Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 42: Ye Yan, an expert in picking flowers.

In the meeting room late at night, under the dim light, Jori frowned and looked solemn.

I know, there is such a danger.

Jori did not hesitate, just when he was about to report to the nearby countries.

Encountered a problem.


Jori stood up suddenly, his eyes widened like copper bells.

He stared at Koris with a sharp gaze.

"Don't know where it is?"

The atmosphere in the whole room suddenly became tense, as if even the air was frozen.

Koris was a little scared by Jori's sharp eyes. She swallowed her saliva and answered carefully:

"Because, when I was taken away, I was dizzy.

"Don't know?"

Jori frowned, with a hint of impatience in his tone,

"How could you not know?"

"Weren't you captured by the goblins?"

"Yes... yes. "

Kolis nodded, recalling the unbearable past, and an embarrassed look appeared on her face.

Normally, she should have been picked up by a corpse.

However, how could she say such a shameful thing!

"But at that time, I was knocked unconscious by them, and I was confused and didn't see where they took me. "

"I was in a hurry to leave"

"I was afraid that the goblins would catch me back again"

"I didn't have time to observe the surrounding environment."

"You also know that in terms of hiding and escaping, I am naturally second. No one dares to say first, but I am strong in combat."

After Kolis finished speaking, he stuck out his tongue, hit his head with his fist, and said with a naughty and cute expression:


"Hehe you ghost!"

Jory hit Kolis on the head with a punch.

"Ah, damn it"

Kolis ran out angrily.

"You hit my head every day, I won't care about you anymore!"

"Ah! "

As soon as he opened the door, he almost bumped into a woman.

Carly, the vice president of the Adventurer's Guild and Jori's assistant.

"Really, you made Xiaoke angry again?"

"What do you mean by making me angry!"

Jori was furious, stroking his gray beard, with a face full of resentment.

"It's this girl, she's too stupid"

"You've watched her grow up since she was a child, haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

Carly chuckled, and when she saw the tea in front of Jori, the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

"What's wrong?"


Jori sighed heavily.

"It's difficult, it's very difficult"

"If it's really as Koris said"

"Then even if we mobilize all the adventurers in this land, I'm afraid it will be difficult to shake that big nest."

Jori's voice was trembling.

"How could it be? ! "

Carly covered her mouth, her face pale and terrified.

If Miss Corliss's information is true, then they will face an unprecedented challenge.

The number of goblins in that nest may have reached an astonishing number of tens of thousands.

And their strength, even in this land, can be regarded as a large team.

But compared with it, it seems so insignificant.

He couldn't imagine what a horrible scene it would be with tens of thousands of goblins.

What frightened him even more was that among those goblins, high-level goblins were born, and even superior species might have appeared.

These powerful beings are enough to make adventurers like them despair.

"Don't worry about this. "

Jory interrupted Carly's thoughts.

"Eradicating the goblins is not just our job."

Jory's face was gloomy.

"At this time, I will report to the nearby countries."


He raised his head, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and said to Carly next to him:

"Notify immediately and gather all adventurers. We have to find the nest of those goblins!

We must find where they are hiding, and if possible, we must also find out how many goblins there are! "

After hearing this, Carly nodded immediately, then turned and left in a hurry.

As Jory's voice fell, the entire Adventurer's Guild became busy.

The adventurers gathered one after another, ready to launch an operation to find the goblin's nest.

Various commissions related to goblins were posted on the task list.

At this time.

The top floor of the goblin's nest.

On the stairs leading to Chen Castle.

As soon as Ye Yan looked up, he could see the towering castle standing inside the mountain.

Around the castle, a scene of colorful flowers came into view.

Various kinds of flowers bloomed, colorful and fragrant.

These flowers seemed particularly abrupt in the goblin's nest, but they were in harmony with the Harmoniously integrated into this world.

Soon, Ye Yan followed the Goblin General to the top floor.

Two Goblin Knights were waiting by the castle gate.

The castle was very spacious, and there were flower fields nearby with all kinds of flowers.

The cave was full of sunstones, and the sunlight scattered on the flowers.

A faint fresh smell filled the air.

I really didn't expect that there was such a place in the stinky Goblin's nest.

If my mother was here, she would definitely like it here!

Ye Yan was very curious, squatted down, and picked a flower.

The Goblin General on the side frowned when he saw this,

and picked another flower.

The Goblin General on the side frowned again.

When Ye Yan was on the next flower, General Goblin couldn't help but say:

"That's enough."


Ye Yan looked up at the Goblin General in confusion, but without stopping, he had already picked off the flower.


"The things here are not mine."

Goblin General reminded.

"." Ye Yan looked at the Goblin General in confusion.

Without any hesitation, I picked another one.

"The things here were grown by others."

The Goblin General frowned and then reminded.


Ye Yan picked one and looked at the Goblin General with confusion.

"It's not easy for that stupid woman to grow the things here."

At this time, the Goblin General's voice was already a bit angry.

But he still managed to control himself.


However, Ye Yan repeatedly picked one as if he didn't understand.

Just when he was about to pick one, the Goblin General couldn't bear it any longer.

When the fist came down, Ye Yan had no time to dodge.

I got a big bump on my head!

"I told you not to pick it off!"

The Goblin General raised his fists with an angry look on his face.

These flowers were grown by that stupid woman with great difficulty.

If you let this kid take it off like this, what's the point?

"You didn't say!"

Ye Yan covered his head and was very unconvinced.

If I could defeat him, I would have killed the Goblin General in front of me long ago!

So abominable.

Even though he didn't do anything, he still had to be beaten.

"Don't you understand what I mean?"

The Goblin General covered his head, he really couldn't figure it out.

Sometimes, this guy is terrifyingly mature, but other times, he is just like a kid with no common sense.

Terrible innocence.

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