Reincarnated as a World

Ch.150 Arrival of a Third Competitor

‘I will be KAISER! Come Fate, try and stop me!’ He had said back then.

What a joke.

Fast forward 18 years (Year 151) and his entire plan had fallen to complete and utter ruin. At the time that he and the rest of the continent had least expected it, Sindia, Balik and their child, which was named Sinbad, had launched a swift and brutal rebellion along with a majority of the Devils on the continent before fleeing to a place where nobody could find them.

It was a massive slap to the face to both Ghost and Asura, but Ghost found the slap especially hot. This was because, not only had he been the one to pseudo-raise the child which he knew he should have killed from the day he found it, labelling him a fool… but now, even though he knew exactly where they had run to, there was nothing he could do about it!

They had given him a vicious slap and the only thing he could do was grit his teeth with rage. If this was not first degree humiliation, he didn’t know what was. But this was because of 2 reasons.

The first reason was also the reason that they had even been able to rebel in the first place. 2 years before this (Year 149), for the first time in many, many years, a Beast had once more appeared on the continent. It was a huge and terrifying flying Beast of the likes they had never seen before and when it casually flapped its wings in the air, it let out billowing waves of green energy that neither he or Asura had seen before.

It was like regular Mana created by Magical Energy, but it also possessed certain characteristics of Demonic Energy that left everybody flabbergasted. On top of that, the energy seemed to cause commotions in his emotions which caused him fright. The only reason they knew that it was a Beast instead of a Monster was first and foremost because of the lack of horns that every 4th Realm Monster should have, and Asura’s personal admittance that the giant green bird was absolutely not a Monster.

Perhaps a successful Beast and Monster hybrid, but it was definitely not a pure Monster.

The Beast had been able to speak and had domineeringly let the continent know of its intentions of taking over. Which at the time was a laugh, but before they could even let out that laugh, hundreds of thousands of beings all over the continent began to glow with a similar green aura which was accompanied by a green symbol on their foreheads. They then pledged their loyalty to the strange Beast with perfect synchrony before rallying under its command.

Since then, the Beast had made many attacks on the Monster side of the continent using its steadily growing army and its own personal might which actually trumped Ghost’s and Asura’s own (but not combined). Ghost could have left Asura and the Monsters to die, but he knew that if he did so, he would have been the one to face the onslaught next, and at that time, he too would be alone. So both leaders had to team up for the first time ever just to face off the threat. 

It was 2 years after that, in the midst of a violent battle, that Devils led by Sinbad and his parents, had struck them from the back at the worst moment before fleeing, and if it wasn’t for Babunda and some of his own people, Ghost and Asura really might have died that day.

It could be imagined how furious they were. He and Asura had both send out orders to find and kill all the Devils but preserve the life of their leaders (Sindia, Balik and Sinbad) if possible so that they could be tortured. Of the 2 of them, Ghost was by far the more enraged. This was because, not only had been betrayed at the worst moment, but since Balik was definitely done for, his one alliance with a Demon King and all of his subjects had been destroyed

All the things he had to put up with had been for nothing.

Oh the rage, oh the woe. The despair and the desire for revenge. These emotions had coursed through his veins like a second current of energy and he HAD to satiate them. But unfortunately, when news that the Devils could not be found reached his ears, he knew that he would be gnawing on the bone of frustration for a very long time.

If the Devils could not be found anywhere in the Continent, then there were probably only 3 places where they could be. The first was the afterlife. Although the chance was slim to none, it was possible that a terrifying Monster or group of Monsters had found them and reduced them to ashes. The reason why only a Monster was a culprit was because only they had the capability to reduce someone to ash after death. Of course, a Blood Fiend with fire powers or powers that could flawlessly hide a corpse could have done it, but he knew all off the beings who had said-powers along with enough strength to slaughter all of the Devils despite having to face both Sindia and Balik, and none of them would have dared to hide such information from him.

The second place that could have gone to… was beyond the sea. It was rare, but sometimes, there would be someone or a group of someones who were brave enough to traverse the seas and look for foreign land. Thanks to the system, they knew that there were other continents other than the South one and it gave a few people who were living hopeless lives, hope.

The last place the Devils could have fled to… was the [Forest of Bloody Origin]. The Forest of Bloody Origin was actually in the South Continent and wasn’t even a hidden location. However, out of the few places on the continent that he didn’t dare to enter, this was definitely one of them.

Considering his history with the place, this certainly shouldn’t have been the case at all, after all, the name ‘Forest of Bloody Origin’ mainly came from the fact that it was the very same Forest that the Blood Fiends had originated from. The Blood Fiends had been concepted in this Forest and in their early years they had liked to visit it from time to time.

But that all changed with the arrival of an extremely sinister tree with blood coloured leaves that had almost taken his life. It was also because of this tree that the Blood Fiend race didn’t have as many 4th Realm members as the Monster Races. Those without knowledge would say that it was natural for the Monster races to have more 4th Realm beings because they had the unfair ability to absorb power from slain enemies, but the truth was, the Blood Fiends ability to efficiently absorb power from blood wasn’t all that inferior.

The real reason that the Blood Fiend race was so inferior was because of that calamitous day in the Forest of Bloody Origin that had ruined their forces and delivered them an unforgettable lesson.

But he had a sneaking feeling that the very Devils he had been looking for were in that very same Forest.

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