"Ji-go-ku, play well!"

I called Zigo in front of the Arrow Martial Arts Store.

The van and Zigo came out dressed in a ruffled outfit with the door open in momentum.

"What harassment, you asshole!

"I tried to take over the method of inviting friends"

"What a trick! Don't you dare harass me!

No, I'm a kid.

Well, it's not something I'd do at eleven, but it was something I wanted to keep in the mood, so let me do it.

"Asshole! Where's your kid! Apologize to the righteous kid!

Something refreshingly returns it to me, Zygo. Nice.

"Ahaha. It's norry, Zigo is. Okay, let's go."

Really, your friend who makes the Koyu penetration is a treasure.

"... I feel like I'm broken when I'm involved with you..."

Break your shell and be your new self, or not, Wakalimasane!

What a silly thing to do and head to the fishing port.

"That's right. Hey, what happened to the ship?

"Oh. I asked your recluse. They'll prepare it for the fishing port...... hmm? Where are you going?

When I looked back because Zigo, who was walking next door, disappeared from my sight, he was somewhat stunned with his mouth open.

"... you're hiding, are you saying, Abilio...?

"I don't know. Because I call you Hideaway, with respect, Mr. Hideaway."

I'm not interested in names, and I'm not getting a name. Interested in the past...... but in me it's fixed in your hideout. It doesn't change anymore.

"... you, really, what? It can't be that my master recognized me or that I met with Abilio. Abilio, I just met you when I was a little girl..."

"Really? The old witch used to make me buy them out."

Well, an out-of-the-box move. I guess I can keep you from finding out around. Don't go in there, man.

"Yu, Yu, no way, even Natalie Ena?! Or maybe even the Big Lady..."

"By Glenn's side - they call me Big Lady. Well, I'm certainly much older than you, Hide-away or some old witch."

Well, you live longer than a longevity elf. Right. Well, I don't care.

"... I don't know, I think I can honestly believe you when I say you're the Demon King..."

"Hate, I'm a villager. If it's nothing more, it's nothing less. For better or worse."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Is that it? I meant to say it's awesome and easy.

"Well, I'm me. Stay with me. He was a busy little shit, and he died saying it was a good life, and he was just a person."

"Yeah. I have no idea what you're talking about."

Hi. I don't care anymore. Whatever you want.

It's kind of a reduced tension, Zigo, but he's not going to stop fishing, and he followed me in silence.

When I came to the fishing port, I found out in one shot which boat your recluse had prepared for me.

Either that or the outsider in front of you, and I see...

"─ Huh!?

Apparently, Zigo had that outsider. I could see how he was, blue-faced and stupefied.

Really, what is it, those outsiders?

Ain't nobody and he just like them coming out of the hero Tan. It feels like those six alone could reunite the continent.

I can only say 'right ~' even though they told me you were the Beast King until last year.

What a brave man is a nice middle next to talking like a best friend. What a feeling of presence and magic it was if you weren't a brave man.

It's obvious royalty who talks to your recluse. 'Cause you have pink hair. Well, I don't know who because I'm not interested in royalty.

The other two stay out of sight. No, well, another race, but I've never seen a dragon race before. Well, magic is a monster. Maybe I'm holding it back, but don't think about it, feel it. The sensors are shaking off.

And the last one, but you look like someone noble and lacks force, but you're already there. A pointed octagonal tooth says vampire, right? I've got plenty of penetration, but I don't even have the strength to penetrate anymore. Really, it's too crowded!

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