Reincarnated as a World

Ch.104 The Slime Abomination’s Schemes

‘On to the next I suppose…’ Eridel thought as he gave one last look at the Eonix World with grand aspirations. However, he still had 3- no, 4 more Worlds to visit and time was of the essence.

‘Hmm… the Conoria World should be this way.’

After flicking through the compiled knowledge of the Galaxy that he gained from Gaia, he looked over in a certain direction before turning into a streak of golden light that flashed through space.

‘This is going to be another long flight…’

[North Continent, Forest of Death, Abomination Pit]

Deep underneath the Forest of Death was a large cave that extended for a 1000 metres in every cardinal direction. Within this cave, a disgustingly dense aura of Undeath permeated the air like a deadly miasma. There were many other elements that could be sensed from the aura, but it was the Laws of Undeath that sung the loudest.

However, despite the apparent potency of the aura, it seemed to be restricted by an unknown force that prevented it from reaching out of the cave.

Normally such a cave would have been too dark for anything to be seen, but fortunately there was a beautiful source of light that illuminated the cave with a spectacular golden colour. They were chains, chains that criss-crossed all over the place before concentrating on something that sat motionless in the centre of the cave. They were crystal-like in appearance and shone radiantly like stars in the night.

However, the thing that these chains were constricting, was not beautiful. It was a huge gelatin-like mass that was grey in colour and relatively spherical in shape, but pulsed in places and constricted in others. It was a Slime.

But more specifically, the Abomination of the North.

The Abomination of the North, also known as the Slime Abomination, had been sealed here for quite some time now, unable to cultivate or even initiate the process to breakthrough to the 4th Realm, most of its powers sealed and its aura unable to penetrate through the restrictive cave. It was even incapable of extending its [Bloodline Will] past the cave to reach its descendants. If it hadn’t been knocked out senseless by that ridiculous ray of light then even if its Bloodline Will wasn’t unable to breach this cave, the connection would have already been made and it could have possibly controlled them to get rid of these hateful chains.

But no, the connections had been severed as a result of the strange attack from the sky, and it couldn’t reconnect them unless the chains were gone. Perhaps if its descendants were kind enough to come here and free it, it could have used its Bloodline Will as progenitor to forcefully enslave them again. But none of the Original Undead were foolish and they were certainly not kind. Even though they could sense the Abominations predicament and even location, they didn’t dare to help and kept a large distance away from it, even preventing the other converted Undead from going there in fear that they would cause an irreparable mistake.

The Abomination of the North… was helpless.

However, after 13+ years of solitude, an opportunity was finally at hand! Abominations completely lacked Souls so those 13+ years didn’t affect it in the slightest, it was as mentally strong as it was before its imprisonment (since it used its many brains to think) and it was perfectly receptive to the beautiful opportunity that was coming its way.

An unknown Lifeform that it had never sensed before was quickly moving in its direction. The being was extremely weakened and seemed to be fleeing from its attackers but the Slime Abomination couldn’t sense anyone else, so it guessed that the attackers must have given up as soon as they knew the destination of the victim. Everybody avoided this place after all.

But for some reason, the near iron-clad rule to never enter the Abomination’s Pit was about to be broken.

*1 Minute Later*


Bursting into the scene was a strange creature that the Slime Abomination had never seen before despite touring the entire North Continent. The figure looked like a humanoid shaped mist that was pitch black where a head should be, and dark grey everywhere else. The creature had 2 illusory horns on each side of its head and held a strange cylinder shaped item that was see-through in most places (glass) and solid-thick black in others (metal), in its left hand.

The creature radiated an aura that the Slime Abomination had felt before on rare occasions, but nevertheless it was still a cause of surprise. After all, it was 100% sure that it had caused every one of its kind to be extinct.

A Monster. That’s what the Creature was. Just like the Slime Abomination before it became the entity that struck fear into the hearts of the entire North Continent.

There weren’t many of such beings on the Continent so it was simple for the Slime Abomination to cull their numbers to 0. But who would have thought that another one would appear right here in this great time of need?

Glee coursed through its non-existent heart as the prospect of freedom became closer and closer.

On the other hand, the Wraith King was having a very bad time.

Ever since he had fled from the South Continent, he had been suffering loss, after loss, after loss. It was an extremely aggravating experience.

The first place he had fled to was an isolated island that had no lifeforms on it, which meant there was no way for him to kill anyone and gain strength, so he had to migrate and look for a better environment. The next place he had arrived in was an even bigger island that even had a few lifeforms on it, but they were all weak and quickly went extinct, forcing the Wraith King to once again keep it pushing. The next place took quite a while to get to, but when he did get there, he was extremely pleased. The expansive land was comparable to the South Continent and was filled with many powerful Beasts. Even if the territory he was in was filled with abundant sand, the powerful Beasts were extremely lucrative.

At that time, he didn’t know that the place was called the Celestial Desert of the Central Continent. Home to the Celestial Beast, Apis.

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