Reincarnated As A Servant

Chapter 3 - berserker

when firing Clarent full power, I felt the ground shake and open, trees were sent thousands of meters away, my vision was covered by a huge pillar of destructive light that dissipated in a few seconds but the damage was much greater than me I imagined, in a width of 500 meters around me there was only a melted floor, and in front of me there was a huge trail of destruction that extended more than the eyes could see, but despite all this damage I could not see any sign of the enemy servants, I knew they were not dead because I could feel traces of mana in some black stakes that were sinking into the ground suggesting the use of a noble phantasm of the defensive type to escape in some way, probably the enemy master intervened to save the Servants' ȧss, now I just needed to kill the berserker of red if it's not already dead.

'' hahaha, the oppressors are gone but there are still many left, soon I will kill them all and free the oppressed. ''

immediately after hearing such speech, I ȧssumed a defensive posture and waited for the enemy to reveal itself or even attack, I waited a minute and nothing, then I noticed that in the corner of my vision there was a squirming insect, something I would normally ignore but .... that insect had a mouth and an eye and the insect seemed to be growing.

I turned towards the insect just to see it grow from the size of an insect to the size of my fist, then to the size of a basketball, and in less than a minute the 'insect' had grown to be bigger than me and I had ȧssumed a humanoid shape that seemed to be made purely of muscle, I was always proud of my 142 kg of muscles but this thing was on another level, I was starting to feel pressured maybe that was how my enemies felt when facing a man in resplendent armor twice their size, and with the enemies leaving, there was only one option left, that muscular thing that was regenerating was my target.

killing this thing would be complicated, surviving Clarent that due to the amount of prana injected into the blade, it ended up becoming a noble phantasm of Rank A-, but pushing this sword so far from its original classification there was a price to be paid in addition of my prana, and with a quick look at the blade in my hand I could check the damage, half of the blade was melted but the damage could still be reversed if I put Clarent in its sheath, and analyzing all that, I concluded, the conclusion was that Clarent would be useless in the battle to come, there was no way she could cut the enemy without a decent blade and even if I put it in its sheath it would still take several hours to recover, I had no other choice except to fight with bȧrė hands although I didn't think it would be a quick fight, the berserk didn't seem to be weak in physical strength and resistance seemed to be his strong point.

without many options, I sheathed Clarent in one of the sheaths on my waist, right after that act the sheath that was previously normal, became Clarent own sheath, due to the effect of my three sheaths known as the 'shrunken claws'.

whose ability was to copy the original scabbard from the placed sword, in addition to greatly reducing the consumption of prana while in the scabbard because of this I could fight without the worry of running out of prana because the weapons invoked by my noble phantasm could not be dematerialized and without the sheaths, I would have to deal with the consumption of prana constantly as if I had noble phantasm active, but precisely because I only have three sheaths I should be careful with the swords I invoked.

I only summoned Clarent because it and its sheath gave a great physical improvement to its bearer, that effectively made me the servant with the greatest strength, speed and resistance, there was no way I could lose to that berserker who had just finished regenerating, with such regenerative power he would be very useful to at least kill himself and take a servant with him so I decided to go against my master's order and try to talk to this freak.

"berserker, I suggest that we retreat, such an ungovernable act will only cause its destruction, I also warn you that it will be my first and the last request, if you do not comply ... maybe you will not remain in this world until the end of the war".

Immediately after my speech I saw his eyes and understood that with this type of person there was nothing to talk about, really worthy to be part of the berserk class.


taking a step to the side, I managed to dodge his reckless lead and took a spin around him, effectively stopping behind his back.

I strengthened my fist with the little amount of prana I could gather at that moment and dealt a blow to the back of the neck.

a large part of the berserker's head was blown off even though I felt like I had punched a dragon, I have long felt what it was like to hit something harder than my fists.

and after the punch, berserk fell to his knees and after lying face down, well, what was left of his face, his body had small spasms and soon became inert.

but he was not yet dead, I was able to discover this because I could see the berserk's head repairing itself and trying to take on a really annoying and vaguely humanoid shape.

facing an enemy that didn't die even with his head destroyed, but there should be a limit, there had to be a limit to how much he could take.

berserker stood up again.

but he wasn't normal, his body started to squirm and his size started to increase and strange things on his back were growing and in the blink of an eye his size had grown massively, he became so big that I reached only his fingers what looked like a foot, two additional arms had grown on his back, and his face was the worst part.

his face was all disfigured and raw with several languages ​​and eyes on his disfigured face and if before he looked like someone incommunicable now that impression was even worse and as soon as I saw his transformation I jumped several meters backward gaining a good distance from the aberration, I also couldn't help wondering that maybe Clarent needed to be used despite the risk of the blade disintegrating.

but maybe I didn't have a chance to think about whether I would use Clarent or summon another weapon because all the berserker eyes were looking in my direction.

without much choice I put my hand under Clarent handle and started to inject prana into the blade, I just needed to inject less than the amount of the last blow, just enough to kill him.

I could see the berserker leg tensing, ready to move towards me at any moment.

berserker moved forward with impressive speed for his size, but I waited for him to get closer and when he lifted his foot trying to crush me, I finally pulled Clarent out of his scabbard.

{"Clarent Pure Blood !!!"}

again the world saw Clarent radiance, with just a quick pull up, Clarent launched a pillar of sharp light of at least 50 meters high whose power was enough to cut the berserker in half before approaching me, and what was left of the berserker body fell behind me with a huge crash which resulted in large amounts of mud and blood falling on me.

and with such an event I could not help sighing, my previously shiny white armor had turned brown and red due to mud and blood, not even Clarent had escaped the dirt that was inflicted on me, Clarent could hardly be recognized as a sword that it belonged to a king because the only piece of blade left was cracked and brittle and there was also blood and mud, leaving Clarent looking like it was stolen from a museum.

deciding that it would be an act of dishonor to leave Clarent dirty so I decided to clean it before putting it in the sheath, in the absence of a cloth I used my cover to clean Clarent.

thankfully there was no one seeing me in such a situation, I imagine how the knights of the round table would laugh at me, I could even imagine the nickname they would give me.

such a nickname gave me the creeps just thinking.

as I thought and absently wiped Clarent on my cover, I noticed something strange and loud in the corner of my vision.

and as I turned around I saw a huge foot coming towards me.

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