Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY

Chapter 55 - 52 - Burning The Candle (1)

Weiss was walking back and forth in the gymnasium while holding to white clothes in her hand. If you were to look close enough you could see slightly designs on them that are usually used at the dining hall for events.

Weiss walked over to a table where Ruby was sitting with her head laid on the table because she felt that she didn't get enough sleep because they were going at it until 3 when she fell asleep and then also did it again before coming here and wanted to get some more sleep.

Weiss walked up to Ruby and started asking her a question while smiling and slides two squares over to Ruby, both seeming to be similar shades of white.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth."

Ruby tiredly lifted her head looking at the sheet not really seeing anything that's different.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss sighs in frustration.

Weiss: "I don't even know why I asked!"

Weiss walks from Ruby's table and Yang comes in carrying a massive sound speaker on her shoulder, which bounces her sister and the table she's trying to rest on again to jump in the air when she drops it on the ground.

Ruby: 'Uhhhhh.'

Yang brushes her hands as she approaches Ruby.

Yang: "So, have you picked out a dress yet to impress your boyfriend?"

Ruby: "I'll do that later after getting some sleep. I also don't know what he would like."

Yang: "Well I can help with that I have always been fashionable."

While Yang was looking talking to Ruby she turned and looks over with an exasperated expression.

Yang: "Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!"

Weiss walks up to Yang, pointing in her face.

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!"

Shallot walked in with a cup of hot chocolate placing it in front of Ruby on the table while giving her a kiss on the cheek. He was letting the aroma of hot chocolate drift into Ruby's nose making her sit up looking at Shallot then the hot chocolate. She picked the cup up and took a sip enjoying the taste putting a smile on her face a waking her up slightly.

The doors to the gymnasium opened and Neptune and Sun walked in seeing that Ruby was also really close to Shallot. Sun's mouth dropped open while walking over.

Neptune: "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?"

Shallot: 'She definitely has a crush on him.'

Weiss: "We were thinking about it...

Ruby seeing everything then looked at Shallot and was making eye gestures trying to convey something. She didn't know how to do it exactly so it was hilariously for Shallot watching her do it. Shallot leaned in close to her to see what she wanted to say.

Ruby: "(whispering) Aren't you going to go after Weiss also?"

Shallot: "(I'm not. She just doesn't seem like the type that could loosen up around me and is the stubborn kind but more of the prideful stubborn and not the I'm high class stubborn. I am really going for her sister Winter."

Ruby: "(whispering) She has a sister?"

Shallot: (whispering) Yep and is definitely a looker."

Shallot: 'And her appearance also reminds of 2B from Nier Automata. I'm sure that she would look incredibly hot in a maid outfit also if I can get her to roleplay if I can get her to fall for me. I also need to hit on Raven if I get the chance. I always dreamed of getting an Oyakodon. I need to also figure out why she left Yang if I want to make this work.'

Sun walked closer to Shallot while saying in a low voice.

Sun: "Teach me your ways. You already have another girl while I'm still single."

Even though Sun was trying to be quieter Ruby still heard him and started blushing but didn't deny it. Yang also looked thinking that Ruby was really adorable like this and started to slowly take her scroll out while taking a picture.

Shallot: "I'm not great at teaching and I just follow my heart and follow my instincts. Isn't that right Yang."

Yang remembering what had just happened in the room looked at Shallot with a competitive look in her eyes since she is always the one who is known for being aggressive.

Sun's eyes opened even further and looked thinking that he already has three girls.

Sun: "Are you ladies excited to show your dresses off for tonight's dance."

Ruby, not likin wearing dresses only laughed especially after remembering that Yang said that she has a sense of style and would help her.

Ruby: "Pfft... Yeah, right!"

Yang: "Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night and I'll make sure in a proper dress for the dance!"

Weiss turned to address Sun and Neptune.

Weiss: "What are you two wearing?"

Sun hearing that he was being asked and replied thinking about how he really only has outfits like the one he has on since all of his clothes are made for traveling in the desert.

Sun: "Uuhhh... this?"

He gestures to his current shirtless outfit.

Neptune steps up and holds a hand in front of his friend's face.

Neptune: "Ignore him for he knows not what he says."

Shallot: "And that is the reason you can't get any girls. I dress a certain way and have multiple outfits that enhance my body's appearance."

Ruby looks at the black compression shirt that's wrapping around his ab muscles and swallows while Yang is also looking and licks her lips being slightly entranced while looking down between his legs.

Sun knocks Neptune's hand away while seeing the girls' reaction looking at Shallot while Weiss had looked then quickly turned away.

Sun: "Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place."

Yang mirroring Ruby's and Weiss' looks of being told something extremely obvious

Yang: "Yeah, we noticed."

Sun: "Now that I think about it... where is Blake isn't she always around Shallot. I thought they didn't separate from each other that much."

Shallot: "I had asked her to do something for me in the library."

Ruby: "So that's what you asked her before we left."

Neptune: "So are you also in a relationship with him Weiss."

Weiss started panicking slightly while shaking her hands in front of her face.

Weiss: "No... not at all. Blake, Ruby, and Yang all like him."

Yang: "Hey you weren't supposed to say that out loud. What happened to sisters secrets."

Weiss covered her mouth.

Weiss: "Oops."


Inside the library, Blake is sitting on a computer in the corner away from everyone else while typing something while looking at a dongle that Shallot had given to her that he told her to connect to the computer and run the programs on the computer and make sure that it is connected to the internet.

She had run a couple of the programs and didn't know much about what they could do since she wasn't a tech-savvy individual. She had run four different programs with one that had one line that would flash over and over again saying "Ah Ah Ah, You didn't say the magic word".

Blake: "Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word... that sounds like a teasing way of saying something. Well, I think that's everything I need to do. I can now look at the secret pictures I took of Shallot."

Before she could look at Shallot's pictures a small, bright red light appears on the screen. Moving up and down, Blake's eyes follow it down to her hand, then disappears entirely. She looks behind herself, obviously irritated, but no one walking among the tables is her culprit.

Turning back to the computer, she starts typing on the beeping keyboard before the laser dot appears on her hand briefly, prompting her to look around again and still find no one. The red point shows up on the screen, moving around in circles until Blake scowls and pounds her fists on the table keeping her from concentrating on looking at Shallot's pictures.

She stands up from her chair and finds the light on the floor, following it blindly through shelves of books until both the dot and its pursuer turn the corner, only for Blake to bump, shocked and shaken out of her more "animal" instincts, into...

Yang waving with her left hand as her right holds the later pointer, while in a sing-song voice.

Yang: "He-lloooo!"

Blake: "What are you...?"

Yang grabs Blake's arm.

Yang: "We need to talk."

And with that, amid Blake's single cry of surprise, Yang whisks Blake away.

[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]

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