How luscious, it’s as if that rich noble didn’t have enough opportunities to demonstrate his wealth so he cut the forest into rectangular blocks.

Oh well, I’m just here to have the lunch I missed due to the abrupt men disturbing us.

Crouching, I directly pull some grass from the roots. If I saw someone do this before becoming a sheep, I’d have thought they went insane-


It tastes undeniably good in this body…

“What are you doing?”

And a complete stranger addressing me on what I do.


I reply, completely unphased. Considering how many people stared at me today outside, it wouldn’t surprise me if the maids were equally shocked.

They murmured something b-

Wh- what’s this foreign feeling?


My horns?

As my face began to warm up, I turned away and slapped the air in an attempt to remove the hands harassing me.

And they stopped doing it. Is this the first person other than Emil that actually listens to me?

“How insolent!”

Did the weather just get colder or am I shivering for another reason? Turning around I see a frown directed at me with red eyes and blonde hair. The bastard noble’s daughter. The one who tried to kill Emil and I guess me at the same time. Marie.

What do I do in this situation? I needed to get stronger before I left the mansion but right now both my stamina and the amount of magic, I can use are extremely short.

I kowtow immediately. Even though I might be able to overpower a few people with fire magic, it would be unlikely that I’d be able to use it effectively enough to safeguard from the number of guards here.

“Please forgive me!”

It’s a minute price to pay for not being degraded further, but my pride really can’t take any more than this.

“Follow me to my room.”

What have I done…?

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