Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 16 Breakthrough vision, everyone is shocked

"It actually broke through?"

"What on earth is going on?"

The goblin who came over was shocked to see that Ye Yan had broken through to the growth stage. His eyes widened and his face turned green with fear.

In fact, breaking through the growth stage is not a big deal, which is different from the maturity stage.

As time goes by, most species will move from the juvenile stage to the growth stage.

The maturity stage is different. Not all goblins can enter the maturity stage.

In short, the maturity stage is not a stage of growth, but a state.

The growth stage is different. Although it is also a state, this state is very small.

It is easy to break through with growth.

Therefore, entering the growth stage is not surprising.

After all, all species can do it.

It's just that

This movement is too loud!

"We, there is no movement after breaking through the juvenile stage, right?"

"Not only is there no movement, I slept and then broke through"

"How can it be like him!"

And it actually stood up straight!

This is what surprised them the most.

After all, low-level goblins usually bend their backs.

The waist cannot be straightened, and the lower the level of the goblin, the greater the degree of bending.

And the goblin in front of him actually raised his head and chest?

This is exactly the appearance of a high-level goblin!

But before, apart from the amazing fighting power, there was no trace of a high-level goblin.

The other goblins were confused about Ye Yan.

The goblin knight on the side, however, knew it all.

Looking at the goblin in front of him, the goblin knight narrowed his eyes slightly.

From the result given by the general and judged by himself.

The goblin in front of him is definitely a low-level goblin.

But obviously, this is not the breakthrough movement that a low-level goblin should have!

Even it doesn't have this card, I'm afraid only the general, the top of the goblin, can have such a movement.

Is this why the general found it interesting and asked him to come over?

Sure enough, it's strange!

This cub!

The goblin knight did not disturb Ye Yan's breakthrough, but looked at him expectantly.

At this time, Victoria, who was standing aside, covered her mouth and widened her eyes.

Looking at the child who had changed so much in front of her, she was suspicious.

This is really his child.

She actually saw some shadows of elves in it.

No, it's impossible.

However, even Victoria, who didn't know the goblin clan, knew clearly.

Ye Yan's breakthrough in front of her was definitely unusual.

In fact, when a race is in the breakthrough stage, that is, the growth stage, there will generally not be much movement.

Some creatures even pass away after sleeping one day.


the individual is extremely talented in the race, or exceeds other individuals to break through.

Although, she thought that her child was extraordinary, and understood that there would be some movement when breaking through.

Usually this kind of breakthrough will bring obvious racial evolution.

However, she didn't expect it to be so big!

You know, this is just breaking through the infancy and entering the growth stage.

Even her sister, who is known as the first genius in the elf kingdom, didn't make such a big movement.

Her child seems to be too great.


At this moment, the goblins in the goblin nest did not notice that the sky outside had changed.


Deafening thunder came from the sky, like the roar of an angry beast, shaking everyone's heart.

Dark clouds gathered quickly like ink, dyeing the sky dark, as if foreshadowing that something big was about to happen.

The goblin general had already come outside.

The general took a deep breath, raised his hand, and a powerful breath burst out from his body, instantly suppressing the surrounding breath.

Suddenly, the raging dark clouds and thunder seemed to lose their direction, and began to hover and struggle in the air.

Gradually, they lost their original power, became weaker and weaker, and finally dissipated automatically.

In a blink of an eye, the sky became clear again, and the sun shone on the earth, as if nothing had happened.


The goblin shaman Shah hesitated for a moment and said:

"With such a big commotion, I am afraid of other tribes, especially since there is a human country and even an adventurer's guild nearby."

"So, what do you want to say?"

The general looked ahead not far away and said in a deep voice.

"Should we move or let the goblins below restrain themselves a little?"

The goblin shaman Shah paused and continued:

"Recently, I heard that there were too many missing people, so the adventurer's guild took action."

"Even the human called Goblin Slayer heard the commotion and came to the nearby adventurer's guild."

When the goblin general heard "Goblin Slayer", his face changed significantly, and a trace of reminiscence flashed in his eyes.

However, these were quickly suppressed by it, hidden in the deepest part, and no goblin noticed it.

"Also, I heard that there is some movement in the Elf Kingdom."

"A team of half-elves led by pure elves is heading our way."

Goblin Shaman Sha was going to say something else, persuading the general to keep a low profile until the king grows up.

After all, there are too many races watching them.

The reason why they didn't care, ignored, and didn't take genocide actions.

is because their tribe has no subversive power.

For those peerless strongmen, or the king, they are not to be feared at all.

But, with the king, everything is different.

"So, should we"


The Goblin General shook his head and interrupted the Goblin Shaman Sha.

"Everything is normal"


The Goblin Shaman hesitated and wanted to say something else, but was frightened by the Goblin General's eyes and could only nod helplessly.


"Let's go, let's go see how that little guy has grown up."

The Goblin General glanced at the distant town.

Soon, he walked back to the cave.

Goblin Shaman, I don't know what the general is thinking.

The people of the race are not completely submissive to the king.

This is true for humans, elves, and dragons.

Not to mention the goblins who represent their evil.

Therefore, the people of the race are generally divided into three types: king-guarding, neutral, and self-king.

They say it is the king-guarding faction, but it does not care about the king's safety and acts arrogantly, and now it has even attracted the attention of the Adventurer's Guild.

They say it is the self-king faction (wanting to kill the king, replace him, and become the king).

But it has always protected the king, not revealing the king's identity, and even paved the way for his growth.


Goblin Shaman Sha sighed and shook his head.

Walked into the nest.

See, I can't rely on the general.

I have to be prepared here.

All for the "king"

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