[The deduction is over! ]

[You have learned a new magical power in this deduction: Sanskrit sound lingering]

[You have learned a new ability in this deduction: Kind eyes and compassionate eyes]

[You have learned a new ability in this deduction: Buddhist resistance]

Sanskrit sound lingering: You can consume a certain amount of vitality to emit Buddhist music and persuade people to be kind.

Kind eyes and compassionate eyes: You are more likely to gain the favor of living beings.

Buddhist resistance: Your mind is more determined.

In the ancestral hall, looking at the gains from the deduction, Ji Yang pondered for a moment.

Although the gains are not much, they are not nothing. When I go next time, I think the situation will be much better.

In addition, this magical power of Sanskrit sound lingering may be able to play a little role in the family war, but this deduction is not too profitable overall.

Time is tight, Ji Yang did not hesitate and quickly started the next deduction.


[You were born in the sea of ​​suffering! In order to become a towering tree as soon as possible, you start to grow hard! ]

[You have successfully deduced twice, and you can randomly carry two of your own magical powers in the deduction world. ]

[Magic powers are randomly selected...]

[Magic powers obtained in this deduction world: The Unpredictable Way of Heaven, Drunken Dream Fairy Flower]

Sea of ​​Bitterness? Another Buddhist place?

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Ji Yang frowned in his heart.

However, when the prompt disappeared, Ji Yang looked at the surrounding environment, and his heart couldn't help but stagnate slightly.

I saw the water waves below, and the sea surface around was blue and boundless.

And now I am like a small boat, which is floating with the sea water below and drifting with the wind.

Such a start seems to be a bit unfavorable for my growth.

Ji Yang tried to extend his roots into the sea water to see if he could absorb enough water from it. After all, he still needs sunlight, soil and water without many abilities and magical powers.

But the feeling after the roots absorbed the sea water instantly made Ji Yang's trunk shrink, and many of his leaves fell off.

This sea water is actually bitter!

At this moment, Ji Yang finally understood the origin of the Sea of ​​Bitterness. The name really did not lie.

However, when Ji Yang checked the abilities he carried, he finally felt a little relieved.

The abilities he carried this time not only had resistance to high and low temperatures, but also had the abilities of rootless wood and perseverance.

In this way, even if he could not absorb water, he could still survive for a long time.

But this was not a long-term solution. If he could not find a suitable place to survive, he probably would not be able to hold on for long.

But when Ji Yang looked around and looked at the boundless sea level, he could not help but sigh in his heart.

In this situation, he could only float wherever he wanted, hoping that he would be lucky enough to encounter an island or something like that.

As time passed, Ji Yang floated on the sea like a dead tree.

The sun and the moon above his head changed, and the temperature fluctuated day and night. The only thing that remained unchanged was the endless blue sea water around him.

While floating, Ji Yang's trunk became more and more withered, and the originally dense locust leaves had already fallen off.

But maybe it was because of bad luck, Ji Yang never saw the rain.

Seeing his miserable state, Ji Yang had lost hope. It seemed that this last deduction was wasted.

At this time, a new prompt quickly appeared in front of him:

[You have not been able to get water for a long time and are close to dying. In order to continue to grow, what do you decide? ]

[Absorb the water from the bitter sea][Go with the flow][Find another way]

Looking at the prompts in front of him, Ji Yang pondered for a while.

The water from the bitter sea is difficult to absorb.

Going with the flow also means no hope.

Finding another way may be a way out.

But there is sea water all around, and he is not smart enough to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. In this case, what good solution can he have?

While thinking, Ji Yang felt that these three roads were all dead ends, and he didn't know what to choose for a while.

But after some contemplation, Ji Yang's heart was slightly brightened.

Although the water of the bitter sea was bitter, he did not die after absorbing it that day. It was just that the bitterness was unbearable even for him as a tree, but it did not mean that he could not absorb the water from it, right?

It might be a little bitter, but it was better than dying of thirst, right?

After thinking about it, Ji Yang quickly made a decision and made a choice immediately.

After making the choice, the roots that had been motionless quickly invaded the sea water below and began to absorb the bitter sea water frantically.

As the sea water was absorbed, Ji Yang once again felt an indescribable pain spreading throughout his body, even to the depths of his soul.

Just when Ji Yang was about to give up, he suddenly felt a trace of water spreading from the roots, which made Ji Yang see hope instantly.

As more and more water filled the dry tree trunk, Ji Yang suddenly felt that the sea water was not as bitter as he imagined.

Could it be that this is what it means to get used to the bitterness?

Ji Yang sighed in his heart, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his trunk growing stronger and stronger. This at least meant that he could survive here, and this deduction would not be in vain.

As time passed, Ji Yang became more and more adapted to life here.

However, the roots that were supposed to grow downwards now spread out all around, so that Ji Yang's trunk could grow steadily above the sea surface and the leaves could fully photosynthesize.

During this period, Ji Yang even passed by a deserted island, but Ji Yang, who had adapted to the current life, did not choose to approach.

Compared to that remote place, the wide sea surface obviously has more opportunities.

[You have attracted the attention of a group of bluefin sharks for floating on the sea surface for a long time. What do you decide? ]

[Drive them away] [Ignore them] [Take them under your command]

Looking at the many dorsal fins not far away, Ji Yang's mind moved slightly, and he immediately chose to take them under his command.

If he could have the protection of such a group of bluefin sharks, he would be much safer.

After Ji Yang made his choice, the roots seemed to emit an inexplicable pheromone.

These bluefin sharks also quickly swam towards Ji Yang after sensing it.

Just when Ji Yang was very satisfied, these bluefin sharks quickly attacked Ji Yang's roots.

Their sharp fangs could easily bite off the roots, and during the pulling, Ji Yang could not stabilize his body and floated around.

Ji Yang, who sensed this scene, hurriedly activated his magical power, the Drunken Dream Fairy Flower.

When circles of invisible halos emanated from the branches and leaves, the bluefin sharks that had been extremely irritable just now quickly calmed down, and then their bellies turned white and they lay on their backs on the sea surface.

Seeing that the magical power had taken effect, Ji Yang decisively withdrew.

Fortunately, he had this magical power in hand this time, otherwise he would have been chopped into pieces by these bluefin sharks today!

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