With both of his hands carefully propping the troll's huge headless body up, Matthew was trying his best to prevent the troll's body from falling onto the ground and making a loud noise so that he wouldn't be noticed by the other troll guard or anyone from inside the troll village.

'Well, that's a new one. I didn't know I could make an invisible solid aura blade by using the chameleon's aura ability.'

At first, Matthew planned to bite off the troll's neck to kill the troll while still using the chameleon's aura ability to keep his invisibility. Although Matthew knew that it was quite risky, with blood filling up the troll's neck, he wouldn't be able to scream and Matthew was confident enough in his biting strength that he would be able to tear off the troll's neck in one quick bite before using his tongue to restraint the troll's movements and prevent him from making any loud noises that could alert the troll village.

But just when he was still waiting for the troll to come biting his prepared bait, Matthew thought that he had never tried using the chameleon's aura ability to make a solid aura construct and he wanted to try creating one.

Matthew was already proficient enough in his aura control that he could even make solid aura constructs without activating aura ability at all. So when he tried manipulating his chameleon aura to gather and solidify, Matthew didn't meet with any difficulties aside from the slightly different feeling and malleability of the ordinary white aura and the invisible chameleon aura. The ordinary white aura was more rigid while the chameleon aura was more on the soft and supple side when he tried controlling them. 

It was easier to use the wolf's aura ability to create a solid aura construct as the white aura is easier to mold and stay in shape compared to the chameleon's aura that needed more intention and focus to keep it solid state. However, it wasn't a huge difference and Matthew was still able to do it.

Soon, with only a few attempts, Matthew was able to feel the invisible aura gathering on his hand and created the invisible solid aura blade.

And with that, Matthew abandoned his earlier, slightly more complicated plan and used the invisible solid aura blade instead to easily cut through the troll's neck with one powerful swing.

Matthew gently placed the troll's dead body on the ground before starting to drag it towards someplace near where he could hide the huge body so that it wouldn't be seen from the front of the deer's carcass. 

As much as Matthew wanted to eat the troll and gain the monster data as soon as possible, he knew that one troll wouldn't be enough to complete the monster data unless Matthew ate the whole troll's body including its teeth and bone which is still a hard feat for him to do. 

Even though Matthew was able to break bones into two parts or more with his biting strength that was enhanced by the second jaw joint and the crocodile's jaw muscle, chewing and eating them is a whole other business. 

Whether his stomach was even able to digest bones or not, Matthew didn't want to eat bones unless they were grounded into powders and eaten with a drink. But if there's another option, Matthew would of course choose the other option rather than doing such a thing.

This is why he is currently dragging the troll's body away from the deer carcass so that he could reuse his 'bait' to finish off the other troll. After he finished hiding the body from plain sight, Matthew then prepared himself for the second and last ambush for tonight.

The other troll guard who was walking around in the complete opposite direction is currently circling around the area trying to find out what had caused the noise earlier.

In a forest where you can find trees no matter where the direction you are going to, there's no way the troll guard would have figured out that the noise was caused by a stick that was thrown onto a tree trunk. There are many small tree branches that naturally fell onto the ground near a tree trunk and the troll wouldn't be able to differentiate a stick that had naturally fallen to the ground or the one that was purposely thrown by someone.

So after circling the area for a few times and failing to find anything, the troll guard decided that it was probably a mere coincidence and returned back to guarding the troll village entrance.

But after waiting for quite a while, the troll guard still couldn't see his other friend returning to his post. Wondering whether his friend had found something or maybe in trouble, the troll guard decided to come over and check towards the other side.

Just like the first troll, the other troll guard also walked in cautiously while observing his surroundings just in case there's a beast wanting to ambush him.

However, just the same as the first troll, when the smell of appetizing fresh blood entered his nose, the troll started to follow the trail of scent, slowly bringing his body closer towards the deer carcass.

The smell of the deer's blood masked the smell of the first troll's blood that was beheaded right in front of the deer's carcass, resulting in the other troll being unable to realize that another troll's blood was among the scattered blood that make up the fresh blood smell that wafted into his nose.

And the fact that the troll saw the fresh deer corpse in front of him was still untouched by the beasts with minimal wounds on its body made the troll want to grab the deer carcass as soon as possible and eat it whole before his other friend found out about the deer.

But just as he was about to take a bite of the deer's body, the troll finally noticed that something was wrong. Even though he was not intelligent enough to figure out the strangeness of a fresh meal suddenly appearing out of nowhere, the troll was able to remember his original intention of going into the area in the first place. He was searching for his friend.

He knew better than anyone that his friend would never miss the smell of blood that was practically guiding and telling them to come over and take a bite. The troll still hadn't realized that the deer might possibly be a trap, but he surely knew that something was wrong and he needed to tell one of the troll mages in the village about his findings.

He then stopped moving his hand that was already one step away from reaching the deer and turned back towards the village.

Matthew, who had been patiently waiting on top of a tree right above the troll's head, jumped down with the invisible solid aura blade that had already formed on his right hand, ready to slash it towards the troll's neck.

The troll heard the rattle of the tree that Matthew had jumped down from and looked upward.

But with Matthew using the chameleon's aura ability, there's no way the troll would've seen Matthew descending above him while readying his blade to swing as hard as he could.

When Matthew had almost reached the same level as the troll's head, Matthew spun his body while reaching out his solid aura blade outward.

The spinning blade moved through the air and reached the troll's neck before cutting it in the next moment.

The cut was not as clean as his first strike due to his awkward position in the air and not enough centrifugal force to drive his solid aura blade horizontally. 

But with Matthew pouring a tremendous amount of aura into his solid aura blade the last moment before it hits the troll's neck, the solid aura blade was still sharp enough to cut the troll's neck with one slash.

-Level 20 Troll Guard Killed-

Matthew wanted to do a little celebration in his mind as the acrobatic kill that he had just done was indeed worth at least a pat on his back and a good job, but he remembered that a huge headless body was about to fall to the ground and make a lot of noise. So, he put aside the celebration, canceled the solid aura blade, and hurriedly caught the troll's body, preventing it from hitting the ground.

But his job wasn't done yet as he still needed to be able to safely consume the two troll guards to achieve his goal.

It would be bad if the trolls found out that he was the one who had murdered two trolls because he was eating them not too far from their village. And eating the two huge troll bodies in one sitting is still impossible for the current Matthew. So he needed to think up something to solve this problem.

First, Matthew started eating one of the trolls so that he would only need to move the other one to safety.

'It's quite weird knowing I will be eating something that can actually exchange words and communicate with me and also a fellow demihuman but… I really need your rapid regeneration trait so… sorry… and thank you!' He thought before he started eating the troll meat which tasted rather funny and had a tough texture to chew.

Matthew spent some time eating the troll's whole body and gained what he wanted.

-Forest Troll Data Collected (68%)-

-Bionutrients Consumed-

'It would be nice if the troll's body could regenerate even after death so that I could get a complete troll monster data with only one troll. Wait no, after I think about it, it will be a whole nother level of messed up if that really happened.'

Then after Matthew finished eating the first troll, Matthew drained the other troll's blood completely dry to make it lighter, before chopping the troll's arms and feet and dumping its spine and other large bones to make it even lighter to carry.

And it was not until the next morning that the troll village had found out that they were missing 2 troll guards.

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