Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY
Chapter 60 - 57 - Night Time Date
Shallot was pulling Yang's hand knowing that Blake and Ruby won't be back for a while and was going to drag Yang away to give her a mini date tonight and take her around Vale to see some of the nightlife.
Shallot had dragged Yang out of the dance room and out the front door. Shallot stepped back slightly and grabs Yang picking her up in a princess carry and lifted off into the air and took off towards the city of Vale to explore at night.
Shallot and Yang were only flying for only 30 minutes with Shallot wrapping his ki around himself and Yang wouldn't feel the wind pressure pushing against them. Shallot could have gotten to the town quicker but he was enjoying the way Yang felt in his arms.
He would grab her ȧss every now and then acting as he was trying to get a better grip on her but she could tell what he was doing and would hit his ċhėst every time he did it. Shallot had landed in an alley so no one would see them.
Shallot looked at the dress that Yang had on and was trying to keep his third leg from rising since it would be easy to see since the pants were slightly tighter than he was used to wearing. Shallot wrapped his arm around Yang and they started walking out of the alley and onto the street.
The city lights were on in the shops with street lights on giving the area a nice feeling letting anyone coming by that they were still open for business. Yang and Shallot started walking around and Yang decided to go along with it and wrapped her arm around his arm holding onto it closely.
They walked past a couple of food stands that were still open and Shallot had seemed to find one that was selling Yakitori. Behind the food, stand stood someone who had characteristics like Ren but appeared a lot older with a chubbier face. Shallot and Yang walked towards the stand with Shallot asking Yang if she wanted one.
Shallot: "Do you want to try one Yang? It could be really good. This will be the first thing we taste on our first date."
Yang thought about it for a second and thought that she was fine with this.
Yang: "Sure. I could use something tasty right now."
Shallot: "I would like 50 of these then sir."
The chubby man behind the cart eyes widened before he blinked a couple of times thinking he heard that wrong.
Yakitori Seller: "I think I heard you wrong. How many did you say?"
Shallot: "I want 50 of them. On your sign, it says each one is 100 Lien for each one."
The Yakitori seller packed the ten that were cooking on the grill while pulling out more so that he could make some more of them. After another 15 minutes, Shallot and Yang had all 50, and Shallot paid 5000 Lien for it all thinking that he is going to have to get some more Lien soon.
Shallot and Yang walked and just enjoyed the refreshing night air as Yang wanted to know more about Shallot since this was her date and she wanted to know more about him before she just jumps into a relationship with him like her little sister did.
Yang: "Can you tell me what it was like growing up for you?"
Shallot thought about it and decided to tell her about how he was traveling on a "ship" when it crashed and he ended up in a forest somewhere when he was attacked by a "Beowolf" Grimm. He told her about how a come from a warrior "tribe" which is why he is so strong.
He told her that he meets Blake's father while in the forest and he brought him back home to be treated.
Yang: "Shouldn't you have been able to take out a Beowolf easily with your strength?"
Shallot: "I wasn't always this strong. I was considered a failure in my "tribe" and pretty much sent out to die from how much weaker I am compared to the others who were born. Even toddlers were stronger than I was when I was 4 years old. I trained over the years but I didn't only train."
Yang was interested now in what else he would have done. She could tell that he wasn't just a muscle brained brute and wanted to know what he did if he said he didn't train all the time.
They continued walking stopping at a couple more food stalls and looking at some jewelry set out for others but Yang wasn't too interested in the jewelry since she said that it would probably get in the way while she was fighting and didn't also want it getting lost or broken while she was fighting.
Shallot told her about how he made techniques to heal himself in case he ever got injured and how he spent most of his time working with technology and improving his knowledge but was limited in the materials that he had at hand. He told her that he had even built his own lab before.
Yang was slightly interested in the lab part since Shallot doesn't seem like the white lab coat type but more of the "Imma build something to destroy something kind of person" but she also knew not to judge someone based on appearances. She also had another question for him.
Yang: "Why do you want more than just one wife. Blake told us that in your "clan" or tribe as you call it that they have multiple wives. Why do you want multiple wives yourself?"
Yang wanted to know this answer because if it wasn't something really convincing then he would try to convince Ruby to give up on him as she would also. She had to still look after Ruby as the older sister.
Shallot: "It's because I want a big family that would always be there to watch over you and watch your back. I also want to have a lot of kids in the future with my wives so that I can train them to outshine the rest."
Yang thought about it for a while and didn't seem like what he said wasn't that bad and understanding that he just wanted a family and from what she heard from his story he was pretty much abandoned which is probably why he wanted so many wives.
Shallot: 'Also my libido is pretty high and I need 5 pure-hearted Saiyans to become a Super Saiyan God. Before that, though I will completely master everything that I can while also trying to recreate some of the moves from the Xenoverse 2 video game since it had a large move list to choose from.'
Yang and Shallot continued their mini-date when Yang got a call on her scroll and noticed that it was already 2 o'clock and a message from Ruby asking where she was at. Yang texted Ruby that she was on her way back to the dorm now and she had gone out to grab something to eat.
Yang turned to Shallot showing him the time hinting that it was time for them to get back and Shallot picked Yang up again in a princess carry flying into the sky towards their dorms. The people around them traveling so early in the morning were believing they were seeing things from being tired.
On the way back Shallot could smell the scent of Yang and he was getting hard and his hands were roaming over her backside feeling that she was really plump and had a juicy rear.
Shallot: "You have some strong birthing hɨps. I'm pretty sure our kids will be strong and healthy."
Yang just hit Shallot's ċhėst before replying to him.
Yang: "I never said that I will become your girlfriend."
Shallot: "Did you not enjoy the date?"
Yang: "I did enjoy the date."
Shallot: "I also wanted to ask you something."
Yang lifted an eyebrow while slapping his hand that was feeling her body more than was needed.
Yang: "And what was that."
Shallot I want to hear about when you were younger and about when you were small and took Ruby out in a red wagon.
Yang opened her eyes thinking that she hadn't told him about that.
Yang: "How do you know about that?"
Shallot: "Well, there was a beam of light that hit the Grimm before your uncle showed up. I was the one that fired that beam."
Yang's eyes opened up while looking at Shallot.
Yang: "If you were there why didn't you fight it and how did you know I was there."
Shallot: "How do you think your uncle knew where you were. I was sent to look after you by someone but they said they wanted to surprise you when you see them. That's all I can tell you. You can consider it a gift from me when you meet them."
Yang accepted then told about everything that happened from her point of view.
Yang and Shallot made it back to the dorm and before they went in Yang turned around giving Shallot a quick kiss on the cheek before walking in with him following behind.
[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]
Shallot had dragged Yang out of the dance room and out the front door. Shallot stepped back slightly and grabs Yang picking her up in a princess carry and lifted off into the air and took off towards the city of Vale to explore at night.
Shallot and Yang were only flying for only 30 minutes with Shallot wrapping his ki around himself and Yang wouldn't feel the wind pressure pushing against them. Shallot could have gotten to the town quicker but he was enjoying the way Yang felt in his arms.
He would grab her ȧss every now and then acting as he was trying to get a better grip on her but she could tell what he was doing and would hit his ċhėst every time he did it. Shallot had landed in an alley so no one would see them.
Shallot looked at the dress that Yang had on and was trying to keep his third leg from rising since it would be easy to see since the pants were slightly tighter than he was used to wearing. Shallot wrapped his arm around Yang and they started walking out of the alley and onto the street.
The city lights were on in the shops with street lights on giving the area a nice feeling letting anyone coming by that they were still open for business. Yang and Shallot started walking around and Yang decided to go along with it and wrapped her arm around his arm holding onto it closely.
They walked past a couple of food stands that were still open and Shallot had seemed to find one that was selling Yakitori. Behind the food, stand stood someone who had characteristics like Ren but appeared a lot older with a chubbier face. Shallot and Yang walked towards the stand with Shallot asking Yang if she wanted one.
Shallot: "Do you want to try one Yang? It could be really good. This will be the first thing we taste on our first date."
Yang thought about it for a second and thought that she was fine with this.
Yang: "Sure. I could use something tasty right now."
Shallot: "I would like 50 of these then sir."
The chubby man behind the cart eyes widened before he blinked a couple of times thinking he heard that wrong.
Yakitori Seller: "I think I heard you wrong. How many did you say?"
Shallot: "I want 50 of them. On your sign, it says each one is 100 Lien for each one."
The Yakitori seller packed the ten that were cooking on the grill while pulling out more so that he could make some more of them. After another 15 minutes, Shallot and Yang had all 50, and Shallot paid 5000 Lien for it all thinking that he is going to have to get some more Lien soon.
Shallot and Yang walked and just enjoyed the refreshing night air as Yang wanted to know more about Shallot since this was her date and she wanted to know more about him before she just jumps into a relationship with him like her little sister did.
Yang: "Can you tell me what it was like growing up for you?"
Shallot thought about it and decided to tell her about how he was traveling on a "ship" when it crashed and he ended up in a forest somewhere when he was attacked by a "Beowolf" Grimm. He told her about how a come from a warrior "tribe" which is why he is so strong.
He told her that he meets Blake's father while in the forest and he brought him back home to be treated.
Yang: "Shouldn't you have been able to take out a Beowolf easily with your strength?"
Shallot: "I wasn't always this strong. I was considered a failure in my "tribe" and pretty much sent out to die from how much weaker I am compared to the others who were born. Even toddlers were stronger than I was when I was 4 years old. I trained over the years but I didn't only train."
Yang was interested now in what else he would have done. She could tell that he wasn't just a muscle brained brute and wanted to know what he did if he said he didn't train all the time.
They continued walking stopping at a couple more food stalls and looking at some jewelry set out for others but Yang wasn't too interested in the jewelry since she said that it would probably get in the way while she was fighting and didn't also want it getting lost or broken while she was fighting.
Shallot told her about how he made techniques to heal himself in case he ever got injured and how he spent most of his time working with technology and improving his knowledge but was limited in the materials that he had at hand. He told her that he had even built his own lab before.
Yang was slightly interested in the lab part since Shallot doesn't seem like the white lab coat type but more of the "Imma build something to destroy something kind of person" but she also knew not to judge someone based on appearances. She also had another question for him.
Yang: "Why do you want more than just one wife. Blake told us that in your "clan" or tribe as you call it that they have multiple wives. Why do you want multiple wives yourself?"
Yang wanted to know this answer because if it wasn't something really convincing then he would try to convince Ruby to give up on him as she would also. She had to still look after Ruby as the older sister.
Shallot: "It's because I want a big family that would always be there to watch over you and watch your back. I also want to have a lot of kids in the future with my wives so that I can train them to outshine the rest."
Yang thought about it for a while and didn't seem like what he said wasn't that bad and understanding that he just wanted a family and from what she heard from his story he was pretty much abandoned which is probably why he wanted so many wives.
Shallot: 'Also my libido is pretty high and I need 5 pure-hearted Saiyans to become a Super Saiyan God. Before that, though I will completely master everything that I can while also trying to recreate some of the moves from the Xenoverse 2 video game since it had a large move list to choose from.'
Yang and Shallot continued their mini-date when Yang got a call on her scroll and noticed that it was already 2 o'clock and a message from Ruby asking where she was at. Yang texted Ruby that she was on her way back to the dorm now and she had gone out to grab something to eat.
Yang turned to Shallot showing him the time hinting that it was time for them to get back and Shallot picked Yang up again in a princess carry flying into the sky towards their dorms. The people around them traveling so early in the morning were believing they were seeing things from being tired.
On the way back Shallot could smell the scent of Yang and he was getting hard and his hands were roaming over her backside feeling that she was really plump and had a juicy rear.
Shallot: "You have some strong birthing hɨps. I'm pretty sure our kids will be strong and healthy."
Yang just hit Shallot's ċhėst before replying to him.
Yang: "I never said that I will become your girlfriend."
Shallot: "Did you not enjoy the date?"
Yang: "I did enjoy the date."
Shallot: "I also wanted to ask you something."
Yang lifted an eyebrow while slapping his hand that was feeling her body more than was needed.
Yang: "And what was that."
Shallot I want to hear about when you were younger and about when you were small and took Ruby out in a red wagon.
Yang opened her eyes thinking that she hadn't told him about that.
Yang: "How do you know about that?"
Shallot: "Well, there was a beam of light that hit the Grimm before your uncle showed up. I was the one that fired that beam."
Yang's eyes opened up while looking at Shallot.
Yang: "If you were there why didn't you fight it and how did you know I was there."
Shallot: "How do you think your uncle knew where you were. I was sent to look after you by someone but they said they wanted to surprise you when you see them. That's all I can tell you. You can consider it a gift from me when you meet them."
Yang accepted then told about everything that happened from her point of view.
Yang and Shallot made it back to the dorm and before they went in Yang turned around giving Shallot a quick kiss on the cheek before walking in with him following behind.
[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]
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