With Matthew carrying the one remaining deer that was injected by his venom and the kids dragging the leader of the deers that was free from Matthew's venom and the one that would be their meal for the day, the group slowly walked back towards the wolf's first before cooking the deer's meat and rest.

After arriving at the wolf's nest, Matthew told the kids to leave the deers there first and they should clean their bodies first in the lake to get rid of all the possible venomous blood that was sticking to their bodies.

As it was already evening, Matthew urged the kids to go right away and get back to the wolf's nest as soon as they were done washing their bodies because Matthew didn't really know what other creatures would suddenly pop up near the lake. 

Whether there would be another group of crocodiles in the lake, another pack of wolves coming from a different direction, or even if the kids had accidentally wandered near the trees of the other side of the lake and a spider decided to jump on them and inject its venom and Matthew wouldn't be able to save them since he didn't know the herbs the alpha wolf used back then to cure one of its pack member from his venom. All of those scenarios would be dangerous for the kids and Matthew didn't want to risk it.

"So, how is it? Did you kids level up? Those deers were all above level 10 and one of them is even level 13, it should be enough for you three to level up to level 10 right? When and how will you evolve?" He asked the kids while they were on their way towards the lake.

"We haven't checked it yet since we would need to meditate and go into our consciousness and see the info tab which we couldn't do if we're not sitting and focusing on ourselves. We will check it later after dinner I think. And we also don't know how and when we will actually evolve since we've never done that before. But all I know from seeing other ȧduŀt kobolds is that they just came out as an ȧduŀt one day after reaching level 10. " The first kobold kid said.

"But more importantly, brother Matthew!"

"What? What's more important than you, kids leveling up?"

"How did you exactly know the deers' levels?"

"What do you mean? I only need to see the notification log. Don't you all also get a notif- Wait,"

"So what you mean is that so far, you all, including the kobold back in the village, didn't know the levels of the deers or the boars you've hunted so far?"

"Yes, we never know what their actual level is. But we could make a guess depending on how strong they are and used our own strength as a standard to estimate the beasts' levels. And since they naturally have stronger physiques than us, we would ȧssume that the beasts that were equal in strength with us are considered one to three levels below us."

'Does that mean that I'm able to see beasts' level after killing them is due to the system? But the kobolds also had an info tab to see their own race and level, why don't they also have a notification log?'

Matthew then realized that the notification that he saw so far was projected into his vision, just like the minimap that the system had given him.

'I guess that makes sense, the system has done so many trivial, yet useful things that I don't realize that it's actually quite a luxury to even have a simple thing like a notification log or  something as useful as the minimap and the special evolution.'

"What is that notification thing, brother? Where can I see it?" The first kobold kid asked.

"I guess you could just think about it as another one of my special abilities."

"Why did you have so many abilities, brother? It's kind of unfair! How many more abilities did you have? But you weren't able to use magic so I guess it's one of your shortcomings?"

"I don't know myself exactly how many abilities I have since I'm still learning about them, but there's one more that you will be seeing soon, I guess. And it's quite… What do I call it, weird? Unique? Doesn't make sense? Well, you just have to remember that if someday I suddenly look different, it's still me, don't start attacking right away."

All the three kids looked at him with questioning faces, but Matthew couldn't give them any other proper explanation and just gave them a nod before continuing saying,

"And about magic, I think you're right, maybe I'm just not meant for magic."

'Unless the chameleons have their own magic, then I don't think I would be able to use one anytime soon since I am only a cham-'

Matthew suddenly stopped thinking as he looked at his monkey limbs, crocodile scutes, and remembered the shape of his head which came from a wolf.

'Maybe, just maybe. If I just add one body part of a race that could use magic to my own body with the special evolution, then would I be able to use the magic of their race?'

'But the only race I know that could use magic naturally without writing the symbols are the kobolds.'

Looking at the three remaining kobolds in the whole forest beside him, Matthew shook his head and buried his earlier thoughts deep inside his mind, and kept it there until he met another race, hopefully, a hostile one, that could use magic.

'If that time comes, I should try it just in case it works. It would really help me a lot and significantly boost my strength.'

Arriving at the lake, Matthew was the first to put his face under the waters to check whether there were any crocodiles. But the lake was so deep and the sun somehow couldn't reach the bottom of the lake which makes it impossible for Matthew to completely make sure that there wouldn't be anything dangerous inside.

However, Matthew didn't see any crocodiles. He saw the strange two-headed turtles swimming around here and there and some were chasing small fishes that were also swimming in the lake, but there's no single crocodile there.

'I guess this means that it's safe for now? Well, no matter what, we'll be going before nighttime.'

The four of them then washed their bodies clean of the deers' blood before going to the other side of the lake to drink the fresh lake water that was untouched by the venomous deer's blood.

The kobold kids and Matthew then got out of the lake, and Matthew was fortunate enough that his scales didn't absorb water, but the kids' fur was drenched wet from the top of their bodies until their toes. 

And the first kobold kid had asked him whether he could make a little campfire for him and the twins to dry their fur first before going back to the wolf's nest. But Matthew had apologized for their discomfort and told them to wait and do that later when they're back in the wolf's nest and just leave the lake before the sun goes down.

The kids didn't understand where Matthew's extreme carefulness was coming from, but they didn't know any better than him, so they complied without asking anything.

Back at the wolf's nest, Matthew and the kids had inspected the insides of the wolf's nest and although it was slightly wider compared to the bear's nest because there used to be 5 wolves living together, the height of the nest was at an uncomfortably low height for them. Especially for Matthew who was twice as tall as the kids.

Matthew had felt that the wolf's nest was quite comfortable for him, but now that he was a bipedal and walked on two legs, he preferred if he had more space above his head even though he still liked the closed atmosphere of the wolf's burrow that was surrounded by dirt walls.

So, to solve this problem, Matthew had divided their current task into two things. First is to help him expand the wolf's nest, and second is to cook the deer carcass that they had brought since the kids haven't eaten anything yet today.

In the end, the second kobold kid was the unfor-chosen one because the third kobold kid had more experience helping the ȧduŀt kobolds prepare the boars and deers when the second kobold kid found it hard to just sit around and be patient enough to clean and cut the deers properly.

Matthew encouraged the second kobold kid by telling him that it would probably only take them an hour to create a comfortable hole for them to be able to at least sleep properly because now he had an all-purpose tool at his disposal.

Manipulating his aura to create a wide flat surface that was attached to his hand, Matthew successfully created an aura shovel to shove dirt out from his home.

While Matthew and the second kobold kid were busy dirtying their hands with dirt, the first kobold kid and the third kobold kid had also dirtied their hands with the deer's blood that was free from Matthew's venom.

"Do you remember how to do it sis?"

"Yes first brother, although it's quite difficult to separate the skin from the meat without any bone tools, it's still doable using our claws."

"Thanks for helping me sis, second brother would have ruined a few cuts of meat by this time if he were the one to do this." The first kobold kid said while he prepared the herbs that they usually use to season the deers.

Holding his magic staff, the first kobold kid said the chants and summoned a fire before sending it to the unlit campfire that he had constructed before holding the meats that the third kobold kid had prepared above the fire to cook them.

After the meat was cooked, the first kobold kid placed them on top of a wide leaf that he picked from a plant before and then called for Matthew and the second kobold kid to eat.

The second kobold kid happily accepted the offer and went right into eating the deer's belly while Matthew rejected saying,

"I'm good, I still have that one over there if I am hungry," while pointing at another dead deer carcass that was injected by his venom.

The kids had finished eating with their bellies full, but there's still quite an amount of cooked deer meat left and they offered it to Matthew. However, Matthew told them to keep it for their breakfast tomorrow, while saying now that they are full, they should help him finish up expanding the wolf's nest.

The second kobold kid was somewhat dispirited that he had to go back doing the tedious work, but he was motivated again after the first kobold kid said that the faster they finish it, the faster they'll be able to go to sleep and with the 4 of them working together, it won't be long.

The task was finally done after about another hour. Now Matthew was able to stand even though his head still hit the ceilings sometimes while the kids were even able to jump if they wanted to.

But digging about a 1-meter deep hole inside the wide wolf's nest was certainly exhausting and the four of them fell asleep right after they finished digging and the kids forgot to check whether they had reached level 10 or not.

The next morning, Matthew suddenly heard a familiar yet different voice calling out to him,

"Brother Matthew"

"Brother, wake up. It's already morning."

Opening his eyes, Matthew saw a kobold that was as tall as the ceiling of the wolf's nest. The kobold looked familiar to the first kobold kid, but the kobold in front of him was certainly an ȧduŀt kobold. Even the voice that he heard sounded deeper than the first kobold kid's voice.

"Brother Matthew, are you alright?" The kobold said.

Matthew, who was surprised by the odd situation where an ȧduŀt kobold had suddenly appeared in front of him and woke him up in the early morning said,

"Who? Me? Excuse me, do I know You?"

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