Reincarnated as a World

Ch.106 The Golden Monkey King


The Jungle shook all around him as an explosion went off in the destination of his investigation. Having a bad premonition, he quickly looked up to see if his ghastly prediction was true… and it was!

Although it was hard to see through the canopy of the Jungle, the glaring golden light of the unforgettable Tribulation Lights was not something he would mistake for something else. This could only mean that somebody was undergoing a Tribulation, but who else in this Jungle could it be if not the King of Monkeys? His arch-nemesis, only second to Asura himself.

Filled with anger that his fated enemy would reach the 4th Realm before him, he tried to rush towards him in hopes of disrupting the Tribulation, because if he didn’t do it now and the Monkey successfully evolved, then there was no doubt that he would be forcefully kicked out once again.

Alas, each metre he managed to cross only added to the sense of danger cascading his mind. Eventually, his body refused to move any closer and he could only watch with desperation as the last strike sounded out, rocking the entire Jungle and cementing his fate.

But he refused to give up! This Jungle was too bountiful to abandon without a fight! So he used his fastest speed to reach the Monkey King’s location, hoping that the bout with the Tribulation Lights would have left him extremely weakened.

Soon, he arrived at a giant Lake that had a massive island in the centre, but the island held an even huger mountain that took up 90% of its space with only the coast being flat-landed. It was quite the magnificent sight and was sure to be one of the best natural territories in the World, but that was not why the Wraith King had been looking on with speechlessness.

The real reason was because of the 400 metre tall Golden Monkey that lay spread-eagle upon the canopy of trees like it was a bed.

The Monkey’s newly golden fur glistened like the finest of silk and was extremely eye-catching, but what was even more eye-catching was the new accessories on his body that seemed to have come out of nowhere.

Wrapped around his wrists were 2 thick wristbands that seemed to have been condensed out of golden light, shining with a gentle intensity that whilst bright, didn’t cause any discomfort to the eyes. He also had what seemed to be a necklace of prayer beads, and a strangely designed metal headband, that were all made of the same condensed-light material. Last but not least was the strange neon bright runes that were patterned all over its fur like a tattoo. They too were golden in colour.

The Beast was absolutely magnificent.

Even if it was clearly unconscious, it radiated a powerful and profound aura that felt like harmony, peace and majesty. And yet, there was a strange undertone to it that made it feel like all that peace and harmony could switch into a bottomless wrath in an instant.

The Wraith King gritted his teeth. He was very familiar with this feeling and he wasn’t happy about seeing it again. He wasn’t sure what made them different from other Beasts, but he was sure that this Monkey… and the Elephant back in the desert, were of the same kind. Unfortunately, it didn’t cross his mind to ask the System.

Instead, he teleported to the Monkey King’s neck with his scythe raised high. He wanted to see how exactly this stupid Monkey would defend against him whilst unconscious!


He slammed down with his scythe.



The sound of metal bashing against metal was heard when his Scythe connected with the Monkey’s neck, causing shock and fear to course through his soul. He quickly turned back to the Monkey’s face to see if he had woken, and encountered the most terrifying eyes he had ever seen glaring right back.

The eyes had the regular white sclera, but they lacked any kind of pupil and left the ridiculously bright irises to look like 2 golden suns.

The Wraith King knew he was in trouble and wanted to flee, but before the he could even teleport away-



He was sent flying with a slap.

2 years later he had made it to the North Continent. By then he was already a Greater Demon and was much stronger than before. He even gained an Enlightened form that reduced his previous 10 metre tall Wraith body to a 2 metre tall physical body.

He had pale white skin, ghostly silver hair that defied gravity, the same smoky hooded cloak that his Wraith body had, and completely white eyes that had no irises or pupils. Although he was handsome, it would take a peculiar woman to get past all of that eeriness.

When he had arrived in the Continent, he had been appalled by the overall strength and lack of diversity in the Beasts. Most of them were in the upper stages of the 1st Realm to the lower stages of the 2nd Realm with the elites being in the middle stages and the cream of the crop being at the upper stages. Very, very few were in the 3rd Realm and it was extremely disappointing to him who needed to kill stronger enemies to increase his strength.

This was completely unlike the other continents that he had visited, whose Beasts had average strengths at the upper stages of the 2nd Realm. He couldn’t understand why and it was quite aggravating.

It was only later on did he find out that it was because of the fact that 90% of all the Beast ancestors (that he was used to fighting) had all been wiped out, and the Beasts he was seeing now were all the younger generations.

As for the lack of diversity… Well, that could only be explained by the fact that quite a majority of the species had gone extinct.

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