level: 20

Bionutrients: 3246

Monster Data Collected:

-Common Wandering Spider (100%)

-Brown-Tailed Deer (100%)

-Lupus Wolf (100%)

-Scrofa Boar (100%)

-Porosus Crocodile (100%)

-Boa Dendroaspis (100%)

-Horribilis Brown Bear (58%)


'3246 eh? It's not bad considering I haven't eaten many things after living inside the village. But I surely won't evolve with only this many bionutrients, even with the 7000 bionutrients I had on my third evolution was almost not enough. I guess I need to gather at least ten 10000 for my fourth evolution?'

'I also need to wait until I complete the bear monster data first.'

'I haven't had a clear goal for my next evolution, but having the bear's body parts would certainly be beneficial for me. And I also need to properly re-evaluate the other animal's body parts.'

'This time, my targets are not merely a few gluttonous beasts that live inside a lake. I will be fighting hundreds, maybe thousands of intelligent humans that liked to use tricks and strategy even though they had an overwhelming strength. I need to maximize every chance that I get to make myself as strong as possible…'

'And for that, I also need a huge amount of bionutrients… I guess it's time to power-level the kids and hunt a few tens of beasts.'

Matthew then closed the tabs that were hovering on his vision and called for the kids,

"Alright kids, now that we've drunk enough water, let's go and exercise a little shall we?"

"Wait, brother Matthew!" The first kobold kid suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong, kid?" 

"Do we have anything that we can use as a water container? We would be wasting our time if we needed to go to the lake every time we wanted to drink. And not to say that it would take us a lot of time to walk back to the bear's nest."

"Don't worry kid, I don't think we'll be going back to the bear's nest for the time being. I had another place that we can use to live in. It's not too far away from the lake, but it's not really that close either. And that place is quite perfect for my plan to get you guys stronger since the beasts near the bear's nest are more unpredictable. Although the place should be quite cramped, we can always renovate the place to make it bigger."

"And kid, I don't think we'll be drinking the lake water every time since it would be a hassle going back and forth every time you want to drink right?"

"Why don't you try drinking blood first? You'll get used to it after drinking it a few times." Matthew said while trying to pitch his idea once more.

"But brother, don't you also like the water from the lake? It's very refreshing and helps cool down the body. I'm sure you like drinking the water lake much more than drinking blood like?" The first kobold kid said, trying to convince Matthew.

Matthew actually agreed with what the first kobold kid had just said, but he really didn't know how to make a water container.

"It's not that complicated brother Matthew, we can just cut some thick tree branch and shave the insides to make it hollow. It may not hold much water, but if we could get enough water for a day then it would be plenty enough. I can just go here with the twins every morning to refill the water while simultaneously training our bodies? Isn't it a good idea brother Matthew?" The first kobold kid suddenly added as if answering the question in Matthew's mind.

Matthew had already been interested in the first kobold's idea from the start and now that the first kobold kid had told him a very viable option to do, he finally gave in and decided to go with the first kobold kid's suggestion.

"It will be like hitting two birds with one stone when you kids can enjoy a refreshing drink while still doing daily training, so let's do this."

"But kid, don't we need bone tools to cut and hollow out the tree branch? Only using our claws will take a lot of time and it was more effective if we used tools. So I guess we still need to go out hunting first?"

Matthew was about to tell the kids that they will depart soon and start hunting to gather the ingredients to make the bone tools, but then, he suddenly remembered something.

'But wait a minute Matthew! You've got a supposedly all-purpose tool in your body. You don't need to use those crude tools!'

Feeling his aura core and seeing that his aura had been back to its full capacity, Matthew canceled his hunting plan for now and went straight looking around for the perfect-sized tree branch.

Matthew purposely walked deeper into the woods to avoid ruining the lake's serene atmosphere by cutting a tree branch and ruining the aesthetics of the place.

Although Matthew was able to see in all directions with his chameleon eyes, he still unconsciously turned his head up when he checked every single tree branch and searched for a tree branch that was long and wide enough to be made into a water container.

And when he finally found one, Matthew quickly climbed the tree and coiled his tongue around the trunks to secure himself from falling down since he will be using his hands to cut the tree.

Matthew then activated his wolf aura ability and the white hazy aura started covering his entire body.

Matthew tried moving the aura, gathering them onto his hands just like last time. Fortunately, it works just like how he remembered how he did it yesterday and more aura was starting to pour out from his aura core into his hands.

'Let's go hands! You can do it!' Matthew cheered in his heart.

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