The Goblin General did not hesitate at all. He was like an enraged beast, with his muscles tensed.


He threw a punch, with a whistling sound that tore through the air, and went straight to Victoria's head.

This punch, called "violent punch", was a unique skill that the Goblin General was proud of, enough to scare any enemy.

"Shine! Ashurbanipal's Brilliant Stone"

"Die! Violent punch"

The fist attacked Victoria's head, and Victoria's palm tightly grasped the Brilliant Stone, aiming at the Goblin General's heart.

"Okay, that's enough"


Just when the two were about to collide with each other.

A familiar voice came.

At this critical moment, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared between the two like a ghost.


Victoria saw the person coming and wanted to take it back.

But it was too late.

The Brilliant Stone and the violent punch were thrown.

However, the next moment, the woman used a very clever method to deflect the attack direction of the two.


The Goblin General swung his fist, and his fist was like a cannon, overturning dozens of trees in an instant.

Similarly, the Radiant Stone fell in the forest not far away, instantly burning the nearby flowers, plants and trees.

"Who are you?"

Victoria widened her eyes and looked at the woman who suddenly broke into the battle, Elena.

"The kind human who bandaged my child's wound?"


Elena stroked her face with a smile.

"Thank you, you still remember me"

Elena held Victoria's hand, and her ferocious face was sincere.

"Give me a face, can you just let it go?"

"Forget it?"

Victoria was stunned for a moment, and then slowly shook her head.

"I never thought of fighting"

After saying that, she looked at the Goblin General.

Elena understood what Victoria meant at once.

Turning her head to the Goblin General, she pouted and said with dissatisfaction:

"Xiaotian, that's enough!"

Hearing Elena's words, the Goblin General was silent for a while and slowly retracted his fist.


Victoria was shocked. She didn't expect that the Goblin General would listen to the human woman.

So honest.



What did she call the Goblin General just now?

Victoria seemed to have discovered something and widened her eyes.


It seemed that Elena winked at Victoria.


Seeing this, Victoria didn't know what to say.

Victoria noticed that the Goblin General looked at Elena with a gentle look.

I realized it all at once.

The man and the goblin in front of me were together out of their own ideas.

A human woman and a goblin together?

It's really strange.


Victoria thought of Ye Yan and smiled slightly.

But, isn't she the same?


Victoria nodded to Elena.

"This will always be the child's home."

Elena smiled and said goodbye.

Victoria was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

After a few more steps, she stopped.

She turned around and looked at the Goblin General and asked.

"Why, tell me?"

Faced with Victoria's question, the Goblin General did not answer directly.

"What do you think of our way of survival as Goblins?"

Hearing the Goblin General's question, Victoria was stunned.

She was silent for a moment, then said:

"Very bad, very disgusting"

"Very objective evaluation"

Hearing Victoria's words, the Goblin General nodded and was not angry.

"But, are we wrong?"

"We just want to reproduce."

At this point, the Goblin General paused, a trace of loneliness flashed across his eyes, and then said:

"I will not use such words to cover up our mistakes."

"Wrong is wrong."

"But even if it is wrong, we still have to go on."

"For this, I created the Goblin Nest step by step"

"But, this can't change anything."

"To change this situation,"

"For this, we need the power of the "King""

Victoria was silent.

She didn't expect that her child would bear such a heavy responsibility.

She didn't want Xiaoyan to bear these things.

But, this is not her decision.

She shouldn't have the final say.

"You didn't answer my question, why tell me?"

Under the dim moonlight, Victoria's questioning was like a sharp sword, cutting through the silence of the night.

But it failed to penetrate the Goblin General's defense that seemed to be made of thousands of years of ice.

He was silent, surrounded by an indescribable depression, as if even the air was frozen.

A complex emotion flashed across Victoria's eyes, and then was replaced by a resolute one.

"I know."

She nodded gently, and there were too many unspoken words hidden in that action.

When she turned around, her skirt fluttered lightly, like a withered night rose, leaving a sad silhouette in the darkness.

"You, showed mercy?"

Seeing Victoria leave, Elena's voice sounded at the right time, with a hint of imperceptible joy.

Her sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through the deepest secrets of people's hearts.


The Goblin General's answer was brief but firm.


Elena's voice was deliberately prolonged, with a hint of playfulness at the end.

"Don't get me wrong, I just feel that now is not the time to kill her."

The Goblin General explained with a serious face.

"After all, that kid is still waiting for her to rescue him, and her mission has not yet been completed."

Hearing this, Elena raised a meaningful smile on her lips.

"So, you just ran out to test Little Leah's strength?"

There was ridicule in her tone, but there was also a hint of jealousy hidden in it that was not easy to detect.

The Goblin General did not answer directly. He just sighed softly and turned to leave.

His back looked particularly lonely and firm under the pull of the moonlight.

"What are you going to do?"

"Tonight, there are too many bugs."

His voice echoed in the night air, carrying a sense of crisis that could not be ignored.

"Needs to be cleaned up."

"Want to help?"

Elena's voice suddenly became softer, and she took a step forward, almost touching the hem of the Goblin General's clothes.

However, the Goblin General shook his head slightly, with unquestionable determination in his tone.

"Xiao Na, I don't want you to interfere in our goblin affairs.

"After saying that, he strode towards the depths of darkness, leaving only a series of firm and heavy footsteps.

Elena stood there, looking at the direction in which the Goblin General left, with a flash of complicated emotions in her eyes.

She whispered softly:

"I just want to be with you for a longer time. For this reason, even if I want to take revenge, I will give it up for the time being."

Her voice drifted in the wind, as weak and sad as fallen leaves.

"Why don't you understand!"


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