With Matthew's shout that was not less booming than the explosion that the fireball made, Ethan hurriedly chanted again while holding his magic staff using both of his hands to try and gather the scattered sparks of fire that fortunately still haven't grown into a full-on forest fire.

While Ethan was busy doing damage control, Matthew shouted again,

"Twins! Prepare yourself, hurry up and run over here quickly!"

Matthew wasn't idle either as he said that as he started running towards the other boars who had noticed that one of their kin is falling lifeless on the ground and they already kicked their legs to run away to safety instead of trying to fight their way out.

This scenario where the boars just straight-up decide to run away without giving a fight was not the first one for Matthew as he had done this feat himself back then when he ȧssaulted a group of boars using his complete invisibility and made them run away without even trying to fight back for a second.

However, Matthew didn't plan on letting them run away just like that.

With the wolf aura ability boosting his overall body speed and natural agility of the monkey limbs, Matthew succeeded in catching up to the boars who weren't able to reach their maximum running speed due to the uneven terrain of the forest.

Matthew didn't waste any time as he quickly slashed his claw as hard as he could towards one of the boars' limbs, severing one of its legs. But he didn't stop there and quickly ran over to one other boar before repeating the same action, immobilizing two boars and preventing them from being able to run away at all with one missing leg.

The twins who are also buffed with the wolf aura ability didn't slack off as they arrived the moment Matthew succeeded in immobilizing the two boars.

"They're yours, twins. Make sure you kill them as soon as possible so that they won't be weakened too much by their severed limbs and blood loss. I don't want to get a portion of the levels that should've been a great boost for you two."

"Okay, brother!" The twins said before quickly went chasing their respective boars.

Valda chased the bear from behind before going to its side and tripped the boar to make it fall down. And when the supposed to be quadruped animal already lost one of its legs, it became relatively easy to make it fall down when one other of its legs was tripped. Valda then quickly ended the fight by piercing the defenseless boar's heart using her claws.

Alexander took a different approach as he jumped on top of the boar's body and used his claws to hold on tight onto the boar's body, basically planting himself on the boar's body.

The boar tried to struggle free by jumping and thrashing around, but with only 3 legs and Alexander's claws clutching deep into its body, its efforts were futile. Alexander then succeeded in slowly climbing towards the boar's neck before biting it and tearing the boar's neck apart resulting in the boar falling down to the ground and soon following after its other friend in the afterlife.

With that, 3 boars had been killed by the three kobolds and the other 2 had run away, all according to the initial plan. Although there was an unexpected situation at the beginning of the fight, the group had succeeded in getting what they wanted.

When the twins were busy with their boars, Ethan was trying his best to collect the scattered fire by repeatedly gathering them together before shooting them towards the ground that had no vegetation growing near it.

And soon, the chaos subsided and all the fire had been dealt with, erasing the chance of forest fire ever happening.

Leaving that one boar who had its body exploded by Ethan's spell, the group then dragged the other two boars back home after draining their blood to make them lighter. As usual, Matthew brought one with him while the three kobolds brought the other one.

After arriving at the wolf's den, Matthew told the kids that he will be eating his meals and soon set out towards the other bear's burrow where he kept the bear carcass from yesterday.

Halfway towards the bear's burrow, Matthew had used his most favorite way of traveling which is jumping between trees, but when he reached the halfway point, Matthew was forced to return back to walking on the ground since he needed to be careful and watch out for any humans that may possibly roam around the area.

Matthew was genuinely concerned that the humans would enlarge their scouting parameter, lest they reach the wolf's den when the three kobolds aren't prepared to go deeper into the forest yet.

Alas, his worry turned out to be correct this time, as he met another group of the human's scout even before he reached the first bear's burrow near the kobold village.

This confirmed his thoughts that the humans are really extending their reach inside the forest and it didn't seem that they had a plan to stop.

'I need to quicken their growth… I guess the aura lesson will need to be brought forward as soon as possible.'

Matthew then used his chameleon aura ability to turn completely invisible and circled around any humans he met along the way, which caused him to take quite a long time to reach his destination.

Fortunately, the humans didn't seem to be exploring the area where the second bear burrow was located and when he arrived there, the burrow was still the same as how Matthew left it yesterday, complete with the sticks and dirt that he piled up to block the entrance.

Matthew opened up the blockage and found the bear's carcass still untouched. Without waiting any longer, Matthew started munching on the bear's body.

-Bionutrients Consumed-

-Horribilis Brown Bear Data Collected (76%)-


-Horribilis Brown Bear Data Collected (91%)-

-Bionutrients Consumed-

-Horribilis Brown Bear Data Collected (100%)-

The Horribilis Brown Bear monster data was already fully completed when Matthew was two-thirds of the way eating the bear's huge body, but of course, he didn't stop there as he still needed more bionutrients for his next evolution. And the huge brown bear alone could give him about 1000 bionutrients alone, which is more or less the same as eating 3 of the deer or the boars.

'System, info tab please.'


Name: Matthew

Race : Chameleon Chimera

Level : 20

Bionutrients : 6517

Monster Data Collected:

-Common Wandering Spider (100%)

-Brown-Tailed Deer (100%)

-Lupus Wolf (100%)

-Porosus Crocodile (100%)

-Boa Dendroaspis (100%)

-Macaque Monkey (100%)

-Horribilis Brown Bear (100%)


'Nice 6500 bionutrients, 8500 to go!'

'And it seems that I've also completed all the other available monster data… I guess I need to travel deeper to find more beasts.'

Matthew then got out of the bear's burrow with a filled stomach that didn't have even a slight bulge even though he had eaten a creature twice his own size and started heading back towards the wolf's den to teach the three kobolds aura as soon as possible to prepare them into going deeper into the forest and temporarily avoid clashing against the humans yet since Matthew believes that it isn't time yet.

If they start fighting against the humans now, they might win small skirmishes here and there and that fact is pretty much guaranteed with Matthew's invisibility, his wolf aura ability that could boost the three kobolds. 

On the contrary, if they waited until they are strong enough to go against an entire army, the humans would not be able to and they won't have the time to react properly to the sudden threat that is in no way insignificant. Their surprise attack after laying low all this time would be able to achieve more rather than doing small skirmishes for now that has no other real benefit other than channeling their hate towards the humans that attacked the kobold village and they would also gain more advantage by doing that.

Matthew rushed back to the wolf's den while still avoiding the humans and went under their radar which resulted in a couple of detours and he only arrived back at the wolf's den in the afternoon.

The three kobolds had refilled their water supply and even took a bath at the lake when Matthew got back and they enthusiastically waited for Matthew to come back when they remembered Matthew's promise yesterday saying he would be teaching them aura today.

"Alright team, calm yourself down and take a seat in a comfortable position.. Let's learn how to use aura."

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