Double deduction? What the hell?

Can emotional deduction double investment?

And the notes at the back also told Ji Yang that the higher the deduction multiple, the stronger the ability seems to be.

Double deduction can also carry one of its own abilities into the deduction, and can also unlock rare maps?

Looking at the green plus sign, Ji Yang clicked twice again.

[This deduction requires 40 blood, 20 spiritual power, and 20 deduction points. Do you want to continue? ]

[Yes? No? ]

(Note: This is a four-fold deduction. During the deduction, you will randomly carry three of your own abilities into the deduction.)

(Note: The higher the deduction multiple, the easier it is to unlock rare maps.)

Looking at the changed notes, Ji Yang's expression was clear.

For every doubling of the deduction, he can carry one more ability into the deduction.

It is an ability, not a magical power.

But even so, it can still increase his chances of survival a lot.

Ji Yang carefully recalled the abilities he has gained in the deduction now.

They are root strengthening, high temperature resistance, and perseverance.

Except for the high temperature resistance which requires a specific environment to be useful, the other two abilities are quite beneficial to his growth.

For example, if he had root strengthening during the last deduction, the cliff would not have collapsed.

And the rare map at the back made Ji Yang puzzled. What is a rare map?

Soon, Ji Yang stopped struggling. Instead of thinking, he might as well try it himself, and he would naturally know the difference.

Looking at his current points, Ji Yang made up his mind and clicked the green arrow again.

[This deduction requires 50 blood, 25 spiritual power, and 25 deduction points. Do you want to continue? ]

[Yes? No? ]

(Note: This is a five-fold deduction. During the deduction, you will randomly carry your four abilities into the deduction.)

(Note: The higher the deduction multiple, the easier it is to unlock the rare map.)

This time he directly chose the five-fold deduction. If he wants to play, he will play big.

Anyway, now that resources are still sufficient and the Chen family has no external threats, he can experiment.

Even if it doesn't work, he can know the difference.

After reaching the conditions for five times the deduction, Ji Yang also noticed that the green symbol turned gray. He tried, but he couldn't continue to add or subtract. It seems that this is based on his existing points.

The next moment, Ji Yang no longer hesitated and clicked yes.

And the moment Ji Yang clicked, the surrounding ancestral halls quickly disappeared.

However, this time was different from the previous deductions. After Ji Yang confirmed the deduction, he did not immediately enter the strange world.

At this moment, Ji Yang suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. These pictures were played in a loop in front of Ji Yang like a revolving lantern.

Grassland, snow, desert, forest, lava...

Ji Yang only took a rough glance and saw countless scenes, among which there were the environments where he grew up when he deduced before.

As the pictures continued to play, Ji Yang saw special environments different from the previous ones in these scenes.

Among them was a fairyland on earth with fairy mist and flowers and plants everywhere.

There are also prosperous places with carved beams and painted buildings.

There are also dead places with bones everywhere and no vitality.

The scene in front of him gradually accelerated, making Ji Yang unable to see the details, but then Ji Yang thought of the rare maps mentioned in the deduction just now.

Obviously, if he grew in these rare maps, he might get better results?

Before Ji Yang continued to think, the revolving map gradually slowed down. After skipping the desert and the valley, a dark picture appeared in front of Ji Yang and slowly stopped.

Before Ji Yang could see the details, the picture seemed to come alive and instantly swallowed Ji Yang's consciousness.

When Ji Yang opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in a strange place.

This was a dark space, with neither the sun nor the moon above his head. The sky like a black curtain made people unconsciously nervous.

Even the soil below was black, and there was no vitality around, and not even a plant grew.

Such a harsh environment made Ji Yang feel a little cold in his heart. Before Ji Yang continued to check, a familiar subtitle appeared in front of him.

[You were born in the netherworld! In order to become a towering tree as soon as possible, you began to grow hard! ]

The netherworld?

This name surprised Ji Yang.

It seems that he has indeed entered a rare map, and it sounds very extraordinary.

However, when Ji Yang scanned the surrounding environment again, he suddenly felt that this rare map might not be a good thing for him, because the growth conditions here are worse than the previous deserts.

When the subtitles disappeared, Ji Yang realized that he seemed different.

Originally, he entered the deduction as a small sapling every time, but this time, he entered the deduction with the size of the trunk in the ancestral hall.

He has two clusters of branches and leaves before he started to grow, and the underground roots spread for several meters.

And Ji Yang can sense the strength of a root underground.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the root he strengthened.

This time he chose five times the deduction, which should bring four abilities into the deduction world, but he only has three abilities now, so it seems that he brought them all in.

The slightly stronger body gave Ji Yang a sense of security.

But as time passed, the sky became gloomy as usual, and Ji Yang's sense of security disappeared.

This is because there is no day or night in this netherworld, and even the surrounding environment remains unchanged.

As a tree, if there is no sun, how can he survive?

As time passed, Ji Yang felt weak, and even if time was accelerated, he could not continue to grow.

If it were not for his ability of perseverance, Ji Yang felt that he might have died.

But if he continued like this, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for too long.

Is this deduction going to end in vain?

Ji Yang sighed in his heart, this deduction cost him all his current property.

Just when Ji Yang was depressed, a new subtitle appeared in front of him.

[The environment in the netherworld is harsh and difficult to survive. In order to adapt to the environment and continue to grow, what do you decide? 】

[Absorb Yin Qi][Absorb Earth Qi][Absorb Soul Qi]

After seeing the new options, Ji Yang's heart moved. Whether he could continue to survive depended on this choice.

But what made Ji Yang headache was that there was one more option now.

When there were two options before, he still had a 50% chance, but now there are three options, so he only has a 30% chance.

Of course, there may not be only one correct answer among these three options, maybe all three are OK.

Of course, Ji Yang still wants to choose the most suitable one.

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