Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY

Chapter 76 - 72 - No Brakes (3)

As Roman is getting closer the train car that had detached had exploded causing some of the tunnel to crumble.

Oobleck: "That's not good..."

Shallot: "Ugh..."

Roman: "This is what you wanted to prevent right. It seems that we were outsmarted this time. I still can't contact Neo."

Shallot: "You make a plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, you throw away the plan, and then make another plan."

Roman: "This is worst than the coastline incident. This situation just isn't good."

Ruby: "Err, neither is this!"

The cart they were standing on had the bomb activated and it started counting down. Everyone got to the next cart when a group of White Fang members came out.

White Fang Member: "Get the humans!"

White Fang Member 7: "I knew we couldn't trust that human."

Shallot: "Enough of this."

Shallot picked up raised his hand in front of him pointing towards the White Fang members and started concentrating a large amount of ki into his hand.

Shallot: "I always liked the Big Bang move from Vegeta."

The energy in Shallot's hand became stronger and condensed with him putting 30% of his strength into it.

Shallot: "This should be enough to stop the train and get rid of these nuisances. Big Bang Attack!"

Shallot released the large blue raging ki in his hand sending it hurtling towards the front of the train. Shallot then brought his hands together concentrating his ki together gathering a large amount.

Everyone but Shallot: "Ahhhhh."

Everyone else opened their eyes at what Shallot did. While Roman was still looking at the White Fang members with a look of pity.

Roman: 'I wouldn't have killed them at least. Broken their bones for going against me maybe but I wouldn't have killed them since they were still useful.'

The Big Bang attack landed two carts ahead causing it to explode making the underground tunnel they were in shake while the front cars along with all the White Fang members were blown into dust. While the shock wave was coming in their direction Shallot released the ki in his hand wrapping around his body.

The ki then expanded into a bubble covering everyone by him from the shock waves and the flying metal pieces from the broken train. The train cart they were on buckled and flipped forwards with everyone being protected from the rest of the train flying in their direction. Rubbled rocks and a couple of body parts that weren't evaporated slapped against the ki barrier.

Weiss seeing a hand slap against the ki barrier lurched over and vomited towards the side. While Blake turned away since she has seen things like that before while working with the White Fang before leaving. Yang scrunched her eyebrows looking at how easily Shallot decided to kill them not even leaving a complete body.

Ruby turned away trying not to vomit from seeing that, while Professor Oobleck's eyebrow twitched while thinking about how Shallot was capable of doing that and it was one of the more destructive things he has seen while working as a Hunter.

Roman had a none caring look on his face thinking about all the bandit camps he blew up after finding out about the not so savory things they did and was used to it at this point. He was feeling that 8 months away from Shallot didn't change him at all.

After the carnage and destruction settled. Everyone was standing on the ki bubble Shallot had surrounding them with the tunnel looking as if it could collapse at any time. Shallot dusted his hands after releasing the ki bubble and started walking forward.

Shallot: "We should probably get going the train is stopped and we don't have to worry about the bombs since they were blown up in the blast."

There was a 10-meter crater and 5 meters space all around the point of impact where the Big Bang attack landed. making a spherical space with rocks crumbling down and machinery and train parts laying under some rubble.

Shallot started walking and the others snapped out of it while Roman was in the back thinking as if he forgot something. He was thinking for a bit when he finally remembered.

Roman: "Shallot?"

Shallot turned and looked at him.

Roman: "How deadly is that blast."

Shallot just looks around at all the destruction.

Shallot: "Pretty deadly."

Roman: "Did you check for Neo?"

Shallot froze for a second before looking for her ki signature but was pretty sure she wasn't here since he checked before all of this even happened. He couldn't since her ki signature when he got on the train but he could feel two different signatures fighting further up ahead. One felt familiar while the other felt like Neo but her ki was really static.

Shallot rushed forward in the direction passed the hole leaving everyone there while Roman just followed since he doesn't really have a choice. The others also followed since they didn't want to stick around in case the cave started collapsing.

Weiss had stopped heaving her food from earlier and was looking around at the destruction not believing that someone from her team could have done this.

Weiss: "Why is he a student if he has that much strength."

Oobleck hearing this slowed down to converse with his young student and Huntress in training.

Oobleck: "Because young Weiss. He still has to gain the certificate and documentation that says that he is a Huntsman. We also have to make sure that he can work with others without putting them in danger."

Shallot had arrived at the area and noticed that Blake was still some distance from him since she wasn't as fast. Shallot looked at the site in front of him and noticed that it was indeed Neo here but she was fighting Raven.

Neo had on something that looked like a head crab from half-life which was covered in a white milky substance and a hard bone-like shell attached to it on her head with a Grimm mask while fighting Raven. Raven was having a hard time fighting and could hear footsteps approaching and turned slightly while not losing focus on the person in front of her.

Raven saw Shallot standing there and wanted to immediately escape since he has tried tracking her down numerous times and was getting ready to run. He had tried getting her to go out with him and he's been very persistent using any way he can to convince her.

Shallot: "Well if it isn't my dear Raven."

Raven didn't want to get caught up here and swung her sword cutting open a space to escape when Neo turned to look in the direction of Shallot.

Raven was getting ready to escape and was halfway in the portal when Neo charged into her backside following her inside it. Shallot also rushed into the portal before it closed. Blake arrived seeing Shallot charge into the portal looking around to see if there was any way to follow but stopped after seeing that there was nothing she could do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After Shallot, Neo, and Raven went through the portal they were standing in the middle of a camp outdoors surrounded by other people. As soon as Shallot came through the portal his hand shot out smashing into the headcrab like thing attached to her. The Grimm mask on her face also fell off onto the ground.

[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]

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