Reincarnated as a World

Ch.142 Ghosts of the Past

For Eridel to suddenly fall in love with a Planet which had just gained its Soul and didn’t even have a defined gender was impossible.

That being said, Eridel would not be oblivious like others who might be put in the same situation. He knew that eventually, this pink planet would become something that satisfied all of his desires… or at least a sixth of them? He didn’t know how having multiple Soul Mates truly worked. Even though there were already a few polygamous Soul Mate pairings on his planet, none of them had ever met. And although he could infer from their affinities that it was indeed a case of 2 or more Soul Mates meeting specific needs of the ‘dominant’ Soul Mate, that was only related to power compatibility and didn’t necessarily mean that on a carnal or mental level that it would be the same.

Perhaps all 6 of his Soul Mates would meet ALL of his carnal desires and have a perfect like-mindedness with him. But even as he speculated on it, even he found it unrealistic. If his needs were so narrow that 6 people could be completely compatible with him, what was the point of even having 6 in the first place? It didn’t make sense. It would make much more sense to assume that his needs were so broad that 6 different people would fulfil 6 different needs.

That… that was much more exciting.

In any case, Eridel was in an extremely jubilant mood. He had found his first Soul Mate! She –and he was sure that the planet would become a ‘she’ because that was his only sexual orientation– wasn’t ready yet, but the time would come!

Eridel threw away his more negative speculations and decided to revel in the absolute joy of finding one's destined partner, the partner who would be with him till the end times and would always support him even if they were separated by multiple dimensions or life and death! This was absolutely something to be celebrated!

Eridel even had the wild albeit temporary desire to release many phenomena into the Eridius World, letting the millions of residents know that something truly glorious had occurred. However, he dispersed the foolish thoughts in the next split second. Just thinking of the chaos it would cause, the false history it would create and the possible religions that it might spawn was enough for him to calm down a little bit.

Still, he was still excited. This little pink planet of his was his Soul Mate. Quadrillions upon quadrillions of people all over the Universe had the desire for a Soul Mate, and even if some once in a billion year - brain-disturbed-geniuses in hyper-advanced Worlds were able to artificially create a semblance of a Soul Mate system, all of those flimsy things were filled with flaws and was something only the upper echelons could buy. They didn’t come close to the flawless Soul Mate system that Eridel had created, an all encompassing concept that worked automatically all over his domain of influence and even became a part of the World’s Integral Laws. Certainly unlike some Ai chip that had to be implanted into 2 different people or some chemical injection that only the most wealthy could enjoy.

‘Ha! This time, all of them wish for what I have, but will not be able to have it!’ Eridel inwardly exclaimed with glee. The amount of times that he had wished for even the most basic companionship in those 2000 years of solitude as he watched the intimate moments of others was too embarrassing to admit. It had been unbearable, but now, everything would change!

Eridel once again peered into the Soul Mate link but this time his intentions weren’t just to passively observe. He wanted to use the link to send his Soul Mate information about all of the Eridius World’s languages along with basic knowledge and common sense. This was all so that he could achieve basic communication with his Soul Mate and direct her into using the World Travelling Formation so that she could move herself near his own planetary body.

As he began to do so, he had to admit that the urge to add other things was there. He could add in suggestions of femininity that would allow the planet to think it was a female or suggestions that would make it more subservient. However, although Eridel was almost completely unscrupulous when he dealt with other Lifeforms, he wasn’t quite willing to be the same way with his Soul Mates.

They were going to be the 6 women that would ride eternity with him, inseparable from him in a way that the Universe had never seen before. How could he bear to willfully play with their minds as if they were tools? That was not the kind of Man he aspired to be! He was a chivalrous gentleman, not a controlling sicko!

‘...Haha… Hahahaha!’ Eridel inwardly burst out laughing.

He would have done just that! Eridel was a calculating person even before he became what he was, and now that he had become a World and his Soul had been transformed beyond recognition, controlling the 6 beings who had the ability to influence his decision making barely even touched his moral boundaries. To him, that was just precaution!

However… he truly wanted to give this love thing a good try.

The relationships that he had with those 213 women in his past life could definitely not be called love. That was one of the few luxuries that he could not afford. Too expensive and way too vulnerable. But lust? If there was a church of Lust then he would have been Pope! The Supreme Pontiff! Considering the life he lived, he didn’t have the fortune to afford love. But lust was really just too cheap! And that was how collecting different kinds of beauties became a pastime of his to beat off the erosion of boredom.

But now…? Everything had changed. Not only had he gained true freedom, but he had even gained incomparable power, power that would enable him to prote-!

‘...In any case, honesty is the best policy and if I don’t want to end up in an uncomfortable situation after being asked to explain the reason for certain things in the future, it’s best that I don’t do anything that I’d need to hide from them.’ 

‘Truthfully… there shouldn’t be anything that I need to hide if they’re truly my Soulmates in every sense of the word, but telling one of them that I’m the reason that they’re female in the first place…? This… is a future that I would rather avoid.’

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