Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 6 - 6 - Ruby
~~13 Years Later~~
Walking down a street heading towards a store was a very muscular man standing at 5'7". He has long spiky black hair reaching down to his thɨġhs with a single shorter bang hanging over his face. He has red-irises and visible pupils with a fuzzy brown belt wrapped around his waist. His outfit is shown to be a red sleeveless shirt with black baggy pants and red boots with a brown backpack, a folded black scythe with a slight red hue across its edge on his back underneath his backpack, and a pair of black headphones on his head listening to rock music.
Shallot: "Man so this is the kingdom of Vale. This is where my shenanigans begin. It will take a year for the fall of Vale to happen if what I remember from some people that were trying to spoil the story for me. Hopefully, there's something that can challenge me here but I won't get my hopes up."
Shallot had arrived in Vale during the evening and had got here just before 6:30 pm and was heading to check out the dust shop.
Over the years he had been training and should be capable of leveling a mountain at least currently without looking at a moon.
Shallot walked down the street until he found a dust store. He walked in seeing an elderly man behind the counter. He walked over to one of the shelves and was interested in one of the magazines related to the combination of dust and started reading them.
He was trying to find something that could be useful for modifying the eclipse scythe he recreated from the Ninja Gaiden game that he loved to play. He had practiced all the moves he could remember from the game and started only using his scythe to fight Grimm to give himself a challenge.
The only thing the scythe was missing was the ability to absorb the blood of his enemies but he wasn't expecting to find dust that was capable of doing that although liquid manipulation for the scythe would be pretty useful. What he wanted was to find information about how to infuse dust into the weapon to change between different elements without compromising the structure.
Shallot spent 30 minutes searching through different pamphlets but wasn't worried about time and just continued listening to his music while searching.
Shallot: 'I wonder how did they get the soundtrack of the show playing on scrolls. I don't even remember there being a place for bands and musicians to play at. I've seen some musicians every now and then but haven't come across a recording studio yet. Weird.'
While Shallot was trying to find the information that he could make some interesting combos with his scythe if dust is added when someone taps him on his shoulder. Shallot turned around to see another guy there in a black suit the same height as him making a gesture to take his headphones off.
Shallot started taking his headphones off while looking around the store to see what's going on to see another guy doing the same thing to a girl tapping her and gesturing to take off her headphones.
Shallot: 'So the place is being robbed... ah ... I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings since regular bullets can't even pierce my skin. I shouldn't get negligent like this too often. I should deal with this situation so I can finish reading.'
Shallot&???: Are you robbing me?
Crook 1 & 2: Yes
???: "Ohh"
Shallot: "Well that is unfortunate."
As soon as Shallot said that the crook by the girl was hit by her and sent flying across the store.
Shallot: 'Ok that was hot ... damn Saiyan blood. I've been isolated fighting Grimm for too long. Haven't been to a city in 3 years.
Shallot looked at the guy in front of him than just backhanded him sending him flying into the wall embedding him into it. Shallot started walking towards the others that were in the store getting ready to take them down when seeing a certain top hat-wearing ginger.
Shallot: 'Well I'll be. It's Roman Torchwick. Haven't seen him since I tried hitting on Neo. Umm, she has some fine legs.'
As Shallot started walking towards Roman, Roman was staring at his mean and the girl before telling them.
Torchwick: "Ok ... get her.
Torchwick then turned to see who else was causing his dust operation to go south but when he turned his head he saw the last face he wanted to see and his face started turning red and started breathing heavily.
Torchwick started heading out of the building and calling on his phone to pull the plane and while making his call one of his men flew through the window and a flurry of rose petals went by him. He walked out of the store while his other men all ran out after to go deal with the more "flashy" and less troublesome problem.
Shallot was watching everything go down while walking over to the shop owner.
Shallot: "You don't mind me beating those guys up do you?"
The elderly man shook his head.
Shallot: Can you watch this for me, kind sir?"
Shallot asked the man while placing his backpack down and then disappearing from his spot appearing in between two of Roman men elbowing them on the top of there head sending them crashing to the ground.
Shallot: "You know I don't like being interrupted while I'm reading ... (In a sarcastic voice) Oh ...god ... Roman is that you. We need to stop meeting this way. How is your mother doing? Is she doing fine? Hope you had her try that herbal remedy I gave you last time. (serious tone) because you're going to need physical therapy after I get done with you today.
Shallot walked towards Roman while Roman pulled up his cane and pointed it towards the girl and shot it immediately.
Shallot: 'Well at least he learned it wouldn't work on me.'
Shallot then took off at full speed and appeared by the girl holding her in a princess carry and jumping out of the way. After doing this he looked down at the person he was holding and noticed she had silver eyes, her outfit consists of a long-sleeve, light gray shirt with black belted cuffs near the ends of the sleeves.
Over the top of the gray shirt is a black pinafore with two vertical lines of red stitching that resemble the lacing on a corset. She wears a red skirt with a large black print of her emblem on the side and matching black tulle underneath.
Shallot: 'Isn't this one of the main characters of the show ... uh ... Ruby ... It's been too many years but I can't just go calling her name out.'
Shallot: "What beautiful eyes you have and your quite cute. So princess, your magical knight here will go and defeat the bad guys here what type of show do you want.
???: Uh ... thanks? My name isn't princess it's Ruby and I can take care of these guys.
Ruby got down from his arms with a slight blush on her face and pulled her scythe out. Roman was already running and heading for the ladder on the side of a building heading to the roof.
Shallot: 'Now I could stop him ... but if I let things play out I might be able to jog my memories of the show. What to do, what to do. I'll let things play out if anything bad happens I'm at least hypersonic while still being lazy.'
Shallot walked back inside the store to grab his bag. After grabbing it he headed back out to see Ruby chasing Roman up to the roof and a plane rising from the other side and rushed over to the roof to see if that's who he thinks it is.
Shallot rushed over and could see Roman heading towards the side with the plane.
Shallot: 'It seems that Roman is getting better with his plans since I keep beating him up whenever I get bored. Catch and release is the way of a great fisher.'
Shallot squatted and jumped leaving cracks in the ground clearing the entire building and landing on the ledge almost having it collapse before balancing himself. Roman had thrown a dust crystal and was about to shot it when someone else jumped in front of the shot and Shallot jumped in front of them.
Shallot grabbed his scythe from his back swinging it coating it with ki sending a ki blade slicing threw Roman's cane shot causing it to explode and clipping the wing of the plane. Roman went towards the ċȯċkpit of the plane and someone else came out.
Shallot: 'Ok I remember now. Oh, this isn't good. I don't know how magic holds up ki since I could never bait Raven into fighting me. Seriously, she is way to paranoid.'
A fair-skinned woman with ashen-black hair that covers her left eye, bright amber eyes, and can be described as very young. She wears lipstick and violet eyeshadow. She wears a dark-red, off-the-shoulders, v-neck mini dress with yellow designs. There is a blue feather-like accessory on her right hip, at the top of an open portion of her dress. The dress ends in an upside-down triangular tail in the back, ending just above the knees.
The person that had jumped in front of Ruby held up her wand creating a glyph causing a storm to form overhead and raining ice shards down on the plane. Roman tried to maneuver the best as he could as the woman standing at the hatch of the door lifted her arms and they started glowing and started to hail down fireballs at them.
Shallot: 'Oh catfight. I wanna watch this.'
Shallot stepped to the side out of the way and watched as the blond-haired woman behind him was creating another glyph to defend against the fireballs. The fireballs were canceled and the one in the plane creating a ring of fire around the blond-haired before setting it off. The blonde-haired woman jumped back to avoid the attack.
Shallot: "Ok I'm bored again."
Shallot then raised his hand and created a small ki blast that would just be enough power to be a nuisance then blasted it towards the ashen-black haired female in the ship. She tried to block it with one hand and could feel the power behind it and felt the sting on her hand.
Shallot jumped back while grabbing Ruby by princess carrying her out of the range of the blast. The blast created some dust that blew onto everyone there while Shallot put Ruby back down while dusting himself off. Ruby blushed again after being carried twice in one day but then towards the blond-haired woman in front of her.
Shallot looked at Ruby to see the blush before thinking.
Shallot: 'Everything is going according to plan. You have to subtly get into there heads then make them fall for you over time. It took me some years with Blake to pretty much brainwash her into believing a harem was fine since the world population was low which at this point I'm not exactly lying.
After Ruby, comes her sister Yang then snow white. I will then have enough wives to bȧrė some pretty strong children if I do say so myself.'
Ruby: "You're a huntress ... can I have your autograph?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Walking down a street heading towards a store was a very muscular man standing at 5'7". He has long spiky black hair reaching down to his thɨġhs with a single shorter bang hanging over his face. He has red-irises and visible pupils with a fuzzy brown belt wrapped around his waist. His outfit is shown to be a red sleeveless shirt with black baggy pants and red boots with a brown backpack, a folded black scythe with a slight red hue across its edge on his back underneath his backpack, and a pair of black headphones on his head listening to rock music.
Shallot: "Man so this is the kingdom of Vale. This is where my shenanigans begin. It will take a year for the fall of Vale to happen if what I remember from some people that were trying to spoil the story for me. Hopefully, there's something that can challenge me here but I won't get my hopes up."
Shallot had arrived in Vale during the evening and had got here just before 6:30 pm and was heading to check out the dust shop.
Over the years he had been training and should be capable of leveling a mountain at least currently without looking at a moon.
Shallot walked down the street until he found a dust store. He walked in seeing an elderly man behind the counter. He walked over to one of the shelves and was interested in one of the magazines related to the combination of dust and started reading them.
He was trying to find something that could be useful for modifying the eclipse scythe he recreated from the Ninja Gaiden game that he loved to play. He had practiced all the moves he could remember from the game and started only using his scythe to fight Grimm to give himself a challenge.
The only thing the scythe was missing was the ability to absorb the blood of his enemies but he wasn't expecting to find dust that was capable of doing that although liquid manipulation for the scythe would be pretty useful. What he wanted was to find information about how to infuse dust into the weapon to change between different elements without compromising the structure.
Shallot spent 30 minutes searching through different pamphlets but wasn't worried about time and just continued listening to his music while searching.
Shallot: 'I wonder how did they get the soundtrack of the show playing on scrolls. I don't even remember there being a place for bands and musicians to play at. I've seen some musicians every now and then but haven't come across a recording studio yet. Weird.'
While Shallot was trying to find the information that he could make some interesting combos with his scythe if dust is added when someone taps him on his shoulder. Shallot turned around to see another guy there in a black suit the same height as him making a gesture to take his headphones off.
Shallot started taking his headphones off while looking around the store to see what's going on to see another guy doing the same thing to a girl tapping her and gesturing to take off her headphones.
Shallot: 'So the place is being robbed... ah ... I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings since regular bullets can't even pierce my skin. I shouldn't get negligent like this too often. I should deal with this situation so I can finish reading.'
Shallot&???: Are you robbing me?
Crook 1 & 2: Yes
???: "Ohh"
Shallot: "Well that is unfortunate."
As soon as Shallot said that the crook by the girl was hit by her and sent flying across the store.
Shallot: 'Ok that was hot ... damn Saiyan blood. I've been isolated fighting Grimm for too long. Haven't been to a city in 3 years.
Shallot looked at the guy in front of him than just backhanded him sending him flying into the wall embedding him into it. Shallot started walking towards the others that were in the store getting ready to take them down when seeing a certain top hat-wearing ginger.
Shallot: 'Well I'll be. It's Roman Torchwick. Haven't seen him since I tried hitting on Neo. Umm, she has some fine legs.'
As Shallot started walking towards Roman, Roman was staring at his mean and the girl before telling them.
Torchwick: "Ok ... get her.
Torchwick then turned to see who else was causing his dust operation to go south but when he turned his head he saw the last face he wanted to see and his face started turning red and started breathing heavily.
Torchwick started heading out of the building and calling on his phone to pull the plane and while making his call one of his men flew through the window and a flurry of rose petals went by him. He walked out of the store while his other men all ran out after to go deal with the more "flashy" and less troublesome problem.
Shallot was watching everything go down while walking over to the shop owner.
Shallot: "You don't mind me beating those guys up do you?"
The elderly man shook his head.
Shallot: Can you watch this for me, kind sir?"
Shallot asked the man while placing his backpack down and then disappearing from his spot appearing in between two of Roman men elbowing them on the top of there head sending them crashing to the ground.
Shallot: "You know I don't like being interrupted while I'm reading ... (In a sarcastic voice) Oh ...god ... Roman is that you. We need to stop meeting this way. How is your mother doing? Is she doing fine? Hope you had her try that herbal remedy I gave you last time. (serious tone) because you're going to need physical therapy after I get done with you today.
Shallot walked towards Roman while Roman pulled up his cane and pointed it towards the girl and shot it immediately.
Shallot: 'Well at least he learned it wouldn't work on me.'
Shallot then took off at full speed and appeared by the girl holding her in a princess carry and jumping out of the way. After doing this he looked down at the person he was holding and noticed she had silver eyes, her outfit consists of a long-sleeve, light gray shirt with black belted cuffs near the ends of the sleeves.
Over the top of the gray shirt is a black pinafore with two vertical lines of red stitching that resemble the lacing on a corset. She wears a red skirt with a large black print of her emblem on the side and matching black tulle underneath.
Shallot: 'Isn't this one of the main characters of the show ... uh ... Ruby ... It's been too many years but I can't just go calling her name out.'
Shallot: "What beautiful eyes you have and your quite cute. So princess, your magical knight here will go and defeat the bad guys here what type of show do you want.
???: Uh ... thanks? My name isn't princess it's Ruby and I can take care of these guys.
Ruby got down from his arms with a slight blush on her face and pulled her scythe out. Roman was already running and heading for the ladder on the side of a building heading to the roof.
Shallot: 'Now I could stop him ... but if I let things play out I might be able to jog my memories of the show. What to do, what to do. I'll let things play out if anything bad happens I'm at least hypersonic while still being lazy.'
Shallot walked back inside the store to grab his bag. After grabbing it he headed back out to see Ruby chasing Roman up to the roof and a plane rising from the other side and rushed over to the roof to see if that's who he thinks it is.
Shallot rushed over and could see Roman heading towards the side with the plane.
Shallot: 'It seems that Roman is getting better with his plans since I keep beating him up whenever I get bored. Catch and release is the way of a great fisher.'
Shallot squatted and jumped leaving cracks in the ground clearing the entire building and landing on the ledge almost having it collapse before balancing himself. Roman had thrown a dust crystal and was about to shot it when someone else jumped in front of the shot and Shallot jumped in front of them.
Shallot grabbed his scythe from his back swinging it coating it with ki sending a ki blade slicing threw Roman's cane shot causing it to explode and clipping the wing of the plane. Roman went towards the ċȯċkpit of the plane and someone else came out.
Shallot: 'Ok I remember now. Oh, this isn't good. I don't know how magic holds up ki since I could never bait Raven into fighting me. Seriously, she is way to paranoid.'
A fair-skinned woman with ashen-black hair that covers her left eye, bright amber eyes, and can be described as very young. She wears lipstick and violet eyeshadow. She wears a dark-red, off-the-shoulders, v-neck mini dress with yellow designs. There is a blue feather-like accessory on her right hip, at the top of an open portion of her dress. The dress ends in an upside-down triangular tail in the back, ending just above the knees.
The person that had jumped in front of Ruby held up her wand creating a glyph causing a storm to form overhead and raining ice shards down on the plane. Roman tried to maneuver the best as he could as the woman standing at the hatch of the door lifted her arms and they started glowing and started to hail down fireballs at them.
Shallot: 'Oh catfight. I wanna watch this.'
Shallot stepped to the side out of the way and watched as the blond-haired woman behind him was creating another glyph to defend against the fireballs. The fireballs were canceled and the one in the plane creating a ring of fire around the blond-haired before setting it off. The blonde-haired woman jumped back to avoid the attack.
Shallot: "Ok I'm bored again."
Shallot then raised his hand and created a small ki blast that would just be enough power to be a nuisance then blasted it towards the ashen-black haired female in the ship. She tried to block it with one hand and could feel the power behind it and felt the sting on her hand.
Shallot jumped back while grabbing Ruby by princess carrying her out of the range of the blast. The blast created some dust that blew onto everyone there while Shallot put Ruby back down while dusting himself off. Ruby blushed again after being carried twice in one day but then towards the blond-haired woman in front of her.
Shallot looked at Ruby to see the blush before thinking.
Shallot: 'Everything is going according to plan. You have to subtly get into there heads then make them fall for you over time. It took me some years with Blake to pretty much brainwash her into believing a harem was fine since the world population was low which at this point I'm not exactly lying.
After Ruby, comes her sister Yang then snow white. I will then have enough wives to bȧrė some pretty strong children if I do say so myself.'
Ruby: "You're a huntress ... can I have your autograph?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tier 8-B
Tier 5-C Oozaru
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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