Reincarnated as a Fallen Angel
62 A Unexpected Turn of Events
Waiting around in Arita's study Yumi took a few deep breaths nervously to see her father and to actually meet a God in person. 'I pray to you Nyx, please come soon I am going crazy in anticipation of getting to see my father again. I would also like to thank you for giving me this opportunity and giving me such a gift.. ' Yumi prayed silently to herself in hopes Nyx would hear her and come faster.
"You do not have to be so nervous, your father is alive and still adjusting to being brought back to life. " Alice said while taking a seat next to her.
"I know.. I will also be meeting a God in person. I don't know if there has ever been a time where someone other than one of the God's Apostles were able to meet their God.. What if she doesn't like me and never lets me see him again? " Yumi asked, starting to panic.
"Don't worry, I promise that will not happen! " Alice said, taking her hand to help calm her down.
Suddenly the Study went completely dark and Yumi could no longer see anything, "Alice? Are you doing this? " Yumi asked, trying her best not to panic any more than she already was.
"Fear not child I am just bringing you safely to the Realm of the Gods. " Nyx said, pulling them out of the void and into the dinning room where Arita was patiently waiting near the doors.
Seeing her father Yumi ran past Nyx and gave him a tight hug, "I miss you so much. "
"I miss you as well my daughter.. " Arita struggled to say since he was still not completely ready to have a conversation with anyone.
"Daddy.. What is wrong? Why do you seem like you're in pain??? " Yumi asked in a worried voice.
"Arita has just been brought back to life and is still not ready to hold much of a conversation but Alice insisted that you see him as soon as possible. " Nyx replied, taking a seat at the table motioning for Arita to sit as well.
Taking a seat next to her father Yumi felt her heart almost stop as she realized she had not even greeted Nyx yet let alone acknowledged her existence.
Seeing what was worrying Yumi written all over her face Nyx spoke up, "Do not worry about not paying me proper respects you are my daughter's closest friend and you are able to see the father you thought was gone forever not long ago. I will let it slide this time but I expect you to treat me as your God still, you would do well to remember that in the future. "
Nodding her head slowly Yumi scooted her chair back and got on her knees and bowed before Nyx unsure what exactly she should do next.
"You do not have to bow before me, a simple hello and thank you will be enough. " Nyx said, wondering just what the people in the mortal realm thought it was they should do when meeting a God.
"Thank you so much.. From the bottom of my heart I swear I will worship you until the day I die. " Yumi said before getting up and sitting quietly next to Arita.
"So Alice I hear that the Kingdom which you live in will be holding a festival to honor you and Arita. How does it feel to be a hero? " Nyx asked with a smile proud her daughter was already gaining the support of the mortals.
"It feels… Wrong in a way. I lost my temper and I brutally killed the Demons without a second thought, so many more people deserve to be honored than I do. " Alice said, trying to resist the temptation to take a slice of cake sitting close to her on the table.
"Just take a slice and stop eyeballing it. It is food for your belly not your eyes Alice, the same goes for you and your father Yumi. Eat as much as you want and enjoy the time you have with your father. You only have a few more minutes before I have to send you back. " Nyx said leaning back in her chair.
Not needing to hear it a second time Alice and Yumi both grabbed some of the sweets on the table and enjoyed the heavenly taste.
"Will my father be able to talk more next time I am able to see him? " Yumi asked, trying not to look at Nyx directly not knowing if it was allowed.
"Ye- I swear I will send you back right now if you do not look at me when you speak to me. Do I need to pay a visit to the mortal world and correct some of these notions you seem to have on how to treat a God? " Nyx said under her breath.
"Look I brought you here as my daughter's friend not as a follower, yes you should show me respect but you do not need to be so scared in front of me. You will treat me as you would a queen you are close with nothing more. " Nyx said, leaning closer to Yumi to look her in the eyes.
"Yes ma'am… I mean your high… What should I address you as… " Yumi asked, feeling like her heart was about to burst out of her chest.
"I have a name. Call me Nyx like everyone else in the world. Now try to relax and spend some time with your father. Alice come with me. I wish to talk with you about some things. "
Nodding her head Alice happily followed Nyx into a surprisingly well lit room, "What do you want to talk about mom? "
"I started thinking while talking with Yumi that I want to attend the festival, after all my daughter is the one being honored. I want to be there for you. " Nyx said, taking a seat on a sofa in the middle of the room.
"Can a God do that? " Alice asked curiously, wondering just how much of a shock it would be to everyone there.
"I cannot interfere with another God's creation, I can however come see my daughter in the Mortal realm. Do you not want me to come? " Nyx questioned.
"I would love it if you came, but I don't know how the people will react when they see you. " Alice replied honestly.
"Well I have decided that I will be going, I know you have the ability to freely talk with the King if you wish. Just give him a notice I will be making an appearance and everything will be fine. " Nyx said with a smile.
"I will be sure to do that when we get back home, " Alice said trying to think of just how Mark will react with this kind of news. His Kingdom is about to make history and it will be during a festival.
"Well it is about time I sent you and Yumi back, I will let you know when Yumi can come back. I have established a connection with her since she has prayed to me so i will be able to tell her as well. " Nyx said, snapping her fingers and instantly transporting the two girls back to the Estate.
"Thank you so much Alice.. What did you and Nyx talk about? " Yumi asked clearly in a significantly better mood than she was before.
"Ah well let's go see the King I will tell you both at the same time.. " Alice said not wanting to be alone when she tells the King that a God will be showing up to the Festival tomorrow.
Arriving at the castle both Alice and Yumi walked casually into the war room which was being used by many of the business people to finish up planning the festival for tomorrow.
"What brings you girls here at this time of night? " King Mark said, walking over to greet them.
"Well I think it would be better if we talked alone. " Alice said with a smile.
"Do you all mind giving me and the girls a moment alone? " The King asked, clearing out the room with his question.
"So what is it you need to tell me away from the ears of others? " King Marked asked curiously.
"I was just with Nyx and well she informed me she wishes to come to the festival to see me tomorrow. " Alice said quickly, trying to avoid any interruptions when he heard what she had just said.
"Tha- This is a joke right? A Goddess plans to come to our realm to participate in our festival? " The King said trying to keep his cool believing she was just trying to lighten the mood to tell him something bad.
"It isn't a joke.. Nyx will be coming tomorrow.. " Alice said seeing his face go from a nice tan to almost completely white.
Hearing what Alice said he slowly walked over to the wall and took a seat in case he passed out from shock. "You mean to tell Nyx herself will be here in my Kingdom tomorrow?.. "
"Yes she asked me to inform you so you could plan it out. I am sure it will cause quite the scene when she shows up. " Alice said not even realizing Yumi was also stunned into being speechless.
"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAN FOR A GODDESS VISIT IN LESS THAN A DAY??? " The King shouted in a panic causing the door to crash open with all the business people crashing onto the floor.
"We gotta go! Good luck! " Alice said, taking Yumi's hand and taking her through the shadows back to the Estate.
"You do not have to be so nervous, your father is alive and still adjusting to being brought back to life. " Alice said while taking a seat next to her.
"I know.. I will also be meeting a God in person. I don't know if there has ever been a time where someone other than one of the God's Apostles were able to meet their God.. What if she doesn't like me and never lets me see him again? " Yumi asked, starting to panic.
"Don't worry, I promise that will not happen! " Alice said, taking her hand to help calm her down.
Suddenly the Study went completely dark and Yumi could no longer see anything, "Alice? Are you doing this? " Yumi asked, trying her best not to panic any more than she already was.
"Fear not child I am just bringing you safely to the Realm of the Gods. " Nyx said, pulling them out of the void and into the dinning room where Arita was patiently waiting near the doors.
Seeing her father Yumi ran past Nyx and gave him a tight hug, "I miss you so much. "
"I miss you as well my daughter.. " Arita struggled to say since he was still not completely ready to have a conversation with anyone.
"Daddy.. What is wrong? Why do you seem like you're in pain??? " Yumi asked in a worried voice.
"Arita has just been brought back to life and is still not ready to hold much of a conversation but Alice insisted that you see him as soon as possible. " Nyx replied, taking a seat at the table motioning for Arita to sit as well.
Taking a seat next to her father Yumi felt her heart almost stop as she realized she had not even greeted Nyx yet let alone acknowledged her existence.
Seeing what was worrying Yumi written all over her face Nyx spoke up, "Do not worry about not paying me proper respects you are my daughter's closest friend and you are able to see the father you thought was gone forever not long ago. I will let it slide this time but I expect you to treat me as your God still, you would do well to remember that in the future. "
Nodding her head slowly Yumi scooted her chair back and got on her knees and bowed before Nyx unsure what exactly she should do next.
"You do not have to bow before me, a simple hello and thank you will be enough. " Nyx said, wondering just what the people in the mortal realm thought it was they should do when meeting a God.
"Thank you so much.. From the bottom of my heart I swear I will worship you until the day I die. " Yumi said before getting up and sitting quietly next to Arita.
"So Alice I hear that the Kingdom which you live in will be holding a festival to honor you and Arita. How does it feel to be a hero? " Nyx asked with a smile proud her daughter was already gaining the support of the mortals.
"It feels… Wrong in a way. I lost my temper and I brutally killed the Demons without a second thought, so many more people deserve to be honored than I do. " Alice said, trying to resist the temptation to take a slice of cake sitting close to her on the table.
"Just take a slice and stop eyeballing it. It is food for your belly not your eyes Alice, the same goes for you and your father Yumi. Eat as much as you want and enjoy the time you have with your father. You only have a few more minutes before I have to send you back. " Nyx said leaning back in her chair.
Not needing to hear it a second time Alice and Yumi both grabbed some of the sweets on the table and enjoyed the heavenly taste.
"Will my father be able to talk more next time I am able to see him? " Yumi asked, trying not to look at Nyx directly not knowing if it was allowed.
"Ye- I swear I will send you back right now if you do not look at me when you speak to me. Do I need to pay a visit to the mortal world and correct some of these notions you seem to have on how to treat a God? " Nyx said under her breath.
"Look I brought you here as my daughter's friend not as a follower, yes you should show me respect but you do not need to be so scared in front of me. You will treat me as you would a queen you are close with nothing more. " Nyx said, leaning closer to Yumi to look her in the eyes.
"Yes ma'am… I mean your high… What should I address you as… " Yumi asked, feeling like her heart was about to burst out of her chest.
"I have a name. Call me Nyx like everyone else in the world. Now try to relax and spend some time with your father. Alice come with me. I wish to talk with you about some things. "
Nodding her head Alice happily followed Nyx into a surprisingly well lit room, "What do you want to talk about mom? "
"I started thinking while talking with Yumi that I want to attend the festival, after all my daughter is the one being honored. I want to be there for you. " Nyx said, taking a seat on a sofa in the middle of the room.
"Can a God do that? " Alice asked curiously, wondering just how much of a shock it would be to everyone there.
"I cannot interfere with another God's creation, I can however come see my daughter in the Mortal realm. Do you not want me to come? " Nyx questioned.
"I would love it if you came, but I don't know how the people will react when they see you. " Alice replied honestly.
"Well I have decided that I will be going, I know you have the ability to freely talk with the King if you wish. Just give him a notice I will be making an appearance and everything will be fine. " Nyx said with a smile.
"I will be sure to do that when we get back home, " Alice said trying to think of just how Mark will react with this kind of news. His Kingdom is about to make history and it will be during a festival.
"Well it is about time I sent you and Yumi back, I will let you know when Yumi can come back. I have established a connection with her since she has prayed to me so i will be able to tell her as well. " Nyx said, snapping her fingers and instantly transporting the two girls back to the Estate.
"Thank you so much Alice.. What did you and Nyx talk about? " Yumi asked clearly in a significantly better mood than she was before.
"Ah well let's go see the King I will tell you both at the same time.. " Alice said not wanting to be alone when she tells the King that a God will be showing up to the Festival tomorrow.
Arriving at the castle both Alice and Yumi walked casually into the war room which was being used by many of the business people to finish up planning the festival for tomorrow.
"What brings you girls here at this time of night? " King Mark said, walking over to greet them.
"Well I think it would be better if we talked alone. " Alice said with a smile.
"Do you all mind giving me and the girls a moment alone? " The King asked, clearing out the room with his question.
"So what is it you need to tell me away from the ears of others? " King Marked asked curiously.
"I was just with Nyx and well she informed me she wishes to come to the festival to see me tomorrow. " Alice said quickly, trying to avoid any interruptions when he heard what she had just said.
"Tha- This is a joke right? A Goddess plans to come to our realm to participate in our festival? " The King said trying to keep his cool believing she was just trying to lighten the mood to tell him something bad.
"It isn't a joke.. Nyx will be coming tomorrow.. " Alice said seeing his face go from a nice tan to almost completely white.
Hearing what Alice said he slowly walked over to the wall and took a seat in case he passed out from shock. "You mean to tell Nyx herself will be here in my Kingdom tomorrow?.. "
"Yes she asked me to inform you so you could plan it out. I am sure it will cause quite the scene when she shows up. " Alice said not even realizing Yumi was also stunned into being speechless.
"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAN FOR A GODDESS VISIT IN LESS THAN A DAY??? " The King shouted in a panic causing the door to crash open with all the business people crashing onto the floor.
"We gotta go! Good luck! " Alice said, taking Yumi's hand and taking her through the shadows back to the Estate.
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