Reincarnated as a World

Ch.102 The Birth of Conquest

The egg fell towards the direction of a city like a shooting star with a streak of blue light that attracted the eyes of the citizens within, causing a ruckus to begin as everyone grabbed the attention of their friends and pointed towards the unknown object with fascination and excitement, not yet knowing that it was heading straight for them.

Not yet knowing WHAT was coming for them.


The sound of the unknown object piercing through the air as it got closer to the city was heard when the citizens of the city finally recognized that they were probably in danger and should probably start fleeing. 

It started off slow at first, about a hundred or so people speed walking out of the group of masses, but then more and more people caught on and eventually everyone started running, causing a stampede to begin as everybody tried to escape from the unpredictable landing point of the unknown object. Even those that didn’t know what was going on were forced to start moving or be knocked to the ground and stomped on by hundreds of people.

In the matter of seconds there was absolute chaos.

However, it wasn’t all that bad. There were even people screaming out loud with excitement, caught up in the intense emotions of the environment but not in agreement with the fact that there was actually any danger. These people were mostly children who raised up their hands and squealed with laughter as their parents tried to suppress them, the teenagers who were jogging relatively silently but had looks of interest and curiosity on their faces as they turned back to the unknown object every now and then, and the rare few adults in safe locations that laughed at the situation with varying emotions, even if they too gave wary looks at the unknown object.

There was something about chaos paired with the belief that you weren’t actually going to be harmed that seemed to raise the excitement in certain people.


But unfortunately for these people, they were not nearly as safe as they thought they were.

A tall building that was reminiscent of a skyscraper directly exploded as the unknown object crashed into it. Not a slow collapse or half-damaged half-okay status that was left questionable, the entire building was reduced to debris in a single blow, immediately causing casualties as those within and those in the vicinity lost their lives to the richoting pieces.

Nearly a thousand dead in a single moment.

And it wasn’t over yet.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!” A high-pitched keening sound that sounded like the crying of a strange creature came out of the pile of debris with shocking intensity that caused the air to visibly vibrate.

Looking at such a thing, one might have thought that sound would cause instantaneous damage to the ears of the citizens (who were running even more desperately than before with not a single expression of excitement), but instead, a strange scene started to play out as those that were closest to the sound completely stopped running.

Their eyes took on vacant looks as if their souls had been snuffed out with a few even having saliva drip out of their mouths. But then all of a sudden, expressions of absolute fervour and adoration twisted their faces as their eyes turned pink with their pupils turning into white-coloured hearts.

They all looked towards the direction of the piercing sound with their obsessed faces, not caring about their friends or family members who tried to drag them away and just glanced over with their clearly enthralled eyes.

Just when it was looking like they were going to do that forever, they suddenly started running towards the source of the sound as if they were running towards the world's most grandest treasure with their lives on the line, disregarding anything or anyone that was in their path even if it got them killed.

The sight of this caused even more terror to pervade the fleeing citizens when they realized how similar this scene was to some of their popular horror fiction stories, causing them to begin running even more crazily with hopes for safety.

Some of the more quick-witted ones even made the decision to use their communication or media devices to seek external help, but alas… to their absolute despair they realised that for some reason their devices had ceased all function, leaving them and the entire city isolated from the rest of the World.

If before they had ran to find a safe shelter, now they ran to escape the city entirely.

Which of course, only escalated the situation because now vehicles were involved.


It was an absolutely apocalyptic scene in the matter of minutes. People cursing at each other, piles of debris began piling up, fires were started as a result of bad crashes, fights broke out when someone got in the way of a delinquent and- oh, someone was just murdered…

It looked like there were a few depraved people who were using this opportunity to resolve grudges. Unfortunately, this only caused the citizens to become more crazed, nullifying the effects that the brave local-security teams were trying to achieve.

It was utter chaos.

And the cause of all this was… peacefully devouring the bodies of completely passive Eonixians.

When the Eonixians who had finally made it to the source of the wailing, they had found the scene of the most abnormal creature they had ever seen surrounded by what looked like blue egg shells.

The creature was a strange mass of tentacles with sharp snapping mouths that could be found here and there. And although it was only the size of a tennis ball, the creature was so terrifying that just looking at it caused Soul damage.

To a cultivator, this wouldn’t have meant much because they had the means to nullify or block the damage. But to a Mortal…

How could a mortal possibly deal with damage to their souls?

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