In an unknown galaxy containing 196 Worlds, hid an undiscovered 197th. When it came to Worlds, there were 4 Grades; Low, Mid, High and Law.

Everything was graded and Worlds, Stars, Galaxies and more could definitely not escape that.

This new World was the lowest of the low, barely 10,000 years old and was already on the brink of destruction. This wasn’t actually uncommon though. Numerous Worlds rose and fell everyday and before a World could form its consciousness to steer everything towards perfection, anything can happen and more often than not, self destruction was the result.

The World had naturally not formed a consciousness yet, such a thing was reserved for High Worlds and very, very rarely could you see one in a Mid World. So at least it wouldn’t have to watch itself slowly die.

But something changed. Something that would cause great changes in the fragile peace of this galaxy and usher everything into a new era.

Something that looked like a golden star came shooting down from god knows where without a single sound. In just a moment the ‘star’ had struck or rather it seamlessly slipped into the World, causing it to shake and emit ripples in space that went on for thousands of miles with this debilitated World at the centre and no one to see before dissipating.

Inside the World you could see that the reason for this reaction was that the entity had actually managed to finally collide with something after an unknown amount of time which had caused the previously mentioned shaking.

It had hit the World’s Core. And contrary to expectations, the entity did not blow apart the world but it seemed to actually… fuse with it. Despite the fact that the World had begun to shake at this moment, what occurred inside was very different.

The previously wrathful volcanoes that seemed to want nothing but destruction suddenly turned docile as if their Grandfather had entered the room. The dense amount of smoke and smog in the surroundings slowly but visibly vanishing.

Arrogant seas that put no other existence in their eyes, forming towering tsunamis and laying waste to the planet abruptly dropped down to regular sea levels and soon after settling down, let out gentle and calming waves that seemed strangely placating. As if trying to soothe someone's ire.

The earth that had previously been violently ruptured, with no vegetation on sight, signifying the doom of the planet had also started it’s own changes. Every single crack and every single unnaturally formed ravine and valley quickly started ‘healing’.

The way it seemed to be frantically erasing the blemishes on the planet, even bursting out all manners of plant life was like an employee who’s unexpected Boss had come in to see his dirty work station and the employee tried to remedy all mistakes.

Even more shocking was the actual plants that managed revi- no, the old plants were done and dusted, but it seems from the very few remains, new plants were born and those plants were rapidly proliferating all over the place, even trees were rising up and becoming fully matured trees in mere minutes.

But by some unimaginable means, there were areas that the plant life didn’t invade, as if… as if some force was making it that way.

If you looked from afar, you could actually notice that these plants were actually NOT appearing in random places and were in fact incomprehensibly placed in such a way that it looked like beautiful and natural locations of nature.

Grand forests, Rain forests, Plains and more had appeared, even oases had appeared in the deserts that had previously been arid beyond redemption but now looked like lustrous lands of sand.

It was like the god of nature had decided to bless the entire planet, spreading harmony across the lands. But that was most certainly not the case.

This seemingly peaceful and awe inspiring scene would raise the hairs of the oldest of Men and make the most fiendish of Monsters scream in terror. And it was because of what this sequence of events meant.

The entire process actually took 2 months to complete, something that would normally be impossible, actually happened so quickly.

When a planet was on the path of destruction, only a High World and above had the ability to save itself. This was because it was not the same as a planet being damaged. Even if a planet was sliced in half, as long as the core was not damaged, the planet would only need time to heal and the help of residents could hasten the recovery. And even then, if the planet was as damaged as this one just was, even with the help of billions of residents that certainly would not be surviving in that environment, it would take centuries at best and often a few millennia for this kind of full restoration.

But when the core of a world was damaged, no matter how small the damage. It was game over. And that was what was going on with this World too.

The laws of destruction would invade the planet, its mere presence harmful to all lifeforms, and its ability to destroy planets unparalleled amongst the laws.

It usually took only 1 year for the laws of destruction to end a mere Low World so this begs the question; how did this lowest of the low survive?

Fortunately, no one was there to witness this sequence of events that defied all logic… Well there was one person; Eridel.


An extremely Ancient voice that sounded like it came from the depths of the earth sounded across the entire World.


When Eridel died, his soul that should have normally gone through purification and reincarnation (which was the cleansing of all memories, defects and more before entering a new life form just seconds before its birth) was suddenly hit by… something.

It looked like a condensed ball of golden light the size of a baseball. Although this thing had somehow fused with him, turning his previously white coloured soul into gold coloured soul, it also harmed quite severely and damaged souls were always a problem no matter how small.

Eridel didn’t even have time to swear before he blacked out.

This was the point where fate had forever changed for Eridel. His soul was sent flying off into the distance, missing the rift that was supposed to cleanse his soul.

Thankfully, whatever mutation occurred in his soul had given it passive self-healing abilities even if it was very slow.

???????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????

Eridel was fed up. His soul had perfectly healed 1990 years ago and he had naturally awoken again, but he was still flying like a shooting star. He figured that whatever happened after death shouldn’t be so… tedious.

The first year he was fine, he was already mentally strong and could take the rare solitude. But it got worse and finally he started to get angry.

Although he noticed that some type of energy seemed to be rising inside of him that he would later know as primordial essence which was the source energy of all souls and should NEVER be rising the way it was constantly now doing, he was no longer entertained by it.

After 10 years of righteous fury came 2 years of despair. Something much worse than any amount of wrath filled years. After those years something broke in him and he remained silent and accepted the situation, his mind becoming cold and very slightly primitive.

In the remaining 1977 years, he had seen many, many things, he had even been attacked a few times by… things that could still give him shivers even if he remained unharmed each time.

The only thing that kept his mind sane and even improving it was the occasional… upgrades? That he felt, he didn’t know what to call the feeling, but it came with bursts of euphoria that cleansed his depression completely before it began to accumulate again.

He also noticed a substantial increase in both quantity and quality of the energy inside but he didn’t care at all. Such a ‘useless’ thing, could it help him get women? He would even be happy to see his bastard Dad at this point.

What more interested him was the memories and instincts that he obtained each upgrade. Eridel now knew what the point of this endless journey was. And it was naturally to find a new body, something he guessed a thousand years ago.

However, the reason it took so long was because he was meant to collide with a core. Any type of core, whether it be in the form of a mana core, beast core, item origin, it had to be the core existence of something that could end up becoming a life form. It didn’t matter if the life form already had a soul, because it would blink out of existence when he invaded.

Eridel had to actually make contact with the core, not just the body of it so you could imagine how hard it was when he couldn’t even control his own bod- soul.

He had gone through a countless amount of worlds and even a few bodies but he missed the core every time. It was just too frustrating.

However, after 2000 years, something changed. He finally made contact.

‘This is my body now?’

Eridel was flabbergasted when he finally made connection with the core, and by association, the world. He had actually become an entire planet. A dying one too. He didn’t even see it coming because he was asleep, something he did most of the time out of boredom.

Shockingly, Eridel calmed down after half a minute, then started to get extremely excited, causing the World to shake and his primordial essence (the name he now knew the name of because of the memory inheritance) to release quite visibly.

Eridel soon devoured the memories and instincts that every World should have in a mere 5 minutes, which was shocking when you looked at how much information there was, centuries wouldn’t be enough to digest that knowledge. However, if you could actually take a look at the level of his soul, it would seem normal.

Looking at the vast amount of devastation on his ‘body’, Eridel began to move.

He first put the remaining tenacious living beings into a coma. Which we will talk about later.

He used his primordial essence to forcefully contain the entire laws of destruction but he didn’t dissipate it, even if all he needed was a thought to do so. Despite how simple it sounded, it didn’t look simple at all.

Golden energy(Primordial Essence) filled the world, and wherever there was red energy(Destruction Essence), golden energy contained it, eventually collecting it all until it was all compact into a ball of what looked like a very visible and very red gas. Surrounded and contained by a thin golden glass. These energies were originally very transparent, but when condensed to this extent, how could it not be visible?

Surprisingly, the usually hyper-violent Destruction Laws didn’t have the ability to resist at all. It could only roll around in its cage like a trapped ghost in a jar.

The caged Destruction Laws were actually put next to the Core of the World which would give anyone heart palpitations, but looking at the completely stable golden cage… It was probably okay.

‘I have plans for you…’ Eridel thought.

He then began to heal his core which also seemed effortless but would make anyone seeing scream in surprise. After this came the healing of the planet.

Looking at the delicate planet, Eridel became frustrated. He knew that he couldn’t just endlessly pump his energy into it because he knew that the brittle plane wouldn’t be able to handle it. So he did it slowly, ordering the lands to use the energy to heal itself, the process taking 2 months.

Eridel looked at his envisioned ideal planet that had become a reality and ‘smiled’ in satisfaction. Unaware of how horrendous and terrifying his actions were.


Eridel actually managed to speak out, something any World consciousness could do… if it actually had the ability to comprehend language. The only time you would hear a World’s voice was when it was in severe pain. This could be a result of a powerful attack or more… sinister means.

While a World consciousness is extremely smart, smarter than any other lifeform (this also goes for Eridel, boosting his already high intelligence), they could not speak nor understand words at all, it never happened and it never will happen.

Or that’s how it was supposed to be. Being a Human reincarnate, how could Eridel not know how to speak? This was just one insignificant bonus that Eridel had as a result of his reincarnated status.

For now. Eridel looked at the last remaining species on his planet that he managed to keep alive in these 2 months with his boundless Primordial Essence.

Seeing the Essence of Destruction that he didn’t dare to remove from their bodies, Eridel frowned.

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