Reincarnated As A Servant

Chapter 6 - knight vs king

ut I didn't have time to analyze the destruction properly, because my body was ȧssaulted by sudden weakness, the feeling of weakness was so strong that it made me collapse.

so I had no choice but to lean on Galatine to avoid collapsing on the floor.

the consequence was worse than I imagined, I was able to move despite the feeling of weakness, but my prana was practically exhausted, I had just enough to stay in this world. and maybe do some tricks.

struggling I got up and put Galatine in one of the empty sheaths, it was my only choice.

after all, as long as the sword remained in this world my prana would continue to be exhausted until the blade was broken.

but I could also keep it in one of the sheaths to reduce its cost to something insignificant, there was another way but that way was out of the question.

now my only weapon in hand was a shield and I didn't have enough prana to summon another weapon, despite my little intention to fight.

my only intention was to leave this place to recover, but probably even that would be an arduous task.

if some of the servants didn't know where I was before, now they certainly did, just go in the direction where the beam came from.

I was to leave as soon as possible before any servants came to check the fortress, well, what was left of it.

but my luck would never work in my favor, I heard the sounds of heavy footsteps approaching from behind, I also felt the ground shake, but there didn't seem to be many steps.

maybe there were twelve enemies, but with the earth-shaking, I couldn't tell correctly, but the enemy's scent wasn't human, there were only two types of scent, one was the familiar scent of the homunculus and the other vaguely resembled the scent of earth, perhaps a golem.

I couldn't help but sigh, they certainly wouldn't let me get away.

but it didn't matter, after all, I didn't have a concrete plan and the enemies wouldn't let me think, proof of that was an arrow that had hit me, the only result of which was bouncing off the armor.

two of the homunculus had bows on their backs and were coming towards me with swords in hand, the other two were coming with spears and the golem was coming with bȧrė hands, none of these enemies was a problem but I doubted their intentions were me kill, they were probably here to delay me.

I could ignore them and try to escape but I doubted how far I could go, they wouldn't let an enemy go that did so much damage.

but there was another way, I could stay and fight even if for a short moment, the plan started to be formulated in mine, no.

I couldn't even call it a plan, I would just plunge headlong into my enemies, but there was still one thing left for my plan to start, and that thing was permission and ȧssistance from my master.

but there was still a problem to solve, the enemies.

the closest enemy was the homunculus, who must be ten meters away and the golem must be seven meters away from the homunculus, a distance reachable using only brute force.

without hesitation, I stepped forward on the first homunculus I saw and punched with my free hand and all my strength in his face.

when my punch connected to the homunculus' face, I could feel that old sensation in my fists, the sensation and sound of bones breaking, flesh being crushed and blood being splashed, sensations and sounds that I was used to, sounds and sensations that I had provoked in countless people.

but I had already been numb in the face of such sensations and sounds and I had no more pity or pity, so without clemency, I kicked the second lancer in the ċhėst and felt the same sensations again, but this time I looked at his and I could see the fear, he couldn't even be shocked.

fear, the pure dėsɨrė to survive, something innate of humanity but present in a mere homunculus, a cold humanoid and supposedly without emotions, made to be discarded later, how ironic.

but I didn't stop, the whole experience I accumulated in my life was already in action, I took one of the spears that were falling on the ground and shot at one of the archers, the other spear I kicked in the direction of the last archer, again the same looks of fear with interrupted screams and blood splashing on my face, now the golem needed to be eliminated.

three of the golem were behind the other in a straight line, and the last golem was more ahead than the others, I already knew where to start attacking.

I touched my shield and reinforced the edges of it with a little prana and shot the three golems in a straight line, it was a clean-cut, all golems were cut in half successively without any problem when all the golems were cut I let the reinforcement be deactivated this resulted in the shield sticking in a distant tree.

without taking any more seconds, I advanced towards the last golem and delivered a punch with all my strength, the result was predictable.

the golem became a pile of rubble and dust, seventeen seconds, that was the time it took me to eliminate the enemies, it seems that this body could not bear as much power as when I was alive, but my physical strength does not seem to have diminished and not even my battle instinct seems to have diminished.

then I should look at what exactly this body was wrong with, but first, I should recover my shield and then talk to my master.

to my great luck, the shield didn't go very far so it was easy to reach, this was a shield that I certainly wouldn't leave behind, it is too important for me because it would always remind me of the day I met Morgan.

before she was Morgan, the fallen fairy

after an arduous fight against one of the holy dragons, I ended up being injured to the point where I couldn't even move, but Morgan found me and took care of me for several months until I managed to recover.

the coexistence for several months brought us closer than I would like to admit, so it was not long before I proposed to her and she accepted.

as the custom demanded the couple exchanged gifts, he gave me a shield capable of withstanding any attack and I gave him a dagger capable of piercing any defense, the same dagger she used to try to kill me several years later.

but our relationship did not last long, it only took a few months for everything to collapse.

that's why this shield was necessary, it was bitter and painful because it reminded me of what I had lost, but at the same time it was refreshing as it reminded me of old times and what I already had.

("lancer, one of the servants is coming towards you, fight and use the most striking attacks.

do not worry about consuming prana or escaping, I'll support you in both situations, just fight and get as much attention as possible. ")

suddenly my master made a mental connection and made such a strange order, but that was not bad,

after all, it was practically the idea I had in mind, but to draw attention?

maybe that's why he asked me to use Galatine, it wasn't to get rid of the enemy stronghold but to attract someone or something.

I didn't know who the target was and I didn't even care, I had an order and I was going to carry it out

("understood, master.

I count on your cooperation. ")

we don't need to exchange any more words, I immediately took prana to half of my maximum capacity and waited for the enemy servant to come towards me, but before fighting what weapon should I use to be flashy?

Galatine was a great choice, but her cost was more than I could afford.

there was Clarent but her blade status was still a mystery, I pulled it from its sheath and took a brief peek at her blade, ... it was acceptable, it would probably withstand one more use with full power.

no, I was thinking wrong, I would fight with all my might.

I was about to fight a heroic spirit, it would be a tremendous dishonor if I didn't give everything I had to offer and use everything

my decision was made, my strength saved for the confrontation, now only the most important guest was missing.

and he had arrived.

walking slowly towards me, with pure confidence in his steps, looking as black as a shadow in the night, his skin was pale and his hair was as white as his skin.

and then our eyes met and I immediately knew that this servant was strong, but I also noticed that his confident look and posture was not a warrior's trust, it was a king's trust.

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