Following the call from Rio’s ‘esteemed’ mother, I headed down. It’s incredible how different the two can be. Going back to the bottom floor, I’m –

Greeted by a beauty?

Rio’s ponytail was gone and laid flat with a red-blue ribbon right behind her hair.

“Is something wrong?”

Could someone possibly have changed this much over the course of a day? Her earlier ‘serious’ wear and attitude made her a completely separate person. One would think that they were twins.

“World to Alice!”

“Don’t tire yourself to communicate with them, demi-humans often have the same intellectual capacity of animals after all.”

I drifted again. Ignoring the remark said by the clan leader, I shook my head and gave a warm smile.

“No problem at all.”

To which I was met by a smile too. Instead of dinner, could I have you for takeout?

Walking outside together, with Rio and unfortunately her mother, we were greeted by a darkened sky and brightly lit orange lanterns. Were these here when I had originally arrived? Or were these put up in order to provide some sort of night light? Either way, it accompanied both the wood and red houses perfectly. Though I felt empty, I was walking through town with dignity this time! Fully clothed and assimilated with the local culture. There were much more people outside now too, all clothed in similar robes with various colours. It was satisfying that I was not getting stared at this time. At least in the way I was previously. It was now only a handful number of people, and of those individuals: they were blushing. Both guys and girls. One side I preferred more than the other, but it was oddly satisfying having people fall for you.

Either it was this or they were just drunk.

As we kept walking, the areas became more and more crowded until we reached… something like a food court? There were multiple stands where food was being distributed and like at Rio’s home, carpets spread across the floor, each colourful and slightly different with wooden floor chairs and low-levelled tables. I wanted to just run across to see what was being given in the stands, but I feel like someone watching my back always would start another rant about how demi-humans are horrible.

Those problems aside, I control myself and walk together slowly with Rio. Out of everyone so far. She was the most sympathetic and ‘understanding’ one. Only person who didn’t treat me as some sort of pet, slave or object, with the closest other one being Lloyd – despite his slight emphasis on respecting nobility, as he - possibly intentionally - let me escape.



I didn’t hit the floor. Despite slipping over a branch, I was caught in mid-air by –

“Look at where you’re going Alice!”

Caught in mid-air by my Goddess.

“Thank you!”

“No worries, just be more attentive next time!”

“I will!”

Having been lifted back onto my feet, I looked ahead of me. I was only a few meters away from one of the stands! I guess most people had already taken their plates and sat down, since the queues were so short by now.

Ms. Haise gave us two plates while we waited and gave instructions to Rio on where to go. Did the coloured carpets symbolise who could sit and eat where? This world truly had a weird hierarchy system.

“I sincerely pray that you won’t drop the plates.”

She couldn’t get by without a constant comment on every mistake I do. By now, I’d have been extremely fed up with these little insertions, however this time it was more understandable. I did almost fall headfirst a minute ago.

Soon the queue turned to us, and I was greeted by, fried balls, grilled meat and vegetables? Wait, how did I order the food. I wasn’t paying any attention to the process the others went through. Uncomfortable with the situation at hand, I hid my figure behind Rio. She handed him the plate, before thanking him and standing beside me. Similarly, I gave the man my plate.

After him placing some grilled meat skewers, two balls and what looked to be mushrooms; the plate was handed back.

“Thank you for the food!”

The man stood still for a moment before returning the gesture.

“Enjoy the food little sheep!”

Ahem. I was twenty! At least before coming here. For this world though, maybe around five days old?

“Heh. Lil’ Alice, follow me!”

Rio you don’t have to join in!

Bubbling my cheeks, I moodily followed her across the assortment of various seating, until I reached the one with the gold-crimson carpet. Red and yellow seemed to be popular colours here. I suppose it must have been the most important one given my guide’s mother was present. Unexpectedly we walked past her and stopped at the navy-coloured flooring, matching our kimonos. We instead sat together with a small group whose dresses also matched ours despite the difference in designs and emblems.

Of course, being the odd one out in this feast made me look and feel like a complete outsider. Being given both looks and like before, smiles too.

“Everyone, this is my guest: Alice! I don’t know how long she’ll stay here but treat her nicely!”

My cheeks flushed. Was it too hard for me to be alone with Rio? This must have been what the new kids all felt like when they transferred schools. Though they seemed too disciplined to step too out of line, with their reactions ranging from one of excitement due to meeting someone new, to more mild reactions consisting of disapproval or bitterness.

I genuinely believe that I might have preferred to sit together with the clan head.

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