I stared down on the now pathetic man. His expression was shattered into a thousand pieces as he kept holding the part where his arm was supposed to be. In complete contrast, a vile grin was plastered on mine. As I adjusted to the view, I kneed his face. Why? I wanted to. When his head crashed to the floor on impact, the blood from his nose covered some of his tattoos like a warm blanket.

Oh, he was still conscious. Might as well clear the issue of there being a ‘wonderful’ garden here.

I sat on his tattered chest.

“Do you know why this place is said to have a beautiful garden?”

Wait, did I break his jaw? I bent towards his mouth and ran my free hand across it. Nope, it feels fine. Along with the stench of alcohol and cherry cheeks. I won’t judge your early drinking habit but why are you blushing when I’m about to kill you?

“It’s... An idiom… told to rich tourists,”

“That’s all?”

“It was a myth, started by some blond chick who used to live here…”

Marie came from the slums? Did Viclam adopt her or was she an illegitimate child? Either one wouldn’t surprise me since her features stood out the most.

So, Mister Tattoo and the other friend (and possibly more) patrol this zone to find suitable people to kill and loot. I was hoping for something more fantasy like an underground guild or something which I could have fun decimating but turns out they’re just domestic bandits.

“Would you mind telling me where your ‘hidden treasure’ is before you pass away?”

The bastard gave one final smile before replying.

“Yes, I would mind,”

Wait why did I say that I was going to kill him? It escaped from my mouth! Did I suddenly develop a craving for lives? Or was this some form of sadism I always had? I should just go back before this becomes more problematic.

Wait what if I give him a flashy death before I leave? Maybe I’ll strengthen my legs and step on his heart. Or just drain his energy completely beforehand? It was too hard to focus on wh-

Why am I having these thoughts? Did my transformation make me more attracted to violence?


Huh? I jolted up. Something was burning. I saw a shrivelled face, along with a mangled, deformed body with the occasional burn.

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