Reincarnated as a World

Ch.130 Eridel the Conman

Eridel looked at the 4 girls before him who foolishly believed him to be their god, but truthfully speaking, he didn’t look down on them for it at all. Not only was his impersonation of the local god of light impeccable, but the fact that the god had in fact been dead for thousands of years proved to be too great an opening for Eridel to exploit.

A few hours ago, he had arrived with the knowledge of the Yamelon World’s only god, the god of light, and had already factored its existence into his plans (thanks to Gaia), but who would have thought that when he arrived, he would not be able to detect a single hint of undiluted divinity.

This could only mean that even if there was a god in the past, it was either dead, or had left the planet completely. Which was impossible. There was no way for a god to leave the planet unless it became a World Sinner and assimilated the entire planet into its Divine Territory, erasing all life including the World Consciousness in the process, which of course, did not happen.

Moreover, no amount of hiding or hibernating would be able to conceal Divine Energy from those who knew what they were looking for.

The god was dead.

…How wonderful!

Not only did this make Eridel’s plans monumentally easier, but it even provided him with the perfect identity to imposter! Can you believe it? What a benevolent god indeed!

But there was one problem.

Even a dead god should leave a corpse overflowing with raw Divine Energy, so how could there be naught a single iota to be found? It had confused him for a moment, but it didn’t take much of a second later to guess that the corpse had probably been taken by the higher ups of the Sighothia Law World, and that it was highly likely that they were the cause of the gods death too.

But what did that have to do with Eridel? Nothing. At least not at this moment, so he began the first few steps of his plan and here he was, facing 4 teenage girls and a hoard of knights who looked at him as if he were god himself.


Eridel’s avatar shrouded in golden light began to float upwards as the surroundings became brighter and the ambient Magical Energy became turbulent. All sound ceased to exist, all motion came to a stop, and all attention was on the being who called himself god.

“Hear me, children of Yamelon. I must leave and return to Ageia as soon as possible to return to my… tiring duties, but I have one last thing to say.” Eridel said with his arms spread out, seemingly ignorant of the fact that he was phasing out of existence.

“If you 4 girls give birth to a child exactly 300 years from now, then your days will forever be blessed. You can oblige if you wish, but I will not scorn you if you don’t.” Eridel said, much to the shock of the people below.

‘There were still more blessings to come?!’ they were thinking.

“Goodbye now.” Before they could even respond, Eridel disappeared in a bright show of light that left them transfixed.

Nobody spoke and nobody moved.

Above the Yamelon World, a humanoid figure that seemed to be carved from light itself abruptly appeared in shocking fashion, but soon after, the light that formed its body retreated inwards and revealed the devilishly handsome figure of a human male.

Long white hair, dizzying golden eyes, peerless clean skin, pure white robes, and an autocratic demeanour that inspired immediate respect.

This was of course, Eridel. But to be more specific, Eridel’s first Avatar, Jonas. And right now he was sporting a wide grin that lit up his entire visage.

‘Perfect! It looks like lady luck has been smiling upon me these days. Not even a single hint from the god of light? Ha! What great woe! Is there not a single female in existence that can resist my quintessential looks?! A tragedy indeed…’ Eridel thought as he allowed the lack of gravity to spin his body around.

His gift to those 4 girls was a great one indeed, and if it wasn’t for the price that he took it would eventually lead to their doom if they didn’t somehow pay it back themselves. Nobody could fleece away Fortune without paying it back. And whilst his price had looked like a 2nd gift because of the fact that he had obviously augmented their last remaining egg cells, the fact that he had permanently erased the remaining eggs was more than enough to offset that. Afterall, they could have become individuals who might have amounted into something great, and then they would create their own children and so forth. But not anymore. They had all been wiped out.

Quite the price, right?

At this moment, Eridel could dispel his Avatar and he wouldn’t even need to make the return trip back, however, a sudden impulsive thought which he had no doubt was related to the domineering Will of his Planetary body, suddenly gripped his thoughts. His own Will was much stronger than before and allowed him to possibly ignore it, but the idea that had just popped into mind was too enticing and wasn’t even that dangerous.

‘What if…’ Eridel thought as he caressed his hairless chin.

The idea that had come to mind was undoubtedly fate changing, and if he didn’t pay the appropriate price, his next Tribulation (which was already looking dicey thanks to the new Integral Laws and other such things that had been added to his Planet) would surely reduce him to dust.

But he could deal with it. If his plans on the Yamelon World came to fruition, he wouldn’t need to worry too much about Tribulations or anything related to it.

‘But I wonder if it will work… Such a thing is…  Well, I guess I’ll see soon enough.’ Eridel thought  with suppressed excitement before disappearing into the distance in a streak of golden light.

{????????????????????????????’???? ????????????????: Undiluted Divine Energy is Raw Divine Energy, Diluted Divine Energy would be the energy that things such as Divine Treasures and Divine Inheritances left by a divine being would contain.}

{????????????????????????????’???? ????????????????: Ageia is what the residents of the Yamelon World consider their ‘Heaven’.}

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