As we were leaving together, Marie was at the door, ready to go. Why did she have to come with us? The only person that knows my identity and the only one that’s consistently given me heart-attacks. Her elaborate frilly and puffy dress made Emil’s plain white shirt and trousers get-up resemble an outfit of a commoner. Come to think of it, why did he always dress in such a manner? While he wasn’t offered protection, no one actually mistreated him.

I’m garnering too much sympathy for someone who’s house I’ll burn down soon…

Back to Marie’s abrupt appearance.

“Brother, I’m deeply sorry for my behaviour. My actions were unbefitting of a well-educated noble. I’m not expecting forgiveness but… would it be acceptable for me to come with you?”

She apologized - to come with us?

Marie had completed her apology while having teary eyes and a slight raise of her skirt as she bowed.

I bit my lips to hold a scream. This girl perfectly played Emil into her hands. I’m sure in his naïve heart he had already forgiven her “mild” facial assault during breakfast.

“O-of course sister! It’d be a pleasure to have you!”

It would not!

I force a smile. This witch just made it harder for me to execute my plans. Emil why are you such a pushover? Although, if he wasn’t, it’d be just as hard to get the combat experience I wanted. Wait, couldn’t I just leave Emil to Marie while I go to the alleyway?

“Dumb Alice are you sleeping with your eyes open? Let’s go!”

This annoying brat. Marie tugged on my arm while Emil just held my hand.

Despite the annoying start, the journey progressed surprisingly smooth. Although my arms felt like they were being pulled to the ground, both of them stayed more or less quiet.

Finally, a crowd appeared ahead of us. Now was the time to make use of the unexpected event. Considering that I was carrying several sachets of gold coins in my stomach, I could maybe make a couple appear in my hand?

I closed my eyes until the gold coins in my mind appeared.

I put one in the palm of Emil and another one to Marie. As I was giving it to her, my head poked next to her ear.

“Look after Emil while I’m gone, I’ll bring back a present so don’t complain.”

“You dare? Wait!-”

Her words would be cut short by me running into the alleyway solo.

As I walked closer and closer to the centre, the more excited I became to test out my newfound strength.

“How strange, the maid is back alone without the 10-year-old bodyguard this time.”

I smiled to myself.

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