Reincarnated As A Chameleon And Eating Everything To Evolve

Chapter 136 - Trying Out The Wolf's Aura Ability

Before activating his wolf's aura ability, Matthew told the three kobolds to hold hands with him to make it easier for him to share the wolf's aura ability. He had seen the alpha wolf was able to do it even though he was a few meters away from his pack members and each and every one of them still received the aura. However, this is Matthew's first time ever trying to do something like this and he would want to increase his chances as high as he can.

When the three kobolds were finally lined up beside him, Matthew then closed his eyes to be able to feel his aura better and started to activate the wolf's aura ability.

The hazy white aura covered Matthew's whole body easily just like how he usually used the wolf's aura ability. But his current task was not only to cover his whole body with the wolf's aura ability but also to cover the three kobolds who were currently holding his hands.

At first, Matthew had tried to just send the aura directly to the kids through their hands. And although the white aura did move according to Matthew's will and traveled to the kobold's hands, it only stopped right at that and didn't progress further.

Matthew remembered when the alpha wolf howled and shared his aura, the white aura simultaneously traveled to all members of his pack, and the moment his aura touched their bodies, the white aura started to move on its own and covered the pack member's bodies just like how it covered the alpha wolf's body.

And what's currently going in Matthew's case was his aura had successfully transferred to the kobolds beside him, but instead of the aura continuing to move on its own and cover the three kobold's bodies, they stayed stagnant in their place. 

It is possible for Matthew to make the aura move to cover the kobolds' bodies but he has to do it manually every time which is impossible to do for him if he were to fight and finely control that huge amount of aura to circle the three kobold's bodies at the same time.

'There's no way the alpha wolf is controlling his aura manually to go to all of his pack members and then cycling it around them right? He's only level 14 and my aura control is supposed to be better than him. There must be a way for him to be able to do it easily like that. Let's try to use your head first, Matthew, and think about what the alpha wolf did back then.'

Matthew then replayed the scene where the alpha wolves used his aura ability tens of times in his mind and tried to find something different or special that the alpha wolf did that enabled him to do such a feat. However, even after replaying the scene for over 50 times in a row, Matthew still couldn't find out what enabled the alpha wolf to be able to easily share his aura with his pack members.

'No matter how many times I've seen it, it looks exactly the same every time. The alpha wolf only howled and the white aura started to flow out of his body to his pack members smoothly as if it was as easy as covering the white aura onto his own body…'

'Wait… as if it was as easy as covering the white aura onto his own body?'

'Maybe that is the answer!' 

The aura moves and can be controlled by using willpower and intentions. And they could even change their properties depending on how the user had manipulated them. Just like Matthew had failed the first time when trying to make a solid aura on his body, he needed to change his mindset on how to specifically move his aura.

Back then when he wanted to make a solid aura and he only intended to pour out more aura into his body, he failed because although more aura did pour out from his aura core, they were only emitted outward and ended up being wasted.

And same with this case, Matthew only intended the aura to travel towards the three kobold's bodies and hope that the wolf's aura ability properties will do their job automatically and cover the three kobold's bodies just like how it covered his.

However, Matthew had failed since he thought that the wolf's aura ability didn't do its job properly. But after thinking about it, he realized,

'The wolf's aura ability did its job just fine since its job was to cover my body and when I tried to send out the aura to the three kobolds, it didn't move on its own because the three kobolds are not me.'


'If I think of them as a part of me as if they were an extension of my limbs then…'

This time, Matthew opened his eyes and looked at the three kobolds beside him. And through the connection on their hands, Matthew repeated over and over again in his heart and his mind that the three kobolds beside him were also a part of him and they also needed to be covered by the white aura too.

With Matthew repeating those thoughts again and again in his mind. Finally, even without Matthew telling the wolf's aura to move onto the three kobold's bodies, it slowly moved on its own and started to cover the three kobold's bodies without needing Matthew to control it at all. And a few seconds later, the hazy white aura now was visible covering the three kobolds and Matthew's whole body.

"We did it!" Matthew shouted.

Hearing Matthew's shout, the three kobolds shouted as well as they felt the sudden power that constantly runs throughout their bodies.

They actually had felt the unknown feeling go into their bodies and give them a sense of having a boost of power multiple times before Matthew had shouted that they had succeeded, but it only stayed in their bodies for a few seconds before disappearing again, and looking at Matthew who was still closing his eyes, the three kobolds stayed silent and waited.

And now after Matthew shouted that he did it, the three kobolds felt that the feeling of strength stayed and cycled around their bodies instead of disappearing after a few seconds. With the aura enhancing their whole body, the three kobolds felt that they were overflowing with power that they could probably fight a group of deers alone and win.

They wanted to test out their new strength, but they didn't know whether they would still have this power if they released their hands from Matthew's. 

Fortunately, without even needing to ask, Matthew said to them first,

"Why don't you try running around and test out your enhanced bodies?"

With that, the three kobolds released their hands from each other and started running, jumping, and moving around as they pleased.

"Don't go too far yet! I still don't know the maximum range of this ability!" Matthew shouted, reminding the kids, especially towards the second kobold who had started climbing up a tree with ease with its newly evolved ȧduŀt body and new aura enhancement from Matthew.

"I want to try jumping from tree to tree!" The second kobold said when he reached a tree branch and started running on it before jumping on the edge of the branch.

The second kobold jumped towards another tree branch that was about 4 meters away. With the aura enhancing his body, he was able to jump 5 meters away easily, making him able to reach the tree branch and repeat the same sequence of running and jumping to another tree.

The first kobold tried all kinds of stuff from running to punching the trees with his bȧrė hands which resulted in leaving a shallow fist mark on the tree and his hand unscathed. Which baffled the first kobold kid since he knew how hard the tree trunks are and the fact that his hands would be bloodied if he ever tried to punch the tree as hard as he had just done without the aura enhancement.

But his hand that was covered in the hazy white aura didn't even have a scratch, let alone a single drop of blood on it even after punching a tree trunk so hard that a fist mark was left on its surface, albeit a shallow one.

The third kobold who was the second calmest after the first kobold turned out to be similar to her sibling as she started to do frontflip and backflip around the place as if it was a natural thing for her to do after she got a boost in strength.

'Who taught her that?' Matthew said when he looked at her do three consecutive front flips smoothly as if she had been doing it ever since she was born.

But then he looked at her sibling who is now already using his hands to do a 360 spin on a thick tree branch using the momentum he got from his jump.

'I guess their athleticism runs in their family…?'

"Kid, why don't you try using magic while in this state?" Matthew said to the first kobold who is the calmest one so far and only does basic movements to test out the new strength of his body.

"That's actually a good idea brother! I will try it!" The first kobold then ran and grabbed his magic staff from the wolf's burrow and started saying the chants.

Right after he finished saying the chants, a fireball the size of his fist appeared right at the top of the staff without him or Matthew even seeing the red particles gathering to form the fireball.

"How did you do it? I've never seen you do it this fast!" Matthew said.

"I don't know, brother Matthew! My head feels clearer while I'm in this state and it feels like I need less concentration to command the fire elements now!"

The first kobold then continued experimenting with his extent of control of the fire elements while he was still covered in the white aura and the three kids were busy with themselves trying out their new power.

Matthew, the source of their new power, just silently looks at them. But he still had a happy expression plastered on his face as he saw that he succeeded in recreating how the alpha wolf used the wolf's aura ability.

And as he wondered whether his aura reserve was enough to keep up supplying aura to the kids, he realized that currently, contrary to his expectation, he didn't spend that much aura.

At first, he does felt that a significant amount of aura was consumed when he activated the wolf's aura ability to cover the four of them, but now that they are separated from each other, Matthew only felt a sliver of his aura was still going towards the kids as if only to maintain their connection with each other.

'But that sliver amount of aura won't be enough to give them that much aura to cover their body. So does that mean that my aura only acts as a jump start to initiate their bodies to use their own aura?'

The three kids were still doing their own stuff and the 360 swings from the second kobold had turned to 720 swings, the consecutive front flips had turned into backflips, and the fireball had turned to a fire arrow.

'Well, I can just experiment about it later.. Let's just let them have some fun first.'

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