Reincarnated as a Fallen Angel
76 Sora's Tes
Having made their way to the Mages Guild Alice was barely surprised to see how grand the building looked. The building itself was made from white brick and had the Guild's flag draped over the front while the top of the building was shaped to a point with a metal rod sticking out of it.
"What is with the rod at the top? " Alice asked curiously.
"That is so the researchers at the guild can draw power from lightning strikes to help them further develop more advanced spells, or so i'm told. " Joey replied as they made their way into the overly decorated lobby where people in White robes walked around and chatted with each other.
"Is there anything I can help you with today? " A elderly woman dressed in a blue robe asked while walking up to them.
"Ah yes, we are here to have my daughter get her elemental tests done. Where do we sign her up? " Alan asked as politely as he could.
"I can take you to register but are you sure you have the fee that is required to test a child? " She asked, not hiding the fact she was judging how they looked wearing worn down armor and cheap weapons.
"We have the money. " Alan replied, pulling out the golden coin.
"Follow me, but so you know if it is found out that you obtained the money in illegal ways our guild will come after you and your family. " She replied, leading the way for them.
"No need to be such a bitch.. " Alice said under her breath not liking how rudely she was treating her new friends.
"Excuse me? " The woman said, turning to face Alice.
"I said there is no need to be so rude to people who are here to have their child tested. " Alice said, taking a step closer to her.
"You have no right to speak with me this way. I will explain things for you since you seem to accompany such people and do not know any better. White robes are people with one element and the lowest ranked members in our Guild. Blue robes like myself have two elements and are higher ranked here in the kingdom not just in the Guild here. I would watch your mouth if I was you little girl. " The lady sneared.
"Oh? I guess Mages Guild ranks go based on how many elements you can control here? That would make me your superior. You should watch your own mouth. " Alice replied, getting annoyed with the arrogant elderly women.
"Hahahaha! That is funny, do you know how rare it is to have more than two elements little girl? That is not a lie you can just go around telling people. " The woman laughed thinking Alice was trying to gain ground on her through a lie.
"What is happening here Karen? " Another man in a blue robe said, walking over after hearing the dispute between her and Alice.
"This girl here thinks that she has three elements and even dares to call herself my superior. " Karen replied, still smiling.
"My name is Wayne, would you mind showing me your elements? I will apologize for my colleague after seeing you are indeed who you say you are. " Wayne said politely.
Seeing Alice grin at the challenge Alan pulled his daughter closer to him not knowing exactly what to expect from Alice at this point.
Causing the wind around her to swirl around her Alice slowly lifted off the ground as she created a fire in one hand and pulled her scythe out of her inventory with the other. "Ready for your proof? "
Finishing her question Alice she infused the Light element into her weapon causing a blinding light and disappearing from the room all together once the light went away.
"Where did Alice go daddy? " Sora asked, looking around looking for her.
Coming out of the woman's shadow behind her, "Boo " She whispered in her ear causing Karen to jump forward and then released her mana's pressure to show off a little.
"WHO DARES CAUSE TROUBLE IN MY GUILD!?!?!? " A slim man with pointed ears ran out of one of the rooms carrying a staff with a red gem at the top ready to attack.
Falling on her ass Karen looked at Alice with fear, "Im.. sorry.. "
"I am sorry as well miss Alice it was. " Wayne said with a small bow of his head remembering what Sora called her.
"DAMNIT DONT IGNORE ME! " The Guild master said, rushing over to them red in the face.
"That was not our intention Xan, I am pleased to tell you that a special person has graced us with a visit today. " Wayne said politely, trying to calm Xan down.
"Your employee is very rude. We are only here to get this child her elemental test. " Alice said, walking over to them not wanting to waste the momentum she just created.
"Xan! I am so sorry i didn't know she was serious! " Karen yelled out, not wanting to be kicked from her position in the guild.
"Quiet woman! Someone just explain to me what in the hell is going on here! " Xan replied, still annoyed.
"This young lady is here to get her sister a test I assume, Karen was a bit rude seeing how they were dressed which caused Alice here to challenge her authority. Karen decided to issue a challenge of her own which caused Alice to prove that she did indeed have four elements. " Wayne replied.
"Are you crazy!? There is no way someone has four elements and I do not know about it! " Xan replied before going quiet, realizing Wayne just told him that the little girl had just proven how many elements she could control.
"I can give another demonstration if you wish? " Alice replied.
"Alice is really strong isn't she daddy? " Sora said looking at Alice with admiration.
"Yes baby girl just be quiet for now. " Alan said, patting her head feeling out of place in the current situation.
"That will not be necessary.. Through the shock of hearing four elements and you having proved yourself I somehow managed to embarrass myself. I apologize for that, My name is Xan, what brings you to my guild today? " Xan asked almost changing personalities on the spot.
"Ahem, to get the little girl there tested… " Wayne said, wondering just how scatterbrained the Guild Master could be.
"I can take your group and personally test the little girl myself! I hope this will soothe any misunderstandings you may have with my employee. " Xan said, handing his staff to Wayne to hold as Alice and her group followed Xan into his office.
Grabbing some crystal balls off the shelf in his office and setting them on his desk Xan sat in his chair and faced them. "Each of these balls represent the most common elements, I can offer these tests for free today however if you wish to have her tested for the more rare of elements I will have to charge since the crystals are difficult to obtain. "
"Bring them all out I will pay for the whole test. " Alice said sitting on one of the chairs close by and crossing her legs.
"I am afraid that it would be impossible to test her for everything right now since we do not have any nature, or shadow element crystals right now.. However I will gladly grab the others so please give me a moment. " Xan said, opening a hidden door behind his book shelf in the office and leaving them alone in the office.
"Alice I can't let you pay for that kind of test! " Alan said looking worried.
"I am paying because I want to do so. Sora, do you want to test on all of them? " Alice asked with a smile.
"Yeah! " Sora said, happy to get a say in what was happening.
"There you go, it will make Sora happy. " Alice replied to Alan with a smile knowing he couldn't say no anymore with his daughter's happiness on the line.
"Fine.. " Alan replied defeated.
Bringing a few more balls and setting them on his table Xan sat back down and looked to Sora, "Okay all you have to do is place your right hand on a ball and close your eyes, if nothing happens we can just move to another ball so do not get upset okay. "
"Okayyyy " Sora said, walking over to one of the crystals and closing her eyes after placing her hand on it.
Grabbing the first crystal nothing happened so Xan helped to move her hand to the next one in line. After repeating this process Alice was able to see a tear fall along the side of her face.
"Don't be upset Sora just keep calm and believe in yourself. " Alice whispered, kneeling down next to her to cheer Sora on.
Moving over to the next ball it lights up brightly causing Sora's hair to sway around, "It looks like she has the Wind Element. Hearing Xans words Sora smiled happily knowing she was just like Alice, moving along the other balls the test ended with Sora only having the one element.
"Congratulations Sora, you have the Wind element and as part of the payment you are allowed to have a teacher for the first year. However you must move here to the kingdom in order for us to train you. Alice, would you mind staying behind? I wish to talk with you. " Xan said as Alice gave him the fee for the test.
"Sorry, we have to go to the church so that Sora can get her first blessing. If I have time I will come back and speak with you. " Alice replied as they left his office to go to the church.
Humming as she walked holding Alice's hand Sora looked very happy with the results of her test.
"Thank you again Alice, you really didn't have to pay for all of that. Here you can take your money back since we didn't end up getting to use it. " Alan said as they walked to the churches.
"Keep the money, as long as Sora is happy I am happy. " Alice said as the churches came into view.
'I wonder if I can get mom to help Sora out some.. ' Alice thought to herself as they came into view of Nyx's church.
'Mom are you there? '
"What is with the rod at the top? " Alice asked curiously.
"That is so the researchers at the guild can draw power from lightning strikes to help them further develop more advanced spells, or so i'm told. " Joey replied as they made their way into the overly decorated lobby where people in White robes walked around and chatted with each other.
"Is there anything I can help you with today? " A elderly woman dressed in a blue robe asked while walking up to them.
"Ah yes, we are here to have my daughter get her elemental tests done. Where do we sign her up? " Alan asked as politely as he could.
"I can take you to register but are you sure you have the fee that is required to test a child? " She asked, not hiding the fact she was judging how they looked wearing worn down armor and cheap weapons.
"We have the money. " Alan replied, pulling out the golden coin.
"Follow me, but so you know if it is found out that you obtained the money in illegal ways our guild will come after you and your family. " She replied, leading the way for them.
"No need to be such a bitch.. " Alice said under her breath not liking how rudely she was treating her new friends.
"Excuse me? " The woman said, turning to face Alice.
"I said there is no need to be so rude to people who are here to have their child tested. " Alice said, taking a step closer to her.
"You have no right to speak with me this way. I will explain things for you since you seem to accompany such people and do not know any better. White robes are people with one element and the lowest ranked members in our Guild. Blue robes like myself have two elements and are higher ranked here in the kingdom not just in the Guild here. I would watch your mouth if I was you little girl. " The lady sneared.
"Oh? I guess Mages Guild ranks go based on how many elements you can control here? That would make me your superior. You should watch your own mouth. " Alice replied, getting annoyed with the arrogant elderly women.
"Hahahaha! That is funny, do you know how rare it is to have more than two elements little girl? That is not a lie you can just go around telling people. " The woman laughed thinking Alice was trying to gain ground on her through a lie.
"What is happening here Karen? " Another man in a blue robe said, walking over after hearing the dispute between her and Alice.
"This girl here thinks that she has three elements and even dares to call herself my superior. " Karen replied, still smiling.
"My name is Wayne, would you mind showing me your elements? I will apologize for my colleague after seeing you are indeed who you say you are. " Wayne said politely.
Seeing Alice grin at the challenge Alan pulled his daughter closer to him not knowing exactly what to expect from Alice at this point.
Causing the wind around her to swirl around her Alice slowly lifted off the ground as she created a fire in one hand and pulled her scythe out of her inventory with the other. "Ready for your proof? "
Finishing her question Alice she infused the Light element into her weapon causing a blinding light and disappearing from the room all together once the light went away.
"Where did Alice go daddy? " Sora asked, looking around looking for her.
Coming out of the woman's shadow behind her, "Boo " She whispered in her ear causing Karen to jump forward and then released her mana's pressure to show off a little.
"WHO DARES CAUSE TROUBLE IN MY GUILD!?!?!? " A slim man with pointed ears ran out of one of the rooms carrying a staff with a red gem at the top ready to attack.
Falling on her ass Karen looked at Alice with fear, "Im.. sorry.. "
"I am sorry as well miss Alice it was. " Wayne said with a small bow of his head remembering what Sora called her.
"DAMNIT DONT IGNORE ME! " The Guild master said, rushing over to them red in the face.
"That was not our intention Xan, I am pleased to tell you that a special person has graced us with a visit today. " Wayne said politely, trying to calm Xan down.
"Your employee is very rude. We are only here to get this child her elemental test. " Alice said, walking over to them not wanting to waste the momentum she just created.
"Xan! I am so sorry i didn't know she was serious! " Karen yelled out, not wanting to be kicked from her position in the guild.
"Quiet woman! Someone just explain to me what in the hell is going on here! " Xan replied, still annoyed.
"This young lady is here to get her sister a test I assume, Karen was a bit rude seeing how they were dressed which caused Alice here to challenge her authority. Karen decided to issue a challenge of her own which caused Alice to prove that she did indeed have four elements. " Wayne replied.
"Are you crazy!? There is no way someone has four elements and I do not know about it! " Xan replied before going quiet, realizing Wayne just told him that the little girl had just proven how many elements she could control.
"I can give another demonstration if you wish? " Alice replied.
"Alice is really strong isn't she daddy? " Sora said looking at Alice with admiration.
"Yes baby girl just be quiet for now. " Alan said, patting her head feeling out of place in the current situation.
"That will not be necessary.. Through the shock of hearing four elements and you having proved yourself I somehow managed to embarrass myself. I apologize for that, My name is Xan, what brings you to my guild today? " Xan asked almost changing personalities on the spot.
"Ahem, to get the little girl there tested… " Wayne said, wondering just how scatterbrained the Guild Master could be.
"I can take your group and personally test the little girl myself! I hope this will soothe any misunderstandings you may have with my employee. " Xan said, handing his staff to Wayne to hold as Alice and her group followed Xan into his office.
Grabbing some crystal balls off the shelf in his office and setting them on his desk Xan sat in his chair and faced them. "Each of these balls represent the most common elements, I can offer these tests for free today however if you wish to have her tested for the more rare of elements I will have to charge since the crystals are difficult to obtain. "
"Bring them all out I will pay for the whole test. " Alice said sitting on one of the chairs close by and crossing her legs.
"I am afraid that it would be impossible to test her for everything right now since we do not have any nature, or shadow element crystals right now.. However I will gladly grab the others so please give me a moment. " Xan said, opening a hidden door behind his book shelf in the office and leaving them alone in the office.
"Alice I can't let you pay for that kind of test! " Alan said looking worried.
"I am paying because I want to do so. Sora, do you want to test on all of them? " Alice asked with a smile.
"Yeah! " Sora said, happy to get a say in what was happening.
"There you go, it will make Sora happy. " Alice replied to Alan with a smile knowing he couldn't say no anymore with his daughter's happiness on the line.
"Fine.. " Alan replied defeated.
Bringing a few more balls and setting them on his table Xan sat back down and looked to Sora, "Okay all you have to do is place your right hand on a ball and close your eyes, if nothing happens we can just move to another ball so do not get upset okay. "
"Okayyyy " Sora said, walking over to one of the crystals and closing her eyes after placing her hand on it.
Grabbing the first crystal nothing happened so Xan helped to move her hand to the next one in line. After repeating this process Alice was able to see a tear fall along the side of her face.
"Don't be upset Sora just keep calm and believe in yourself. " Alice whispered, kneeling down next to her to cheer Sora on.
Moving over to the next ball it lights up brightly causing Sora's hair to sway around, "It looks like she has the Wind Element. Hearing Xans words Sora smiled happily knowing she was just like Alice, moving along the other balls the test ended with Sora only having the one element.
"Congratulations Sora, you have the Wind element and as part of the payment you are allowed to have a teacher for the first year. However you must move here to the kingdom in order for us to train you. Alice, would you mind staying behind? I wish to talk with you. " Xan said as Alice gave him the fee for the test.
"Sorry, we have to go to the church so that Sora can get her first blessing. If I have time I will come back and speak with you. " Alice replied as they left his office to go to the church.
Humming as she walked holding Alice's hand Sora looked very happy with the results of her test.
"Thank you again Alice, you really didn't have to pay for all of that. Here you can take your money back since we didn't end up getting to use it. " Alan said as they walked to the churches.
"Keep the money, as long as Sora is happy I am happy. " Alice said as the churches came into view.
'I wonder if I can get mom to help Sora out some.. ' Alice thought to herself as they came into view of Nyx's church.
'Mom are you there? '
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