Reincarnated as a Dragon's Egg

Chapter 620: Second Stage

The first stage of the strategy, to draw close and apply [Death God Seed], was a success. We’re now entering the second stage. 

While flying around the origin matter at a fixed distance, I focus entirely on evasion. In my place, Aro will launch attacks.

During this stage, treant will be completely on standby.

The only attack he could use against the origin matter would be [Wind Sphere]. [Heat Ray] and his other attacks are all completely nullified by the its resistance skills. There’s no way for him to use melee skills against it, either.

However, with his magic is far too weak to deal decent damage against the origin matter with [Wind Sphere]. If he could use [Antipower] , I wouldn’t have to be as cautious of [Dimension Rend], and if he could use [Guard Lost], it would be easier to pass damage through its high defence, but unfortunately it has complete immunity to status conditions.

Aro splits into three with [Darkness Kaleidoscope] and shoots out a [Dark Spheres] in rapid succession. The spheres burst against the origin matter’s surface.



Species: Origin Matter

Condition: God of Madness

Lv: 140/140 (MAX)

HP: 3287/5524

MP: 6342/6535


While dodging a storm of [Dark Rays], I check the origin matter’s status. I was worried about its high defence, and its maxed out magical resistance, but it seems Aro’s [Dark Spheres] are still doing over four hundred damage with each shot. This is good, it’s enough to force it to use [Autoregeneration] and burn through its MP.

I already know the origin matter’s attack patterns this time, so I can deal with it calmly. In addition, because I’m not also trying to attack at the same time, I'm able to dodge the [Dark Rays]. A storm of [Dark Rays] passes by right behind my tail.

I could get hit badly the moment I lose focus, but I’m managing to dodge without issue for now.

The origin matter begins to float around irregularly, clearly disliking the barrage of [Dark Spheres]. A few of the [Dark Spheres] miss, skimming past it.

“Dragon-god-sama… Could you fly a little closer?”

Aro asks, her voice strained.

『…Sure, will do.』

If we can’t reduce its MP now, it’ll come back to hurt us later. Since I can’t avoid the [Big Bang], I want to reduce its MP by as much as possible before and after it uses it.

I circle closer. Suddenly, the pattern on its surface shifts. The barrage of [Dark Rays] becomes slightly thinner. This is the sign it’s about to use [Dimension Rend].

『I’m diving!』

I point my head down and dive at an almost vertical. The space right above me tears.

『Great! I managed to dodge!』

I gently raise my altitude again and send a [Dimension Claw] at the origin matter. Whenever the origin matter uses [Dimension Rend], the amount of [Dark Rays] decreases slightly. It’s relatively easier for me to attack safely when this happens. A line carves through the origin matter’s black surface from my attack.

It’s a bit scary, but this is going well

『I’m going to pull away to get my balance back, then slowly spiral closer! Until we’re close enough, hold back on [Dark Sphere]!』


The three Aro’s reply together.

I fly away while avoiding a storm of [Dark Rays], then regain my posture before calmly closing the distance again. Aro’s [Dark Spheres] begin bursting against the origin matter again.

This is working… We’re wearing it down effectively. It’s helps a lot know all of its skills and can dodge for Aro and treant.

Of course, because I’m prioritising evasion, the amount of damage we’re dealing isn’t incredible. A single mistake could easily overturn our advantage. We’re creating as much of an advantage as possible now, so that I’ll be able to burst it down when we enter the third and final stage.

So far, things are going to plan.

『…What’s that striped pattern mean…?』

Just as the barrage of [Dark Rays] gets thinner, the lines on its surface start shifting between different patterns. I'm pretty sure I've seen all its skills, but I don’t know what this one could be. I begin flying away as a precaution.

Then, a [Dimension Rend] cuts by my side, scratching my right shoulder. My altitude drops slightly as I lose balance.

『Cheh! I failed to dodge!』

If I knew it was just another [Dimension Rend], I would have dived down to dodge. [Dimension Rend] ignores distance, so backing away slightly doesn’t help against it.

Next, an attack cuts through the space right above my head. It’s using repeated [Dimension Rends] now! Unlike the efficient [Dark Ray], the origin matter's [Dimension Rends] are weaker as they rely on its attack stat, and the MP cost is quite a bit higher. But it seems the constant [Dark Spheres] have made it angry.

Another [Dimension Rend] should be coming soon. They're a bit thinner, but the barrage of [Dark Rays] isn't letting up, and is limiting my possible movements.

What makes it worse is that the origin matter is just a sphere, so there’s no way for me to see where it could be aiming with [Dimension Rend]. If I make a mistake when dodging, it could hit Aro or treant. Aro could probably take a hit, but she’d be forced off me, which would make our situation a lot worse.

In this position… I’ve no choice but to receive it head on. If I resolve to receive the attack directly, I should be able to avoid letting Aro and treant be hit. Also, by bracing myself for the hit, I should be able to avoid the worst case scenario of being hit by [Dark Ray] right as my balance is broken by [Dimension Rend].

I hold my chest out. The [Dimension Rend] cuts from my chin to my abdomen. Immediately after, a [Dark Ray] flies towards me. I fly to the side, but fail to dodge completely. It tears through my side, blasting through scales and muscle.


『I’m okay! This isn’t too much damage!』

I’m only glad the [Dark Ray] wasn’t a direct hit. I immediately dive diagonally down, using [Autoregeneration] and [High Rest] to heal HP and recover my wounds.

I’m glad I’m fighting it in the air. Even if I take a direct hit and lose my balance, I can use my weight to fall and move away from where I was hit. That would be impossible on the ground.

It also helps that there’s a lot more directions in which I can dodge compared to on the ground. I’ve no choice but to avoid the fast-moving [Dark Rays] while also predicting the [Dimension Rends]. If this fight was on the ground, dodging the origin matters attacks would undoubtedly be much harder.

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