Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 38 - 37 - It's time to Duel
Inside of the library Weiss, Ruby, Yang was playing a board game with the fourth seat having Shallot seating there with Blake sitting on his ŀȧp. Blake had some cards in her hands while Shallot was looking over the blueprints while furrowing his eyebrows.
Shallot: 'How the hell am I suppose to ȧssemble this thing. Why are there so many god damn gears?'
Shallot was thinking about how to mold and fix everything when an idea popped into his head.
Shallot: 'Ruby is a weapons maniac so maybe she will help me build this. I also have to make arrows for this thing which is even more material. Wait ... If I change this part...'
Shallot put the blueprint down while writing on the side with ways to change it around making it fire of dust which would shape into arrows instead.
While Shallot was distracted while holding Blake and working changing the blueprint to fit more of his style Blake was thinking about what to tell her parents when she gets the chance but also their reaction.
Ruby: "Hmn ... alright ... Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!"
Yang: "Bring it on"
As they were playing the game Shallot was getting closer and closer when he looked up to see Blake's hand and then started paying attention to the game.
Yang: "Your army has been destroyed.
Weiss: "I hate this game of emotions we play."
Shallot reached for a card in Blake's hand.
Shallot: 'This is oddly similar to Yugioh.'
Shallot pulled a card and threw it out onto the field.
Shallot: "We play trap card "My enemies, enemy" if two cities fall with three turns then the city that was just destroyed will keep 2/5 of its troops while the player that attacked will have its troops reduced to 1/5."
Yang: "What ... no this can't be happening to me."
Shallot: "Master strategies here. Maybe next time."
Yang slumped into her chair.
Ruby: "Yes, but I still got my army destroyed."
Weiss swiped her forehead.
Weiss: "That was close."
Shallot: "Don't celebrate yet. It's now my turn and I play the field card untimely darkness which causes all of your troops to be half effective if they don't have Faunus traits and then I will have my special card activate and at Yang's army which decrease my enemies defense for 1 turn. Since I still have my full force of Vale I'll use the special characteristics of the Nevermore to attack your scout tower delaying your troops from preparing and any defensive structures."
Yang: "What ... you waited for this."
Yang looked over at Weiss.
Yang: "Did you plan this against me. How did you know my plan? I must have traitors among my troops .... nooooooo."
Shallot: "And with that, your troops are destroyed and it's only down to me and Weiss."
Weiss: "I don't even know how to play."
Shallot reaches towards Ruby.
Shallot: "Join the dark side, we have cookies."
Ruby: "Cookies? Sign me up."
Weiss: "Don't fall for his lies. He just wants to make sure that you don't help me, this isn't fair."
Shallot: "All is fair in love and war Gurararara."
Yang: "Don't worry Weiss my army has been destroyed so I can help you out take him down."
Before they could finish someone had walked up to the table.
Sun: "Sup losers'"
Shallot: "Hey banana head."
Ruby: "Hey Sun."
Sun: "Ruby, Yang, Black ... Ice Queen and Torturer"
Weiss: "Why does everyone keep calling me that?"
Shallot: "It's probably because you're always being cold to others."
Yang: "I agree."
Weiss: "Hey I'm trying to change."
Sun: "I never got the chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.
A blue-haired teenager was standing there slightly taller than Sun.
Blue-hair: "Uh ... aren't libraries for reading?"
Ren: "THANK YOU!!!"
Shallot: "You can't be reading something that interesting right now."
Ren: "I'm reading about the different types of Grimm that can wipe out a town."
Shallot: "Neat."
Nora: "*Snort* Pancakes."
Shallot: "So Nora was sleeping."
Sun turned to his friend.
Sun: "Shut up and stop being a nerd."
Shallot: "Neeeeerd."
Shallot: "Sorry about that force of habit."
Blue-hair: "Hey ... I'm an intellectual. Thank you very much. I'm Neptune."
Weiss: "So, Neptune, where are you from."
Shallot: "Probably from under the sea. Hold on ... hey Neptune."
Neptune: "Yeah."
Shallot: "Can you talk to fish."
Sun: "He's afraid of water because he can't swim."
Shallot: "Then your name is very ironic."
Neptune: "Why is that?"
Shallot: "Where I come from the name Neptune is known as the God of the Sea."
Neptune: "Well besides knowing that where you're from my name is the exact opposite of me is odd ... Anyway I'm from Haven."
Neptune walked over towards Weiss.
Neptune: "I don't think I've caught your name snow angel.
Before Weiss could introduce herself Shallot buŧŧed in.
Shallot: "Are you saying you don't know the one and only Weiss Schnee of the Schnee family. The second in the line of succession to take over the entirety of the company and soon first in line since her sister decided to go work at Atlas and her little brother is the current one with the highest chance to take over the company."
Weiss looked over at Shallot.
Weiss: "And how do you know all of that?"
Shallot: "I did some research for all my teammates."
Weiss: "And how much did you learn?"
Shallot rubbed his chin while thinking about something.
Shallot: "Just basic information about your family. A family of 5 with two males and three females who are one of the wealthiest family in all of Remnant."
Lifted her head up showing a proud expression on her face.
Weiss: "As you have heard my name is Weiss."
Sun: "Are you kidding me?"
Neptune: "Pleasure to meet you."
Sun walked over to me and Black who was sitting on his ŀȧp.
Sun: "Well I guess that answers how close you two are. I never expected you both to play board games ... especially Shallot."
Shallot looked up from the blueprints and tilted his head.
Shallot: "Why is that."
Sun: "Well you seem more of the physical kind like someone that should be fighting all the time."
Shallot: "I'll have you know that I'm a scientist."
Sun looked at Shallot to see if he was joking but before he could question that.
Weiss: "You're a scientist."
Shallot: "Well ... more of an engineer but still a scientist none the less."
Sun: "Is that why your working on that scythe blueprint?"
Ruby hearing this looked over and seen the notebook with the scythe design and dashed over leaning over Shallot back looking at the Scythe design with stars in her eyes.
Shallot: "This is a nice feeling."
Ruby: "Huh."
Shallot: "Do you want to help me build it? I already collected the materials that I would need and I just need to ȧssemble it."
Ruby: "Reallly? I would love to!!!"
Shallot turned towards Blake and kissed her on the cheek and sat her down in his seat and arranging some of the cards in her hands.
Shallot: "I'm going to go out with Ruby to build my scythe and I want you to make sure that they don't win a single game."
Blake gave him a kiss while blushing and nodded her head.
Blake: "I'll make sure that they can't win."
Yang looked towards them.
Yang: "Is that a challenge? We can't let her constantly beat us Weiss."
Neptune: "Mind if I play?"
Shallot: "Well me and Ruby are going to be leaving so you can take Ruby's place and play."
Shallot grabbed his blueprint while Ruby followed him while looking at the blueprint looking at how it was modified.
[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]
Shallot: 'How the hell am I suppose to ȧssemble this thing. Why are there so many god damn gears?'
Shallot was thinking about how to mold and fix everything when an idea popped into his head.
Shallot: 'Ruby is a weapons maniac so maybe she will help me build this. I also have to make arrows for this thing which is even more material. Wait ... If I change this part...'
Shallot put the blueprint down while writing on the side with ways to change it around making it fire of dust which would shape into arrows instead.
While Shallot was distracted while holding Blake and working changing the blueprint to fit more of his style Blake was thinking about what to tell her parents when she gets the chance but also their reaction.
Ruby: "Hmn ... alright ... Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!"
Yang: "Bring it on"
As they were playing the game Shallot was getting closer and closer when he looked up to see Blake's hand and then started paying attention to the game.
Yang: "Your army has been destroyed.
Weiss: "I hate this game of emotions we play."
Shallot reached for a card in Blake's hand.
Shallot: 'This is oddly similar to Yugioh.'
Shallot pulled a card and threw it out onto the field.
Shallot: "We play trap card "My enemies, enemy" if two cities fall with three turns then the city that was just destroyed will keep 2/5 of its troops while the player that attacked will have its troops reduced to 1/5."
Yang: "What ... no this can't be happening to me."
Shallot: "Master strategies here. Maybe next time."
Yang slumped into her chair.
Ruby: "Yes, but I still got my army destroyed."
Weiss swiped her forehead.
Weiss: "That was close."
Shallot: "Don't celebrate yet. It's now my turn and I play the field card untimely darkness which causes all of your troops to be half effective if they don't have Faunus traits and then I will have my special card activate and at Yang's army which decrease my enemies defense for 1 turn. Since I still have my full force of Vale I'll use the special characteristics of the Nevermore to attack your scout tower delaying your troops from preparing and any defensive structures."
Yang: "What ... you waited for this."
Yang looked over at Weiss.
Yang: "Did you plan this against me. How did you know my plan? I must have traitors among my troops .... nooooooo."
Shallot: "And with that, your troops are destroyed and it's only down to me and Weiss."
Weiss: "I don't even know how to play."
Shallot reaches towards Ruby.
Shallot: "Join the dark side, we have cookies."
Ruby: "Cookies? Sign me up."
Weiss: "Don't fall for his lies. He just wants to make sure that you don't help me, this isn't fair."
Shallot: "All is fair in love and war Gurararara."
Yang: "Don't worry Weiss my army has been destroyed so I can help you out take him down."
Before they could finish someone had walked up to the table.
Sun: "Sup losers'"
Shallot: "Hey banana head."
Ruby: "Hey Sun."
Sun: "Ruby, Yang, Black ... Ice Queen and Torturer"
Weiss: "Why does everyone keep calling me that?"
Shallot: "It's probably because you're always being cold to others."
Yang: "I agree."
Weiss: "Hey I'm trying to change."
Sun: "I never got the chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.
A blue-haired teenager was standing there slightly taller than Sun.
Blue-hair: "Uh ... aren't libraries for reading?"
Ren: "THANK YOU!!!"
Shallot: "You can't be reading something that interesting right now."
Ren: "I'm reading about the different types of Grimm that can wipe out a town."
Shallot: "Neat."
Nora: "*Snort* Pancakes."
Shallot: "So Nora was sleeping."
Sun turned to his friend.
Sun: "Shut up and stop being a nerd."
Shallot: "Neeeeerd."
Shallot: "Sorry about that force of habit."
Blue-hair: "Hey ... I'm an intellectual. Thank you very much. I'm Neptune."
Weiss: "So, Neptune, where are you from."
Shallot: "Probably from under the sea. Hold on ... hey Neptune."
Neptune: "Yeah."
Shallot: "Can you talk to fish."
Sun: "He's afraid of water because he can't swim."
Shallot: "Then your name is very ironic."
Neptune: "Why is that?"
Shallot: "Where I come from the name Neptune is known as the God of the Sea."
Neptune: "Well besides knowing that where you're from my name is the exact opposite of me is odd ... Anyway I'm from Haven."
Neptune walked over towards Weiss.
Neptune: "I don't think I've caught your name snow angel.
Before Weiss could introduce herself Shallot buŧŧed in.
Shallot: "Are you saying you don't know the one and only Weiss Schnee of the Schnee family. The second in the line of succession to take over the entirety of the company and soon first in line since her sister decided to go work at Atlas and her little brother is the current one with the highest chance to take over the company."
Weiss looked over at Shallot.
Weiss: "And how do you know all of that?"
Shallot: "I did some research for all my teammates."
Weiss: "And how much did you learn?"
Shallot rubbed his chin while thinking about something.
Shallot: "Just basic information about your family. A family of 5 with two males and three females who are one of the wealthiest family in all of Remnant."
Lifted her head up showing a proud expression on her face.
Weiss: "As you have heard my name is Weiss."
Sun: "Are you kidding me?"
Neptune: "Pleasure to meet you."
Sun walked over to me and Black who was sitting on his ŀȧp.
Sun: "Well I guess that answers how close you two are. I never expected you both to play board games ... especially Shallot."
Shallot looked up from the blueprints and tilted his head.
Shallot: "Why is that."
Sun: "Well you seem more of the physical kind like someone that should be fighting all the time."
Shallot: "I'll have you know that I'm a scientist."
Sun looked at Shallot to see if he was joking but before he could question that.
Weiss: "You're a scientist."
Shallot: "Well ... more of an engineer but still a scientist none the less."
Sun: "Is that why your working on that scythe blueprint?"
Ruby hearing this looked over and seen the notebook with the scythe design and dashed over leaning over Shallot back looking at the Scythe design with stars in her eyes.
Shallot: "This is a nice feeling."
Ruby: "Huh."
Shallot: "Do you want to help me build it? I already collected the materials that I would need and I just need to ȧssemble it."
Ruby: "Reallly? I would love to!!!"
Shallot turned towards Blake and kissed her on the cheek and sat her down in his seat and arranging some of the cards in her hands.
Shallot: "I'm going to go out with Ruby to build my scythe and I want you to make sure that they don't win a single game."
Blake gave him a kiss while blushing and nodded her head.
Blake: "I'll make sure that they can't win."
Yang looked towards them.
Yang: "Is that a challenge? We can't let her constantly beat us Weiss."
Neptune: "Mind if I play?"
Shallot: "Well me and Ruby are going to be leaving so you can take Ruby's place and play."
Shallot grabbed his blueprint while Ruby followed him while looking at the blueprint looking at how it was modified.
[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]
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