Reincarnated as a World

Ch.10 The Invincible Trio

Eridel watched as the Queen looked all around the environment with the curiosity of a newborn - which in essence, she was.

After a while, she focused her attention on Ciera, the only thing that looked like her. And while it would sound nice to say that she cutely tilted her head to the side, it was not possible.

She didn’t even know she was confused, so how could she know about facial expressions and body language?

So it was more like she stared blankly, yet somehow imposingly - waiting for something to happen.

“Ah! She’s looking at me! Hello!”

Squealed Ciera as she waved her hand high.

“She isn’t knowledgeable enough to speak yet, idiot. You should offer her a contract.”

Eridel’s heart palpitating voice spoke. Shocking the Queen, causing her to look all around for the source of the ‘unknown thing’. Surprisingly enough, or maybe not so surprising, was the fact that she didn’t look afraid at all unlike the other animals.

Eridel was now capable of focusing his voice in certain locations, not causing global panic each time, but it was still loud and intimidating.

It could be the fact that she was Queen that stopped her from cowering, or she didn’t have the innate instinct of an animal that screamed ‘run from power’. Or both.

“I’m not an idiot! Um, what should the contract terms be?”

Ciera exclaimed, before turning to his general direction. Funnily enough, the Queen followed her example and looked straight at his viewpoint with those fantastical eyes of hers.

‘How exquisite’ Eridel silently marvelled at her beauty before focusing on the question.

“Somewhat the same. You will give her knowledge and you will also make sure to help advance her race. And in turn, her entire race must protect you.”


CRAZY! Eridel was actually enforcing an entire race to protect Ciera! WASN’T THIS TOO OVERPROTECTIVE?!

‘Hmph. The Elves should consider themselves privileged to protect my daugh- to protect Ciera.’

Who does this guy think he’s fooling?!



Either Ciera didn’t care or she was dumb.

After closing her eyes for a few seconds, she opened them again with a satisfied expression on her face.

At the same time, the Queen suddenly blinked. The only sign of confusion she could show.

She then stared straight at Ciera as if she could tell that it was Ciera that was the cause of her confusion.

The 2 stared at each other for what seemed like a minute before the Queen responded.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, leaking the translucent and overflowing soul energy that suddenly started emerging inside of her.

As her soul age forcefully grew, many images and comprehensions invaded her head.

Life and Death.




Kingdoms and Empires.

King and Queens.

The Tree of Life.

The Heavens...

More and more knowledge infiltrated her mind, causing her to change rapidly.

This consisted for 10 whole minutes, before her eyes returned to normal. But nowhere near as deadpan as before. If before, she looked like a very sexy robot. Now, she looked like a very sexy QUEEN!

The previously lacking majesty was now leaking in abundance.

The way she stood with her arms crossed together in front of her chest, the way her chin was slightly raised and the way her eyes narrowed. All these things portrayed the bearing of someone above the masses.

The Queen gracefully turned her head to look back at the Tree of Life. A look of doting briefly showed on her face before she solemnly focused her eyes on the avatar of Spring of Life. Her race’s 2nd life line.

Without hesitation, she dropped to one knee.

“This Queen greets the Heavens and the Heavenly Daughter” The Queen spoke for the first time.

Her voice was like that of the celestials, absolutely mellifluous and enchanting, yet filled with majesty! However…


Eridel was quite confused… For about a quarter of a second. Which is quite something, considering his powerful mind.

His speculations were confirmed when he heard an annoying “Ehehehe!”

Ciera placed her hand on the side of her somehow blushing face.

“No need for that~, daddy Heavens can get quite embarrassed.”

‘... ’


Eridel’s ancient voice filled with indignation sounded out. This time it actually affected reality, shaking the trees and blowing strong winds.

Even the Tree of Life creaked, causing the Queen's previously awed face to pale and twist with trepidation.

“My Lord, please calm your ire!”

“Eek!” Ciera yelped before diving back into her lake. Abandoning the shivering Elk that had lost the strength in it’s legs. Being in the same position it was in before it’s transformation.

“Haaah…” Eridel forcefully pushed down his rumbling emotions and sighed, bringing peace back to the mystical environment.

Eridel focused his full attention on the Queen, unconsciously increasing the pressure on her. It was time to wrap things up.

The reason he was mad was because he didn’t want to disclose his identity to anyone yet, even worse, a false one like the heavens. This could cause all sorts of confusion later on. Especially if she started spreading that knowledge to the rest of her race.

‘How annoying.’

“Queen of the Elves. I hope that you do not speak of my identity to any other being.” Eridel said coldly.

The Queen shivered, nodding her head like a chicken and causing her massive mountains to start shaking.

“Is there anything you would like to say?” Eridel asked

“I...I-I would like to thank the Lord for his generous gifts!” The Queen stuttered, losing all of her royal bearing.

“Mmh… It would seem that you understand the plentiful privileges you have been born with.”

As mentioned before, all enlightened beings were born like any other, born through microscopic organisms that had gone through countless evolutions and mutations.

So why was it that they were now being born from the Tree of Life like they were fruits?

It was because that was Eridel’s gift.

An elf born from the Tree of Life would only fall off the tree and finally start his life when he reached adulthood. Essentially 18 years old. But on the tree, that was shortened to a month-long process.

During that entire time. The Elf would be continuously nourished by the Tree of Life, developing a very high innate talent. They would also form a supernatural connection with the Tree of Life that came with many benefits.

Through that connection, the Elves could do many things. 

They could telepathically contact other Elves, they could temporarily draw energy from the tree, they could even use the connection to sense the Laws of Life and by association the Laws of Water. A great boon to any faction.

There were other benefits but they were best left unmentioned for now.

“Yes, my Lord! Order this Queen and I will make sure to accomplish your tasks to the best of my ability!

The queen said almost fervently with a gradually expanding smile on her face, forgetting her fear and failing to hide her excitement.

It couldn’t be helped. Even with all her knowledge, she still lacked experience. 

At this moment, Ciera poked her head out of the water again but Eridel ignored her. He also chose to ignore the Elf’s useless pledge of fealty.

“I name you Titania, surnamed Sillvane. It is the Sillvane name that you pass on to your descendants just as you pass on your blood, but I’m sure you know that.” Eridel drawled.

“Yes, my Lord!” Titaniawas ecstatic ‘I was named by the Heavens itself!’

That’s right. Eridel planned on the Queen finding a spouse amongst the Elves and bearing children.

Could it even be considered a royal bloodline if there was no royal family?

Just like the Queen, her descendants will have the same green skin, white hair and white eyes. This was a result of the royal bloodline. A bloodline that was directly aligned with the Laws of Wood.

Other Elves were born with white or black skin. Blonde, brown or black hair. Blue, green, brown or black eyes. Pretty much just like humans. Any other colours will be a result of extreme affinity or bloodline.

“Hi Titania!” Ciera seemed to have forgotten her fear as well, jumping up and landing in front of the Queen.


Eridel was still quite peeved with Ciera. Deciding to leave.

But before he left. He turned his attention to the Elk that looked like an abandoned puppy.

“You, fortunate Elk that has been chosen by fate.” Eridel wondered if it really had been chosen by fate. Too many coincidences were involved and funnily enough, it was the strongest being alive, if you didn’t count an anomaly like Ciera. “I ordain you as the [ Guardian of the Eastern Forest ] and I name you-”

“Wait!” Ciera interrupted him “I want to name him!” She turned to the Elk without waiting for an answer. “Your name is Dodo!”

Eridel felt like spitting blood.

‘I’m sorry, young Elk.’

Eridel could have sworn he could see a tear falling out of its eye.

“This is to both of you. [ Guardian of the Eastern Forest ] and [ Queen of the Elves ]. In whatever you do... Be Wise, Be Strong and Be Courageous.”

Eridel’s presence vanished from the scene. Completely overlooking the potential of 3 future powerhouses concentrated in one spot.

With the snake family not too far from them and more hidden talents biding their time…

The Eastern Forest was surely bound to be chaotic.

How wonderful~

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