Reincarnated as a World

Ch.126 The Yamelon High World

[Lolay Galaxy, Desolate Region, Yamelon World]

(6 Years Later, Year 163)

The Yamelon World was 1 of the 2 High Worlds in the Desolate Region, and its territory was split by the multiple Kingdoms and Empires that had erected themselves over time. But really and truly, there were only three masters of this World. The Emperor of the Syden Empire, the Empress of the Efrita Empire, and the Emperor of the Ifeden Empire. All Kingdoms and minor Empires had already subordinated themselves to one of the 3.

They wielded Realm 6 Strength and owned 1/3 of the World each, granting them boundless resources that they would never be able to finish alone, and yet, despite the vast power that they possessed, it was not enough.

The three powers were in a turbulent state where they were constantly establishing and dissolving wars with each other all the time, desperately hoping for the day that they could claim the entire World as theirs, and move on to bigger things. After all, as the 3 hegemon’s of the Yamelon World, they were privy to the deeper secrets in life, and were aware of the Law World above their heads.

They even knew that there were distinguished factions in the Law World, who had long ago created branch factions in this World. Their sole purpose was to poach the mega talents who entered those branch factions, into their main factions.

All of this information and more had been obtained by their Ancestors who had been lucky enough to be recruited in the past, so it was only natural that only a handful of people in this planet knew of the true intentions of those ‘peculiar’ factions, and why they had never been destroyed since the beginning of their existence.

Even a majority of the higher ups in the branch factions were unaware of the truth, thinking that their respective factions were actually singular existences whose luck and power were of their own doing.

Quite laughable.

However, the 3 Supreme Emperors didn’t think so. They spent a majority of their time scheming against each other in hopes that they could grasp the power of the entire World and increase their connection with the Sigothia World (The Law World).

Even though they knew that their own chances of reaching that World was slim, talk less of arriving there and achieving anything substantial, they still hoped that their future descendants could achieve what they couldn’t and attain the utmost glory for their Empire. And for that, they would do anything!

So they murdered, stole, kidnapped, r*ped, defamed, betrayed and worse. ‘All for the greater good’ they would say. After all, when they grasped the entire World in their hands, couldn’t they rewrite history? They could paint the other 2 Empires as sinister, evil cults that were in cahoots with the Abyss, and paint their own Empire as the righteous faction that had used all their power to save the entire World. Eventually, all the people who knew the truth would die out naturally or be killed secretly, and that rewritten history would be all they could decipher from the past.

Of course, they took into account the possibility of someone down the line finding hidden inheritances that carried the ‘true history’, so to prevent that, they were already prepared to establish forces or societal constructs that would label anyone that was found with such things as heathens who were attempting to betray the Empire, or evil beings who were the escaped descendants of the 2 evil cults.

This war had lasted hundreds of years by now and they were prepared for everything. Eventually, things would come to an end and there would only be 1 master left.

[Yamelon World, Ifeden Empire, Grayham Forest]

The Grayham Forest was one of the Ifeden Empire’s most famous locations that received all kinds of people from all kinds of places, so it wasn’t rare to see multiple groups of people walking in and out every 10 - 30 minutes. However, 70% of these people never dared to tread past its outer region.

This was because of the fact that the deeper you went, the more powerful the Beasts you encountered became. You could even find Realm 4 Beasts in the middle region, which was why out of the remaining 30% of people that visited the Forest, 25% dared to travel to the middle region.

In the Inner Region of the Grayham Forest, there were 6 powerful Realm 5 Beasts with great renown who had divided up the territory, so it wasn’t rare for people to come visiting and never be seen again. There were even rumours that a Realm 6 Beast had been slumbering within for over a thousand years, but despite the fact that nobody could confirm it, it was still incredibly daunting. So for this reason, only 5% of the people who entered the Forest came to the Inner Region.

It was at a clearing that was not too far from the outer region’s border, that a group consisting of four badly damaged teenagers dressed in extravagant clothing could be found. Surrounding these teenagers were older men covered in armour from head to toe, but they were divided into 4 different kinds. The most impressive group was the group covered in pure white armour that glowed, clearly containing potent Magical power.

But judging by the way that they were all huddled around the teenagers with their backs towards them, it was clear that these people were guards, and not the cause of the current dangerous situation.

No, that merit went to an even larger group.

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