Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 121: The unique magic of the elves. (Additional update, please read on)


The knife-wielding man laughed at Edward fiercely.

"Don't laugh at meow."

Accompanied by a crisp voice, a charming figure slowly walked over.

It was a beautiful woman.

But she had a pair of cat ears on her head, her tail swayed around, her paws were placed at the corners of her mouth, she looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Ye Yan.

"Looking at this situation, that goblin is something meow."

"Otherwise, how could our Mr. Edward be killed by a goblin?"

The knife-wielding man said, looking at Edward and laughing heartily.


"Really? Isn't he a waste?"

The man with glasses walked slowly.

With a proud face, he was very disdainful of Edward.

Seeing the person coming, Edward, who had just escaped from death, relaxed a lot.

Shadow Black Cat, Irene, Wandering Knight, Wood, Fiery Magician, Harley.

All three are gold-level adventurers.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to fail.


"What did you say?!"

Suddenly Edward reacted and looked at the angry, struggling, wanting to beat this guy up.

What he hated most in his life was the arrogant faces of these magicians.

Relying on their own unique magic talent, they always looked down on non-magicians.

Look down on this, look down on that!


Harley pushed his glasses and looked at Edward with disdain.

"Did I say something wrong? You still have the face to shout after being defeated by a low-level monster goblin?"

As he said, Harley went up and stroked the vines that bound Edward and mocked:

"I didn't expect that Edward, known as the "tyrant sword", can't even break free from this kind of vine now?"

Hearing Harley's words, the other two gold-level adventurers showed a trace of doubt on their faces.

Yes, how could this be?

Just when they were about to look back.

Suddenly, Harley's shocked voice came.

"This, this is?"

"How is it possible?!"

Harley's voice was full of disbelief, as if he had discovered the most ridiculous scene in the world.

"What's wrong?"

Erin and Wood looked back at Harley with wide eyes.

Harley didn't speak, but muttered something.

The next moment, flames came out of his hands.

Instantly, the vines were burned.

Seeing that it was so easy to destroy, Wood looked at Edward and couldn't help but tease.

"Oh, isn't this easy to break--"

Wood was shocked by the scene in front of him that overturned his common sense before he finished speaking.

I saw that the vines that were burned on the fire actually began to gradually devour the magic factors in the flames, and even the magic in the air, recovering themselves and spreading towards the flames.

"What's going on?"

"Why is there such magic?"

Wood raised his sword and looked at the vines spreading towards them with caution.

"That's because this is not magic"

Harley's face was gloomy and he raised his hand.


The next moment, Harley increased his magic output, and the fire suddenly became bigger, destroying the vines in an instant.

"Isn't it magic?"

Irene put her finger on the tiger's fang and turned her head in confusion.

"That's right"

Edward patted his body and looked at Harley with a hint of pride.

"This is an elf sorcerer, a miracle that you magicians can't ask for"

"Sure enough"

Hearing Edward's affirmation, Harley closed his eyes with a gloomy face.

"Sure enough, it's an elf spell?!"


"How can a goblin use an elf spell!"

"What is that?"

Wood scratched his head, looking indifferent.

Irene also waved her hand to show that she didn't understand.

In fact, it's normal for them not to know.

This kind of thing has rarely appeared in this world because the nobles on the elf side have always stayed in the elf kingdom.

And he is a magician, and he can't avoid this thing in many courses, so he will understand it.

But it's impossible for a magician to be bored and spread this kind of thing everywhere.

After all, the elf spell is a dimensionality reduction blow to magic.

No one would be so bored as to belittle their profession in front of outsiders.

Thinking of this, Harley looked at Edward.

"Ha, how is it, how are you feeling?"

Seeing Harley looking at him, Edward raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile.

"How is it?"

Harley looked unhappy.

"I will prove that magic is not worse than the elf spell!"

"And a goblin?"


Harley looked at Edward and gritted his teeth.

"So, what is the elf spell, cat!"

Irene was very dissatisfied, with her hands on her waist, puffed her mouth, and looked angrily at the two people in front of her who had been talking to themselves.


Edward looked at Harley and laughed.

But when his eyes fell on Ye Yan, who had been looking for an opportunity not far away, his face suddenly became ugly and explained:

"The elf spell is different from magic. The spell can also be called another kind of miracle"

"What is the difference between the two?"

Wood didn't understand.

"They are all miracles, aren't they the same?"

"The difference is huge."

At this point, Edward's eyes flashed with deep jealousy.

"Magic is a miracle that is released through the gods in the sky using one's own magic power."

"As for the Elven Technique, it is a type of magic that is released with the help of the surrounding elemental elves."

"Different from magic that uses its own magic power, elf spells can basically be said to have zero consumption."

"Furthermore, the power of this elf spell is not determined by magic power."

"Rather, it is determined by the corresponding elemental elves and the magic factors in the air."

"As you saw just now, the vines just absorbed the magic factors in the air, and even the magic in magic!"

"so good?"

Even Wood, who doesn't understand magic, knows what this concept is.

No consumption!

That is to say, it can be released continuously and absorb the magic power in the air?

This is simply cheating.


Eileen hesitated for a moment and then said:

"If you are so powerful, why haven't you heard of humans learning elven magic?"


Hearing this, Edward cast a mocking look at Harley.

"Isn't this nonsense?"

"This is of course because humans cannot learn at all."

"Not just humans, other races can't learn it either."

"Elf magic, Elf magic, why is there an elf in front?"

"Of course it's because this kind of elven magic is a unique talent of the elves."

"Because, only with the approval of the elemental elves can you use elven magic."

"But the elemental elves only recognize elves."

"Isn't this just unsolvable?"

Erin spoke hesitantly.

"That's right."

Harley was silent for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally nodded:

"There is no solution at all!"

"Then, why can goblins use elven magic?"

Wood asked curiously.

"Isn't it just elves?"

"have no idea."

Edward thought for a moment and then said:

"It's possible that its mother is an elf!"


Erin's eyes widened, not expecting it.

While the Elf King is still alive, there are still people who dare to attack the elves.

Aren't you afraid of death?

Ah, it's a goblin.

That's okay.

"That's impossible!"

Suddenly, Harley loudly denied.

"You guy, you don't understand at all"

Only when the mother's bloodline is high and pure can a child be born who can use elven magic.

However, this is impossible.

After all, elves of this bloodline are all nobles!

How could he go out so easily and be caught by lowly goblins?

This is really incredible.

Could it be!

Just when Harley thought of something and wanted to say it.

"Back off"

Harley only felt his body being pushed away.

Immediately afterwards.


A ray of light flashed, and a sharp pain came. Then, he saw what was floating in the air - his arm.


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