
"What is that brother Matthew?"

"When you shoot a fireball from both of your palms you need to do it while shouting that word!"


"It will give you more power and it will make you at least 100 times cooler!"

"Really…? Can you teach me how to do it? I want to have a strong ability too!"

'Can I really do that though…?'

'Meh, whatever, it's not like there's a copyright police or law in this world.'

"Alright first, grab your magic staff first, it's not like you can summon a fireball without it."


The first kobold kid then grabbed his magic staff from inside the wolf's den and quickly went back to where Matthew is.

"Before we start, can you control the fireball after summoning it?"

"Of course, it was quite hard to do at first, but I eventually was able to do it after the second day practicing with grandpa."

"Nice! But can you do it without using the magic staff? You can summon the fireball with the staff, but you can't do the move while holding onto the staff. You need both of your hands to do the move properly!"

"That…I don't know…"

"Why don't you try it first?"

Unlike his grandpa who used two hands to hold the magic staff before doing the chants, Ethan only used his right hand to hold the magic staff before saying,

"Through the fire authority that was given by the gods to the kobolds, hereby I command the fire elements to bend for my will and realize my dėsɨrė!" 

'Oh, he's much more fluent on the chants now.' Matthew thought when he heard Ethan's saying the magic chants.

Small red particles then started to gather on top of the magic staff and as soon as enough red particles gathered, a small fireball, the size of Matthew's fist appeared on top of Ethan's magic staff.

"Can you move around the fireball?"

"Yes, as I said before, it's quite easy to do it with the magic staff."

As he said that, the fireball that was floating gently on top of the magic staff started to move up and fly around in the air, making circles and moving freely everywhere according to Ethan's command.

Looking at the small fireball that moved smoothly in the air as if it was dancing gracefully, Matthew couldn't help but turn his eyes towards Ethan while feeling a sense of admiration and proudness in his heart.

'Maybe he is really born to be a kobold mage…'

"How do you do that? Does the staff do everything for you? Is the staff really necessary for you to do this?" Matthew asked, trying to hide the feelings he felt in his heart and changing the topic in his mind.

"I wouldn't say that it was all the staff's work, but it does help me a lot to focus my mind. I controlled the fireball using focus and with my intention as I felt there's something connecting me with the fireball that I had just summoned and it followed my intentions. When I wish it to move upwards then it will move up, when I want it to go around in circles, it goes around in circles. It's as simple as that. And I don't know exactly how it works, but I feel like the staff is helping me to feel that connection better."

"Then let's start from here. Can you try to put down your staff while maintaining the fireball to stay still on top of your palm?" 

"Here, let me help you hold the staff," Matthew said while stretching out his hand.

"Okay, let me try."

Ethan then moved the fireball that was still floating high above his head to slowly move towards his other hand, on top of his open palm.

The small fireball moved and it is now peacefully floating on top of his palm. While still keeping his focus on the fireball on his hand, Ethan slowly passes the Magic staff onto Matthew's hand who is ready to receive the staff with his stretched-out hand.

When the magic staff changed hands from Ethan to Matthew, the fireball trembled slightly. But with Ethan pouring his entire focus and repeating in his head that the fireball needs to keep its shape and stay put right at its current place, he succeeded in maintaining the fireball to float on top of his palm without using the magic staff.

"I did it brother Matt-" Suddenly, before Ethan was able to finish his sentence, his focus on the fireball was slightly diverted and the fireball couldn't keep its shape and disappeared with a minuscule explosion that left a tiny burn mark on Ethan's hand.

"Ow! That stings!" Ethan said while fanning his hand that got a slight burn on it.

"That's what you get for not being careful!" Matthew said before sending a flick to Ethan's forehead.

"And besides, you don't need to say that you've succeeded, I'm literally beside you, and a little fun fact for you, my eyes enabled me to see in all directions. Unless I'm suddenly blind, there's no way that I didn't see whether you succeed or not. Just focus on your task!"

"Yes! I will do it again!" 

Matthew then gave Ethan his magic staff back and Ethan repeated the magic chant before summoning a small fireball and moving it to the top of his palm once again.

"Here we go, brother Matthew!" He said before slowly passing the magic staff to Matthew.

Matthew received the magic staff and saw Ethan completely putting all of his focus onto the fireball that was silently floating on top of his palm.

After about 15 seconds have passed and the fireball still floating calmly on his palm, Ethan then asked,

"What's the next step, brother?"

"Put your other hand on top of that hand and make a bowl shape using your ten fingers and put the fireball in the middle of the bowl! Then move both of your hands to your waist!"

"Nice! Now move your left leg forward and bend your left knee! That's it! Like that!"

Ethan followed Matthew's instruction step by step and his stance is now an exact replica of a certain famous character in a retro video game.

"And for the last step, imagine you are charging the fireball in your hands with more and more power then you release it by pushing both of your hands forward while shouting the word that I say before!"

Focusing on the fireball in between his hands that was placed right beside his waist, Ethan tried to imagine more and more fire elements gathering in the middle of his bowl-shaped hands.

Magically, the fireball does indeed get bigger and bigger as his hands naturally move apart from each other to accommodate the increase in size and to prevent his hands from burning from the fireball that has now tripled in size.

"Don't force yourself, Ethan! Release it now! Remember! Shout the word loud and clear! Put emphasis on the O! Don't forget to put your heart into it! AND LASTLY, DON'T FORGET TO THROW IT TOWARDS THAT STONE OVER THERE! NOT AT THE TREES!" 

Feeling the fireball has welled up too much and it's starting to get hard for him to control, Ethan struggled to keep the increase in size under his control, but as more and more fire elements he struggled even more and he couldn't risk losing control of it and caused the fireball that was not as small as before explode right beside his body.

Following Matthew's direction, Ethan pushed both of his hands forward along with the fireball that was now almost as big as his own head towards a decent-sized rock near the wolf's den while shouting as loud as he could,

"HADOOOOOU-[Email Protected]-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The fireball moved straight forward, leaving Ethan's palms, and flew towards its target. With its size having grown triple its initial size, the fireball is now no less small than the rock that has been chosen as the target.

The moment the fireball hit the rock, an explosion, with a much louder sound, and bigger fire than before was created. The rock was charred black on one side and the ground where the rock was standing was also painted with a lighter shade of black.

The explosion was loud enough that the twins stopped their sparring to see what had just happened. And when they got back to the wolf den, they saw that both Matthew and Ethan were standing still with their mouths agape while looking at a charred rock some distance away from them.

The two stayed like that for a couple of seconds before looking at each other before putting both of their hands against each other and shouted,


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