Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 18 Breaking through the limit, counterattack, Goblin General arrives

Shen Yun Forest, somewhere deep in a goblin lair.

At this time, Ye Yan has completed his transformation and feels full of strength in his body.

The number of fingers has changed from three to four, and the shape of the hand has become closer and closer to that of a human.

Not just the hands, but the entire body is getting closer and closer to people.

Is it because his mother is an elf?

The most important thing is the completely different power in the body.

It felt like I had reached a new level.

At this moment, Ye Yan's panel is as follows:

Name: Ye Yan

Race: Special individual of low-level goblin.

Stage: growth stage

Strength: 35 (cap increased from 30 to 100)

Speed: 35 (cap increased from 30 to 100)

Constitution: 35 (upper limit increased from 30 to 100)

Magic power: 10 (upper limit increased from 30 to 100)

Skills: Latent Shadow, Fireball E.

Exclusive skill: Prey

Talents: breath concealment, language proficiency, magic affinity, self-healing D, strength enhancement D, speed enhancement D, magic control D.

Special talent: King's seed, limit breakthrough

Obviously there are no big changes in the attribute panel, but what exactly is going on with this power that is different from other previous ones.

Could it be that the attribute numbers above are not simply added?

But adopt the superposition method?

Ye Yan didn't understand.

However, one thing he knows very well is that he has become more powerful now!


Seeing Ye Yan's breakthrough, there was silence all around.

The only sound that could be heard was the goblin swallowing his saliva.

"So, so what"

At this time, an unknown low-level goblin spoke, breaking the silence.

“So what if we get rid of the infancy?”

"You know, Goblin Knight Muda has already broken through the growth form a few years ago and is about to break through the mature form."


When the low-level goblins heard this, they were instantly filled with confidence.

"Kill him!"

He was shouting on the side, asking the Goblin Knight to kill the sinful Goblin in front of him who had brutally killed his compatriots!

"Knight Goblin Mu, kill this brat"

One goblin cheered, causing the other goblins to cheer.

He made a crusade against Ye Yan.

No one likes monsters that brutally kill their own kind.

Even if the opponent is a goblin, it is the same.

After all, you don't know when the other party will kill you.

So, how to avoid it?

The answer is simple, kill.

This is a simple question.

"Kill this brat"

"Kill this brat"

Hearing what the other goblins said, the Goblin Knight waved his hand to stop them.

The high-level goblins still have great authority over these low-level goblins.

Soon, the undulating sound stopped.

"Not bad!"

"This is not a low-level goblin at all!"

The Goblin Knight clapped his hands. Although he was surprised inside, he still pretended to be calm on the outside.

Don't lose the face of the high-level goblin!

It didn't expect that the low-level goblin cub in front of it could do this.

But so what.

Just like those low-level goblins said.

Goblin Knight Mu also believed that Ye Yan was no match for him.

Even if it breaks through the juvenile stage and reaches the growth stage, it is still no match for it.

It's a high-level goblin species


Just when Goblin Knight was lost in thought, a figure suddenly appeared like a ghost.

The speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye. It was like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky and arriving in front of the Goblin Knight in an instant.


The Goblin Knight was shocked, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

But at this time, the distance was too close to avoid, and he could only helplessly raise his hands and put them on his chest, trying to resist the coming attack.



In the astonished eyes of many Goblins around them, the senior Goblin Knight flew backwards like a sandbag hit by a giant hammer.

Its iron armor streaked with sparks on the ground, making a screeching sound.

"how so?"

At the moment when he was flying in the air, Goblin Knight Mu kept echoing this question in his mind.

It couldn't believe that a high-level goblin species like itself could be defeated so easily.

"This guy's strength and speed have improved too much!"


The Goblin Knight hit the cave wall hard.


As the Goblin Knight landed, the entire cave shook again.

At this time, a figure had quietly approached.

That was Ye Yan. He had cold eyes and a strong body, as if a cheetah was eyeing its prey.

Without any hesitation, he rushed forward, preparing to give the high-level Goblin Knight a fatal blow.

At this moment, the voice of the world sounded in his mind.

[When you use Limit Break, your strength and speed will be greatly increased by 50%]

Take advantage of the Goblin Knight and let your guard down on him.

Ye Yan directly exploded with all his strength, intending to kill the Goblin Knight instantly.

After all, in Ye Yan's eyes, the Goblin Knight just now was full of weaknesses.

For Ye Yan, who was born as an assassin, he would naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

Almost the moment the Goblin Knight hit the wall, Ye Yan's figure flashed in front of him like a ghost.


The dagger pierced the air, making a sharp sound as it struck the Goblin Knight's neck.

However, at the moment when the dagger was about to touch the target, an invisible force suddenly emerged.

Block the dagger a few centimeters from the Goblin Knight's neck.

Ye Yan only felt a shock in his hand, and the dagger could no longer move forward.

"What's going on?"

Ye Yan was startled, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"That's enough."

At this moment, a low and majestic voice sounded in the lair.

Accompanying this sound was the sound of heavy footsteps, as if every step was shaking the entire ground.

Ye Yan raised his head and saw a burly figure walking out from the depths of the lair. It was General Goblin - the absolute powerhouse of this lair.


Seeing the appearance of the Goblin General, the low-level Goblins were ecstatic, as if they had seen a savior.

They gathered around and cried to the general about what Ye Yan had done.

"General, you are finally here!"

A low-level goblin shouted excitedly.

"You don't know how many evil things this hateful cub has done!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Another goblin echoed.

"He killed many of our compatriots, he is simply a devil!"

The low-level goblins accused Ye Yan all over the place, hoping to use the general's power to execute him.


The Goblin General waved his hand.


Almost at the same time, a young figure appeared from behind it.

It was Ye Yan, after discovering that General Goblin had some flaws.

Without a trace of hesitation, he quickly went up and launched a sneak attack.

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