With that small introduction I swallowed my pride and gave a little bow to the crappy noble’s kids. They all had straight faces, other than Emil, who had an innocent smile splattered across his. So, blessed. Saved from a permanent career as a sex slave. Haha…

I can’t really joke about something that was so close to happening. My first future victim, Viclam, led me to my room, before immediately exiting. Fortunately, I didn’t have to sleep on the floor. It was more extravagant than what I had expected. The room was again flooded with gems, a wardrobe with-?

I peeked at what lay waiting for me. Maid clothes and a bikini. Or was that underwear?

A full-length mirror was also present. I took off the robe and stood in front of the mirror.

My blue hair went all the way down to my waist and had dark black horns right above my ears. I had such cute ruby eyes! Way better than that Marie girl anyway. Why was I blushing from looking at myself? I pinched my cheeks again to remind me that this is my reality.

And this means?

I look at my chest section and there it was – breasts! I stared at them a bit before grabbing them.


An ecstatic feeling spread through my body. Too dangerous. This could get addicting. Maybe one more time though?

Too many sounds are escaping my lips and why do my insides feel itchy. I look down before immediately looking away; that could be saved for another time. Opening the wardrobe, I put on the underwear to free myself from the mirror’s chains.

The bottom half was fine, but the upper section? I didn’t know it was that hard. I’ll just tie the ends! It rubs against my back, but it’s good enough for now.

I take a look at my reflection again.

Do I look cuter this way?

I’ll go all the way and put on the maid outfit too! The humiliation of wearing that while pretending to be some noble’s animal! The father has to go, then the merchant and then maybe the entire estate? I’ll keep the outfit and the garden though.

The room had a lot of gems though. They were just stuck as “ornaments” to the object. Maybe I can use these to get better at magic?

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