The kobold mage stood still holding his magic staff with both of his hands and chanted,

"Through the earth authority that was given by the gods to the trolls, hereby I command the earth elements to bend for my will and realize my dėsɨrė!"

Hearing those words from the troll mage, Matthew quickly took a few steps backward and made some distance with the troll that he is currently fighting with. He didn't know what would happen, but he knew that dealing with two things at once will certainly be harder and more troublesome than just focusing on one thing.

Matthew had heard the magic chant for the kobold many times before and now that a similar chant came out of the troll mage's mouth, of course, Matthew would be aware of what would happen next.

And thanks to the system's translation function translating him the entire chant of the troll mage, Matthew knew what element of magic the troll mage is going to use.

The problem is, Matthew doesn't know what and how earth magic worked.

'Will it summon earth out of thin air? Or would it just manipulate the earth in the surroundings to move and change shape?'

However, when Matthew looked at the troll's village wall that is fully made out of solid-looking earth, he had already made a guess in mind on how the troll's magic would work.

And it didn't take a long time before the troll's mage spell managed to manifest itself as Matthew suddenly felt a slight unusual vibration near his feet. 

Matthew quickly turned his head towards the direction of the vibration and peeled his eyes open to be able to see any slight changes on the ground near him so that he would be able to react properly to what was coming to him.

Then he saw it.

Matthew reflexively moved both of his hands to protect his ċhėst and now two layers of solid aura gauntlets had become his shield against the sharp earth spike.

The sharp earth spike then crashed against Matthew's solid aura gauntlets. The moment the earth spike pushed itself towards the solid aura gauntlets, the two competed against each other to see which is tougher than the other.

And the result was visible cracks on one of Matthew's aura gauntlets that made direct contact with the earth spike. However, the earth spike didn't come out in a better condition than the aura gauntlet as the top part of the spike that had the pointy edge on it had completely broken apart, leaving only the bottom half of the earth spike protruding from the ground.

Matthew then quickly jumped away from his current place and shouted at the troll mage while waiting for his solid aura gauntlet to restore itself,

"Hey! I don't want to fight! I just want to talk!"

When the troll mage heard Matthew had really talked in their language, he looked at Matthew with eyes full of interest and said,

"So it's true, there's a beast that's able to talk! Tell me beast, where did you learn how to talk?"

"First of all, I'm not a beast. I'm a-"

Matthew's words were cut off halfway as he suddenly felt another slight unusual vibration on his feet. Knowing what would come after that vibration, Matthew quickly jumped towards the opposite side of the vibration.

"Wow, you're quite smart for a beast! Where did you come from? The depths of the forest? Why did you come out here?"

"Hey! I told you I'm not a beas-"

Matthew then dodged another earth spike that was aiming towards him. And this time, he had started getting irritated of it and shouted,


Hearing Matthew's shout, the troll mage only looked at him with a frown on his face while saying,

"Why should I respond to a beast? You will only say what I want you to say!" 

When the last word came out of the troll mage's mouth, he summoned another earth spike that was still trying to pierce Matthew's ċhėst.

Matthew had successfully dodged it without any difficulties, but this time, he had enough.

Right after he dodged the earth spike, Matthew kicked his feet off the ground and launched himself towards the troll mage with full speed.

Fortunately for Matthew, His reflex was fast enough to notice the earth wall rising in front of him. And not only was he able to run at an incredible speed, but he was also able to jump over the 3-meter tall earth wall that is blocking his way.

With the distance between him and the troll mage closing in, the troll mage began to feel a slight worry creeping up his body. The troll mage then ordered the two troll guards, one that Matthew fought earlier and the one that was escorting him to chase after Matthew to stop him from getting closer towards himself.

The troll guards who are standing in a lower hierarchical position than the troll mage of course complied with the mage's order and started running forward with the huge bone club in his hand. While the other that had its weapon dumped by Matthew just went in with his bȧrė fist.

Seeing the huge trolls coming in from behind and in front of him, Matthew knew that breaking their legs won't be enough to stop them and he needed to do a more drastic measure to make sure that he won't be bothered by the troll guards when he was fighting the troll mage who is constantly bothering him by sending earth spikes and other simple earth constructs to hinder him.

Right after Matthew jumped a small mount of earth that was meant to trip him, he was met with the troll guard that was standing right in front of him. 

The troll raised its bone club upward and prepared to crush Matthew and with their current position, it will be quite a hard feat to dodge the near point-blank attack.

He could have used the aura gauntlets to block the troll's huge club, but the slight vibration near his feet tells him that he will be pierced by an earth spike if he stayed in place and didn't move his body.

Thinking rapidly in his mind, Matthew changed both of his solid aura gauntlets into a single solid aura blade on his right hand. 

Now that he has an enhanced aura blade that is made up of two aura blades, Matthew slashed the blade, aiming towards the troll's wrist while keeping his forward momentum and didn't stop his body from moving even for a single moment.

The enhanced aura blade slashed the troll's wrist and successfully separated the troll's hand from its arms. But he wasn't done yet.

After seeing his attack had succeeded, Matthew quickly spun his body to the right and led the momentum of his blade to keep moving.

When his body had moved away to the side of the troll, his solid aura blade soon followed after him and cut off the troll's left leg.

Unable to keep the balance of its huge body with its leg suddenly being cut off, the troll guard stumbled forward and met with the troll mage's earth spike that had just come out of the ground.

While Matthew's aura blade was very sharp and the troll guard didn't even feel one of his legs was being cut off, the earth spike from the troll mage was different. 

As it lodged itself into the troll guard's body, the rugged surface of the earth spike and the uneven pointy edge of the earth spike made the troll feel intense pain every time the earth spike penetrated deeper into his body causing the huge troll to roar in pain.

Matthew didn't even give the suffering troll a single glance as he continued to dash forward towards the troll mage that is only about 10 meters away from him.

Changing his aura blade back to the aura gauntlets, Matthew prepared himself to block the earth constructs just in case he failed to dodge them.

Matthew is certain that just one powerful jump forward is enough to close the 10 meters distance in a second. However, considering the earth constructs that liked to suddenly pop up out of nowhere, Matthew didn't want to risk running his headfirst into one, particularly if it was an earth spike, and kept on running while paying attention to the unusual vibrations in his feet.

And the result was evident as out of nowhere, the frequency of the earth constructs appearing increased and he needed to put all his focus to dodge them all.

The troll mage had made a last-ditch effort to keep Matthew off of him by summoning a surprise earth wall in front of him to make Matthew hit the wall instead of him.

But Matthew had already somehow expected the troll would be doing something, and had also come with a plan in mind.

Matthew poured the aura from his left hand towards his right hand once again, but instead of making an aura blade, Matthew put all the aura into the aura gauntlet and made an even thicker and bigger solid aura gauntlet than before.

Seeing the earth wall was beginning to rise from the ground, Matthew slammed his enhanced aura gauntlet downward as hard as he could and the earth wall was destroyed before it was even able to form.

With the obstacle gone from his way, Matthew's body crashed against the troll mage's body and they were thrown forward.

The troll mage's body was also huge but he wasn't used to feeling huge and direct physical impact towards its body, resulting in his inability to react properly. And giving Matthew the opportunity to quickly change the enhanced aura gauntlet to an enhanced aura blade before cutting the troll's hand that was holding the magic staff.

The troll mage shouted in horror when he felt one of his hands was cut off and he tried to crawl backward to move away from Matthew.

But Matthew didn't give him the chance to do that as he walked forward and stomped the troll's ċhėst down, keeping him in place while the enhanced solid aura blade was pointing straight at the troll's neck.

"I'm sure that I'm allowed to talk now right?" Matthew said while staring right into the troll mage's trembling eyes.

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