"... I mean, occupy this place in Kainers?

"Your expression, that's violent. Express yourself in a more peaceful way."

Don't you know what words are good and things are good?

"Same thing."

Yeah. This guy's the type who should never be a politician. No, you shouldn't even tell me to do it...

"... your staff, come and get me. I'll talk to him..."

This guy is also unsuitable for practice. Just like Elina, she doesn't rule as much as she reigns.

"Wow, okay. Get me Micahoshi."

I gave instructions to one of the Kainers.

"I think they'll be here any minute. For once, I brought you here."

"Micahoshi is that Blue Ghost woman?

"Yeah. On my behalf, I'm the director of the Chinas Intelligence Strategy Bureau. If I piss you off, I'm scared. Take it easy."

Mr. Blue Ghost Woman with cold eyes like ice that was Halmeran. You sure were a bad type if you pissed me off.

"But the second time, it doesn't taste fresh."

"Well, I had a shocking encounter with Mr. Rock."

As far as I'm concerned, it was a shock after we met. They could take us to the Devil's Lands, they could be mass drivers, they could be explosions!

"The universe, huh? Me, you don't know much about SF or anything. I liked warriors in space."

"I'm not familiar with it either. I've been watching Starship."

I've read Jules Verne's work, but I never read anything SF.

"In this universe, even these skilled Michikos escape."

"If it's a bug, it burns!

What's a bug, a bug? You want to fight bugs? Then come here on the Devil's Lands. No, Mr. Tyranny and the Demon King burned it. Or am I the only one who thinks the creatures of this world are so much stronger?

"Uhm. Shall I have Mr. Rotten put it out?

Rotten women are about Elina, aren't they? What kind of relationship do you guys have? I'm curious, but I don't want to get involved - so I won't ask!

Blue ghost woman Mikahoshi and I came while Kaina was getting paranoid. Hold your breath. Thanks for your hard work.

"... oh, thank you for waiting..."

"Well, drink this"

And, I gave him Eklesepur. It's a combination of nutrients, so fatigue is restored.

"Thank you"

Mr. Blue Ghost Woman who drank Ecklesepull and fully recovered. The cold look is beautiful.

"So, what are you prepared for?

I like women who talk fast. I think I can get along with this one. Only as a collaborator.

... Ok, everyone. The type that says this is absolutely the type that grabs the upper reins, so don't let the collaborators stay in position...

"I want this place to be a country and I want the Kainers to protect me"

"Does the Kainers have advantages?

"In the future, it will be for Kaina, and the Demons will be given jobs. More importantly, we can keep freshwater mermaids company."

Mr. Blue Ghost Woman considering my raised advantages.

I heard ghosts have the same lifespan as people. Well, physical ability is several times higher than that of a person, but the contents shouldn't make such a difference.

Though I wasn't even educated like I was in my previous life, my ability to think about advantages would be a gift I was born with. Intelligent and rational. Cold and realist. I guess it's thanks to this woman that Kaina is partitioning the Kainers......

"I agree it will be good for Kaina, and it helps to be given a job by the Demons. But I don't know the advantages of keeping mermaids company. How exactly is that an advantage?

"Mermaids can manipulate water. That means you can turn seawater into real water. And as long as the ocean is there, you won't suffer from sunshine."

There's water, no, if you knew how much gratitude you could drink, you'd know how many freshwater mermaids exist.

"I've already hired you at the Zelfing family. Sea mermaids and freshwater mermaids."

Make me laugh a nigga.

"... Master Bei is truly horrible..."

I take a hand mirror out of an infinite bag to the urge to point it at Blue Ghost Woman, but if I do, I die. Physically and mentally. I know...

"It's important to try to capture the future, but don't carry everything on your own."

I feel the feeling from this Blue Ghost Woman. Try to grab that and this, and don't get rid of one, it's going to sink like that.

"It's better to remember that I'll take care of what I leave to you."

"Master Bae throws too many rounds."

Ghost. I'm talking about something important, so it's a shalap.

"The Kainers are also a gathering of other races of multi-ethnicity. You must know the hardships caused by racial differences. Then it's better to have a place to work to suit your species. Would it be easier for a barbarian to live here?

Even the Demons are not the only ones who can come about the environment and the situation. There must be some old guys out there.

The barbarian law should also prevail here. I wouldn't mind if they let me do that.

"... ok. Let me compartmentalize it with Kainers......"

"Oh, I can help you, too."

Probably has something to do with the Larsh country as well. We have to make sure we don't fight.

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