Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 24 - 23 - Truth
Shallot was back in front of the school in the front of the statues in the pathway heading into the front of the building. He had seen Blake run out holding a notebook clutched to her ċhėst.
Shallot had hidden behind the statues and lowered his ki down and stopped using his semblance so he wouldn't be found out by Blake.
Shallot: 'Did she still get into a fight with Weiss? If that is the case why does she have my notebook? Did she perhaps read the things in it? Well, I can always tell her those are things I got from the visions from what I saw if that is what I can call them.'
Blake had run out and had an irritated look on her face when she pulled her bow from the top of her head and had her cat ears out.
Shallot placed his bags down behind the statue and then moved at high speed appearing behind Blake spiking his ki for a second and started playing with her ears.
Shallot: "They are still so soft. I love rubbing these."
Blake hearing Shallot and having her ears rubbed started blushing heavily and her heart rate was increasing.
Blake: "Where were you? Why weren't you there to tell Weiss how skewered her view was?"
Blake started yelling at Shallot and thinking back to what happened in the room.
Shallot: 'If Blake ran out and Ruby wanted to stop her couldn't she do that since Ruby's semblance is speed? Blake wasn't even using ki.
Shallot: "Come on Blake, let's go somewhere else and talk. Hold on, I need to grab my bags."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Inside Team RWBYS room]
Yang: "So, are we going after her."
Weiss: "Besides being a Faunus she also was being awfully protective of Shallot's notebook. What didn't she want us to see? Is she working with the White Fang along with Shallot?"
Ruby: "We need to find her and Shallot went chasing after the monkey Faunus from earlier. He might come back tonight still. He did say that he would train me and Yang?"
Weiss hmphed while folding her arms.
Weiss: "How do we not know that Shallot isn't one of those riff-raff also causing problems everywhere."
Yang: "Aren't you being a little too harsh Weiss. You haven't heard anything from their point of view. Shallot will probably come back with Blake later tonight and they will be laying in the beds like usual and we can ask them about everything and why she was protecting that notebook so much when Ruby wanted to look at it.
We should just head to sleep and they will be back tonight.
[City of Vale]
Shallot and Blake were walking through the city and it was pretty quiet between them. Shallot had his aura activated again using his gravity manipulation he seems to be getting more used to doing this the more he did it.
Shallot: "This is pretty awkward now. Why are you being so quiet all of a sudden?"
Blake: "Are you hiding things from me?"
Shallot: "Yes."
Blake: "I don't hide anything from you. Can you just tell me everything and why you knew of everything that would happen?"
Shallot: "They were from the visions yesterday."
Blake frowned hearing that.
Blake: "You're lying now. You were writing in this notebook and looking at it from the first day that we got to our dorm room. I always pay attention to what your doing. You have been jotting down things, not just things that are happening and what will happen but also people's semblances and how to improve them.
Can you just be honest with me and not hide anything. You've been looking off at the night sky since we were little. Don't you trust me Shallot?"
Shallot had a pensive look on his face.
Shallot: 'I didn't think that Blake was paying so much attention that heavily. I should tell her some things at least.'
Shallot stopped walking and pulled her towards the side of the road in front of a hotel by an alley.
Shallot: "You want to know why I look up at the sky so much at nights."
Blake nodded her head.
Shallot: "What if I told you that right now with my strength if I was capable of seeing a full moon I would gain enough strength to cause so much damage that I would become a bigger threat then the Grimm themselves."
Blake was thinking about it and thinking that something like that would be impossible.
Blake: "The Grimm had always been a problem and I don't think that you would do something like that."
Shallot exhaled getting ready to tell Blake about his heritage since he didn't want her to be surprised when in the future their kids come out with a tail and are naturally stronger than anyone else besides them.
Shallot: "I am not a Faunus."
Blake had a confused look on her face.
Blake: "You have a tail."
Shallot: "Yes. I do have a tail but so does every one of my race."
Blake: "Race? Didn't you say, clan?"
Shallot: "Yes, that is what I have constantly been saying. Saiyans are a warrior race that is known for conquering planets. We are a race that are natural-born fighters, and Saiyans have technology that is called scanners that is capable of scanning someone's battle power.
My battle power was 40 at birth. I was considered as a disgrace to my race and used as a guinea pig to fly towards an unknown area that could be dangerous since they didn't see it as a loss. The average Saiyan has a power level of 2,500 when they are firstborn."
Blake's eyes opened wide thinking about babies that are so strong.
Blake: "How strong would I be when using those scanners."
Shallot: "Around 500-600."
Blake: 'So I'm weaker than a random baby of his race. I need to train more if Shallot ever wants to go back.'
Blake: "So what is your "Power Level" right now."
Shallot rubbed his chin thinking about it for a couple of seconds about the gravity training he had finally started doing that helped him break past his limit he had reached.
Shallot: 'So not only was I born weaker than the other Saiyans my talent is also crap. I hate that even after 12 years from when I got here and I'm still not planetary level.'
Shallot: "My power level should be around 1000-1300 since I've been training a lot more recently."
Blake was looking at Shallot's grey aura surrounding him.
Blake: "Is that why you have your Aura activated? Are you planning to head back to your "Race" if you can find a way back."
Blake was clenching her fist tightly thinking about him leaving her.
Shallot: "If I were to leave, you would be the first person I would take but before I could ever go I need to find a way to stop the Grimm from ravaging the planet so I don't have to worry about my father and mother-in-law family and my future wives families.
If anything I don't know if I can go back since I didn't come here in the most convenient way."
Blake: "How did you come here then?"
Shallot: "My space pod is what brought me here. Over the years I have studied it and taken it apart and have rebuilt it and it still works. I'm probably the most tech-savvy individual on the planet.
I came through a time rift but I was forced by "something" out of the time-rift to here. I'm not even sure how to make a time-rift so that I can get back in the first place."
This was completely over Blake's head but she was happy that Shallot was telling her all of this even though she was having an incredibly tough time wrapping her head around all of it.
Blake: "Doesn't that mean that you're an alien? Hold on ... you have a space pod?"
Shallot: "Yes, do you love me any less. So you see me as a monster since I come from a planet of murderers and battle maniacs."
Blake: "No, you are still Shallot and not some other Saiyan. They sent a child of only 3 to a dangerous place not even sure if you would live. How could they do something like that?"
Shallot: "Because they only value strength and that was something I didn't have."
Blake: 'Did Shallot constantly see himself like that? Was he always thinking about being abandoned because they considered him weak?'
Blake hugged Shallot thinking about how she would feel if she was thrown away by her family and ended up in a place that she didn't even know. Would she be able to handle being alone? Does he have any family that he left behind?'
Shallot: 'She might be overthinking things but I won't deny this hug. She has some good "assets".'
Blake: "Did you have any family."
Shallot started thinking about his little brother from his first life since he didn't know much about his Saiyan family since the first thing he heard was him being blasted off to see if the way was safe because they didn't want to send his older brother Cumber.
Shallot: 'They said my older brother Cumber so that explains why I look so much like him. Maybe I was born in the time period of the first King Vegeta then or we could be the descendants of Cumber and the name was given to whatever baby was the strongest.
However, I don't remember Cumber having a brother. Was I born in an alternate timeline? Well, I guess none of that matters now. At least Blake isn't asking about the notebook anymore.
The only one I still consider my blood family is my mother and my little brother of my first life since they were the closest to me but I never really got the chance to know Cumber. I wonder how strong I could have gotten with him around.'
Shallot: "My older brother Cumber. I've only seen him once ('Considering Dragon Ball Heroes as seeing him but I haven't even seen the planet I was supposedly born on. The only memories I had was being in an incubator chamber and then being put in a Saiyan Pod.')"
Blake only hugged Shallot tighter and then released him.
Blake: "Where are we suppose to stay for the night."
Shallot pointed behind her and she turned behind her noticing the neon pink sign in the window and then blushed heavily. She only nodded her head and grabbed his hand.
Shallot then walked into the hotel holding Blake's hand while carrying his bags in the other hand.
Shallot walked up to the front desk.
Shallot: "I would like a room for the night."
There was a man drawing what appeared to be some panels of a comic that involved some Grimm that Shallot hadn't seen before and on the side where some designs of a weapon. The man had Asian features who had black hair with orange shades, a black valedictorian Black outfit, and a red dress shirt underneath. What was incredibly weird was that his face reminded him of Ren.
The man looked up from drawing and smiled while looking at Shallot and Blake.
???: "So one room for two? If you need an extension just dial 02-01-2015."
The man handed him a key that on one side was colored one-half red and the other half blue and on the other side of the key the colors were split in four with the colors being black, yellow, white, and red. The key had an emboldened number 8 on the red and blue side. The man's voice sounded exactly like Lie Ren but Shallot could tell that wasn't him.
Shallot and Blake started walking away.
Blake: "He sounds just like Lie Ren but more gruffly. There are so many strange things in this world."
Before the could walk completely out of earshot of the man the could here.
???: "You shouldn't live your life on what you have seen but rather learn from it and live your own life."
Shallot turned back around and could only see a sign that said out for break on the table with a name label towards the side. Shallot thought about the words he heard.
Shallot: 'You shouldn't live your life on what you have seen but rather learn from it and live your own life ...huh. I'll live not towards a predetermined future but make my own.'
Shallot and Blake entered room 8 with their key and headed for the washroom.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier: 7-C City | 7-B Small city level+ level while enraged
Semblance: Space-Time Manipulation
Weapon: Scythe (Broken), Saiyan Blade (Sealed Away), Steel Toed Boots
Attack Potency: At least Large Building level | City level+ (with muscle enhancement active)
Ki control - Low
{Ki techniques}
Crescent Moon - Concentrated ki attack using a scythe leaving a strong ki blade in the shape of a crescent moon.
Spirit Orb - Energy gathered from the surroundings not used for an attack but used to heal the user. This technique takes time to gather and used.
Spirit Dome - The same property of spirit Orb but can be used on others but will use ki from the user to heal those inside the dome. This takes a larger amount of time anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to use and the person must be stationary.
Muscle enhancement - A technique to strengthen the body making it twice as strong by running ki along the muscles to tighten them but will cause physical exhaustion which will leave the person on a weakened state.
Finger beam - A concentration of ki at the tip of the finger that excels at penetration power. Incredibly dangerous at close range.
Ki blast - A basic ki blast that Shallot can use that can easily take out a Beowulf.
Ki bomb - A charged ki blast that has the capability of destroying a wall without much effort.
{Semblance abilities}
Space Crush - Force space to apply pressure around the user, an object, or an individual by touching them.
Gravity Control - Affecting the space in a unique manner to control the space.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Shallot had hidden behind the statues and lowered his ki down and stopped using his semblance so he wouldn't be found out by Blake.
Shallot: 'Did she still get into a fight with Weiss? If that is the case why does she have my notebook? Did she perhaps read the things in it? Well, I can always tell her those are things I got from the visions from what I saw if that is what I can call them.'
Blake had run out and had an irritated look on her face when she pulled her bow from the top of her head and had her cat ears out.
Shallot placed his bags down behind the statue and then moved at high speed appearing behind Blake spiking his ki for a second and started playing with her ears.
Shallot: "They are still so soft. I love rubbing these."
Blake hearing Shallot and having her ears rubbed started blushing heavily and her heart rate was increasing.
Blake: "Where were you? Why weren't you there to tell Weiss how skewered her view was?"
Blake started yelling at Shallot and thinking back to what happened in the room.
Shallot: 'If Blake ran out and Ruby wanted to stop her couldn't she do that since Ruby's semblance is speed? Blake wasn't even using ki.
Shallot: "Come on Blake, let's go somewhere else and talk. Hold on, I need to grab my bags."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Inside Team RWBYS room]
Yang: "So, are we going after her."
Weiss: "Besides being a Faunus she also was being awfully protective of Shallot's notebook. What didn't she want us to see? Is she working with the White Fang along with Shallot?"
Ruby: "We need to find her and Shallot went chasing after the monkey Faunus from earlier. He might come back tonight still. He did say that he would train me and Yang?"
Weiss hmphed while folding her arms.
Weiss: "How do we not know that Shallot isn't one of those riff-raff also causing problems everywhere."
Yang: "Aren't you being a little too harsh Weiss. You haven't heard anything from their point of view. Shallot will probably come back with Blake later tonight and they will be laying in the beds like usual and we can ask them about everything and why she was protecting that notebook so much when Ruby wanted to look at it.
We should just head to sleep and they will be back tonight.
[City of Vale]
Shallot and Blake were walking through the city and it was pretty quiet between them. Shallot had his aura activated again using his gravity manipulation he seems to be getting more used to doing this the more he did it.
Shallot: "This is pretty awkward now. Why are you being so quiet all of a sudden?"
Blake: "Are you hiding things from me?"
Shallot: "Yes."
Blake: "I don't hide anything from you. Can you just tell me everything and why you knew of everything that would happen?"
Shallot: "They were from the visions yesterday."
Blake frowned hearing that.
Blake: "You're lying now. You were writing in this notebook and looking at it from the first day that we got to our dorm room. I always pay attention to what your doing. You have been jotting down things, not just things that are happening and what will happen but also people's semblances and how to improve them.
Can you just be honest with me and not hide anything. You've been looking off at the night sky since we were little. Don't you trust me Shallot?"
Shallot had a pensive look on his face.
Shallot: 'I didn't think that Blake was paying so much attention that heavily. I should tell her some things at least.'
Shallot stopped walking and pulled her towards the side of the road in front of a hotel by an alley.
Shallot: "You want to know why I look up at the sky so much at nights."
Blake nodded her head.
Shallot: "What if I told you that right now with my strength if I was capable of seeing a full moon I would gain enough strength to cause so much damage that I would become a bigger threat then the Grimm themselves."
Blake was thinking about it and thinking that something like that would be impossible.
Blake: "The Grimm had always been a problem and I don't think that you would do something like that."
Shallot exhaled getting ready to tell Blake about his heritage since he didn't want her to be surprised when in the future their kids come out with a tail and are naturally stronger than anyone else besides them.
Shallot: "I am not a Faunus."
Blake had a confused look on her face.
Blake: "You have a tail."
Shallot: "Yes. I do have a tail but so does every one of my race."
Blake: "Race? Didn't you say, clan?"
Shallot: "Yes, that is what I have constantly been saying. Saiyans are a warrior race that is known for conquering planets. We are a race that are natural-born fighters, and Saiyans have technology that is called scanners that is capable of scanning someone's battle power.
My battle power was 40 at birth. I was considered as a disgrace to my race and used as a guinea pig to fly towards an unknown area that could be dangerous since they didn't see it as a loss. The average Saiyan has a power level of 2,500 when they are firstborn."
Blake's eyes opened wide thinking about babies that are so strong.
Blake: "How strong would I be when using those scanners."
Shallot: "Around 500-600."
Blake: 'So I'm weaker than a random baby of his race. I need to train more if Shallot ever wants to go back.'
Blake: "So what is your "Power Level" right now."
Shallot rubbed his chin thinking about it for a couple of seconds about the gravity training he had finally started doing that helped him break past his limit he had reached.
Shallot: 'So not only was I born weaker than the other Saiyans my talent is also crap. I hate that even after 12 years from when I got here and I'm still not planetary level.'
Shallot: "My power level should be around 1000-1300 since I've been training a lot more recently."
Blake was looking at Shallot's grey aura surrounding him.
Blake: "Is that why you have your Aura activated? Are you planning to head back to your "Race" if you can find a way back."
Blake was clenching her fist tightly thinking about him leaving her.
Shallot: "If I were to leave, you would be the first person I would take but before I could ever go I need to find a way to stop the Grimm from ravaging the planet so I don't have to worry about my father and mother-in-law family and my future wives families.
If anything I don't know if I can go back since I didn't come here in the most convenient way."
Blake: "How did you come here then?"
Shallot: "My space pod is what brought me here. Over the years I have studied it and taken it apart and have rebuilt it and it still works. I'm probably the most tech-savvy individual on the planet.
I came through a time rift but I was forced by "something" out of the time-rift to here. I'm not even sure how to make a time-rift so that I can get back in the first place."
This was completely over Blake's head but she was happy that Shallot was telling her all of this even though she was having an incredibly tough time wrapping her head around all of it.
Blake: "Doesn't that mean that you're an alien? Hold on ... you have a space pod?"
Shallot: "Yes, do you love me any less. So you see me as a monster since I come from a planet of murderers and battle maniacs."
Blake: "No, you are still Shallot and not some other Saiyan. They sent a child of only 3 to a dangerous place not even sure if you would live. How could they do something like that?"
Shallot: "Because they only value strength and that was something I didn't have."
Blake: 'Did Shallot constantly see himself like that? Was he always thinking about being abandoned because they considered him weak?'
Blake hugged Shallot thinking about how she would feel if she was thrown away by her family and ended up in a place that she didn't even know. Would she be able to handle being alone? Does he have any family that he left behind?'
Shallot: 'She might be overthinking things but I won't deny this hug. She has some good "assets".'
Blake: "Did you have any family."
Shallot started thinking about his little brother from his first life since he didn't know much about his Saiyan family since the first thing he heard was him being blasted off to see if the way was safe because they didn't want to send his older brother Cumber.
Shallot: 'They said my older brother Cumber so that explains why I look so much like him. Maybe I was born in the time period of the first King Vegeta then or we could be the descendants of Cumber and the name was given to whatever baby was the strongest.
However, I don't remember Cumber having a brother. Was I born in an alternate timeline? Well, I guess none of that matters now. At least Blake isn't asking about the notebook anymore.
The only one I still consider my blood family is my mother and my little brother of my first life since they were the closest to me but I never really got the chance to know Cumber. I wonder how strong I could have gotten with him around.'
Shallot: "My older brother Cumber. I've only seen him once ('Considering Dragon Ball Heroes as seeing him but I haven't even seen the planet I was supposedly born on. The only memories I had was being in an incubator chamber and then being put in a Saiyan Pod.')"
Blake only hugged Shallot tighter and then released him.
Blake: "Where are we suppose to stay for the night."
Shallot pointed behind her and she turned behind her noticing the neon pink sign in the window and then blushed heavily. She only nodded her head and grabbed his hand.
Shallot then walked into the hotel holding Blake's hand while carrying his bags in the other hand.
Shallot walked up to the front desk.
Shallot: "I would like a room for the night."
There was a man drawing what appeared to be some panels of a comic that involved some Grimm that Shallot hadn't seen before and on the side where some designs of a weapon. The man had Asian features who had black hair with orange shades, a black valedictorian Black outfit, and a red dress shirt underneath. What was incredibly weird was that his face reminded him of Ren.
The man looked up from drawing and smiled while looking at Shallot and Blake.
???: "So one room for two? If you need an extension just dial 02-01-2015."
The man handed him a key that on one side was colored one-half red and the other half blue and on the other side of the key the colors were split in four with the colors being black, yellow, white, and red. The key had an emboldened number 8 on the red and blue side. The man's voice sounded exactly like Lie Ren but Shallot could tell that wasn't him.
Shallot and Blake started walking away.
Blake: "He sounds just like Lie Ren but more gruffly. There are so many strange things in this world."
Before the could walk completely out of earshot of the man the could here.
???: "You shouldn't live your life on what you have seen but rather learn from it and live your own life."
Shallot turned back around and could only see a sign that said out for break on the table with a name label towards the side. Shallot thought about the words he heard.
Shallot: 'You shouldn't live your life on what you have seen but rather learn from it and live your own life ...huh. I'll live not towards a predetermined future but make my own.'
Shallot and Blake entered room 8 with their key and headed for the washroom.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier: 7-C City | 7-B Small city level+ level while enraged
Semblance: Space-Time Manipulation
Weapon: Scythe (Broken), Saiyan Blade (Sealed Away), Steel Toed Boots
Attack Potency: At least Large Building level | City level+ (with muscle enhancement active)
Ki control - Low
{Ki techniques}
Crescent Moon - Concentrated ki attack using a scythe leaving a strong ki blade in the shape of a crescent moon.
Spirit Orb - Energy gathered from the surroundings not used for an attack but used to heal the user. This technique takes time to gather and used.
Spirit Dome - The same property of spirit Orb but can be used on others but will use ki from the user to heal those inside the dome. This takes a larger amount of time anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to use and the person must be stationary.
Muscle enhancement - A technique to strengthen the body making it twice as strong by running ki along the muscles to tighten them but will cause physical exhaustion which will leave the person on a weakened state.
Finger beam - A concentration of ki at the tip of the finger that excels at penetration power. Incredibly dangerous at close range.
Ki blast - A basic ki blast that Shallot can use that can easily take out a Beowulf.
Ki bomb - A charged ki blast that has the capability of destroying a wall without much effort.
{Semblance abilities}
Space Crush - Force space to apply pressure around the user, an object, or an individual by touching them.
Gravity Control - Affecting the space in a unique manner to control the space.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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