"Brother Ethan! This one is trying to flee!" Alex shouted while he was busy hitting the deer in front of him and dodging another deer's charge.

"Can you do something about it? I'm still quite busy here!" Ethan replied while dodging a deer's antlers and blocking the other one by covering his hands with aura.

"Sis! Can you please handle it?"

"On it! Help me keep this one from running away, okay?" Valda shouted from the opposite side of Ethan and Alex.

Covering her legs with aura, Valda quickly launched a quick attack aiming towards the deer's eyes in front of her. But the deer saw the kick coming as she didn't put in any feints or setups before throwing her kick. The deer then successfully dodged Valda's kick by pulling its neck, taking a few steps backward. 

However, Valda wasn't disappointed when she saw her kick miss its mark since his goal is not to hit the deer in front of her. When the deer took a few steps backward, that means that she got some free room to turn her body and started running towards a deer that was turning its back from the group and trying to flee from them.

With her legs covered in the hazy white aura, she kicked off the ground beneath her and launched herself forward with an incredible speed quickly catching up to the deer.

The deer had already given up on fighting due to the many wounds on its body. With Alex's style of fighting that took advantage of any gaps that presented themselves to him, the deer was full of wounds both from a nearly fatal cut to its neck, only a few millimeters away from cutting to its artery and a superficial wound on its backside.

Valda quickly arrived at the deer's side and saw that the deer had also noticed her presence. The deer didn't waste any time as it turned its back, positioned its hind legs towards Valda, and threw a kick aimed at Valda's ċhėst.

Unfortunately for the deer, even though it didn't hesitate for a second before throwing the kick, Valda had already anticipated the deer's attempt to slow her down before running away. She jumped up with her aura-enhanced legs and did a flying somersault before landing on the deer's back. And the moment her body safely landed on top of the deer's body, she moved the aura covering her legs towards both of her hands.

Startled by the unexpected weight on its back, the deer tried to jump around aggressively to shake Valda off its back. Unfortunately, Valda had secured her place by clutching her left-hand claw and both of her legs onto the deer's body. And with the aura enhancing her hands, it was quite an impossible task for the deer to shake her off its back. However, she didn't even mean to stay on top of the deer's back with all her might as her right hand is still dangling beside the deer's body.

The reason she didn't use her right claw to hold onto the deer was shown in the next second. Before the deer was even able to do its second jump attempt to shake her off its body, Valda dangled her body on the right side of the deer before quickly thrusting her right-hand claw towards the deer's heart which was located slightly below the base of its neck.

Her aura-enhanced claw quickly pierced through the deer's skin and muscle before quickly stabbing the deer's heart.

Valda pulled out her hands from inside the deer's body and a gush of blood soon followed after her hands, exiting the deer's body. The deer soon collapsed and she quickly went over to help her siblings finish off the remaining deers.

The deer that she had left before had seen what happened to its kin and it also understands that when one of them starts running away that means that they should also run away.

So when Valda had left it alone, the deer was considering whether to help its other kin or to follow the fleeing deer and run away from that place.

In the end, it decided to also run away.

Unfortunately for the deer, it seems that someone else had predicted what the deer would do. Just before it was able to turn its head and run, a bright light flew towards its face. When the bright light touched its face, the deer suddenly felt a burning pain on its face.

The deer was hit by Ethan's fireball.

With the fire constantly sending burning pain on its face, the deer thrashed around while hitting its face to everything around it in an attempt to put out the fire.

And the deer's effort bore fruit after hitting its face onto a tree a couple of times causing the fire to be extinguished, leaving a scar on the deer's face and stinging pain that still followed it even though the fire had completely disappeared.

Ethan didn't have time to care that his fire was easily extinguished as it was indeed a small fireball that he had just thrown towards the deer. And his main goal was not to fatally injure the deer, it was to only buy time until his sister finished dealing with the deer that was trying to run away.

"Thanks, brother! But can't you just kill it while you're at it? It's suffering from the scar on its face." Valda said as she dashed back towards the deer.

"Spare me sis, don't you know that-" Ethan closed his mouth and dodged a sudden attack by the deer in front of him before continuing,

"It's already hard to fight two deers at the same time- while simultaneously maintaining the fire magic! A small fireball is the most that I can do in this situation. And remember, you still need to increase your level!"

"Besides, why are you playing with it? It's only one deer! It's supposed to be dead from a few minutes ago!"

"Ehehe, I'm sorry brother, I'm currently trying out new things today. You're also doing that while it's also your turn right?"

"Um… No- Yes… Just make sure it doesn't bother us or run away."

The three kobolds had been hunting the deers on their own for the past three days and they decided that one of them would be only fighting one enemy while the other two would be fighting two enemies each. Of course, at first, they fought 3 vs 5 against the deer or the boars purely with teamwork and Ethan's upgraded fireball that gave the team a huge advantage. 

But as they got more proficient in using aura, which only took them 3 days to do, Matthew had proposed this model of fighting where they would alternate between each other and decide who would only be fighting against one enemy. Matthew suggested it so that they could train and improve their fighting technique while fighting two deers at the same time. 

And the result was quite satisfying as all three of them could manage to fight against two deers at the same time and their control over aura also improved tremendously with practical use when fighting the group of deer or the boars.

After Valda finished experimenting with whatever she wanted to do, she quickly finished the fight with a poke to the deer's eyes followed by a bite to the deer's neck.

10 minutes later, Ethan and Alex followed suit and killed the two deers they were fighting with. From the moment the deer showed their back towards the two kobolds, they quickly used the gap to deal fatal damage to them and used the momentum to finish them off.

"Nice work team! Let's start dragging them. As usual, let's pile the three together so that we can tell brother Matthew to eat it later."


"I wonder what he is doing right now…"

"Fighting? Probably?"

"Yeah, he's probably fighting some beast right now."

Seeing a blob of purple liquid flying towards him, Matthew quickly rolled sideways to dodge it.

"Heck is that! Since when do you throw your venom out like that!? It's even acidic! The system is lying, it's supposed to be a cursed poison instead of venom!" Matthew complained loudly.

But the snake that was covered in a dark purplish aura ignored him and continued sending blobs of liquid acidic poison towards him.

It wasn't until the fifth blobs that the snake finally stopped vomiting the ominous purple blobs and the moment that Matthew had been waiting for.

Forming solid aura on the bottom of his feet, Matthew traveled the 15 meters distance between him and the snake in only a second. 

Matthew then created solid aura gauntlets and slapped the snake's mouth that was trying to bite his head off. The snake's huge body that was almost as thick as Matthew's body was shaken by Matthew's aura-enhanced slap.

Using his other hand to push the snake's head down, pinning it to the ground, Matthew had finally succeeded in incapacitating the snake.

Then with a strong bite by his double jaw joints and crocodile jaw along with the aura enhancing his strength, Matthew bit the snake's head and crushed its skull.

-Level 22 Boa Dendroaspis Killed-

With some of the snake's flesh and blood remaining inside his mouth, Matthew decided to just swallow them instead of wasting them.

-New data found, Boa Dendroaspis monster data updated-

The notification surprised Matthew for a second, but he decided to put it aside for now as he had already found something even more interesting before he met the snake by accident.

Slowly walking in a certain direction, Matthew found a large clearing in the forest, large enough to host the whole human army standing side by side. However, it was not the size of the clearing that took his interest. Rather, it was the walls made of solid earth and the 3 meters tall, green and huge creature with two legs and two arms standing at the opening of the earth walls.

Matthew had found another demihuman village.

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