Reincarnated as a World

Ch.21 The Real Reason

Eridel could wipe out the Blood Fiends right now and they would vanish without resistance. But he actually needed people like them. He had already started [ Secret Side Project: Demons ], so what were blood fiends on top of that?

There was nothing in existence that could survive without both order and chaos.

When there was no chaos, there was no drive or reason to improve. No need to overcome adversities because there were no adversities, no need to be creative because there was no need for your creation.

But with chaos, people strived to nullify it, people desperately improved themselves so that they weren’t destroyed by chaos in turn, people evolved because chaos would destroy them if they didn’t rise to the challenge.

True, a World without chaos could ‘survive’, but as a result, the quality of talent would vanish like smoke, unstoppable and uncontrollable.

Here’s an example: Let’s say there was a war around 2000 years ago. Both sides had a few dozen immortals making it even, the war ends with your side winning and now there’s peace. 2000 years later, there’s not a single immortal in your country. After all there’s no need to train so excessively. But what would happen if a power of that same caliber 2000 years ago comes for you now? That’s right, only death is the outcome.

That’s why Eridel needed a stable amount of Chaos in his World. The strength and talent of his World would continue to increase and when his World inevitably clashed with others they could rise to the challenge.

He was determined in becoming a World that surpassed the Laws after all. There was no way to escape conflict.

On the flip side. Order was also needed, no need to thick too much, without it, a World would only self-destruct. The lack of order and the lack of chaos shared the same fate, but the lack of order was more vicious and swift.

Just look at how self-destructive those blood fiends are. They don’t know that by overhunting, they would eventually lose all prey. They would destroy the ecosystem of the forest and have to migrate or die.

It couldn’t be helped, they had no knowledge of these things. So what could Eridel do?


He was going to let things run its course.

That’s how Eridel was going to govern his World when it came to disasters. He would let his residents experience and fear them, using their all to prevent the same thing from occurring. Only when they had learned would Eridel step in for free.

No need for anymore lessons now that the answer to the equation was engraved in their brains.

There was nothing important in that forest, so he would let it become a lesson for the fiends. It was for the greater good.

Just like that, Eridel condemned hundreds of thousands of lives in that forest to death.

This was a petrifying thought process but Eridel didn’t seem to realize. In fact, it’s like he couldn’t really think too deeply when it came to things that were related to improving the World. Just like the time he was irrationally angry being denied the ability to awaken magic energy and made that dangerous decision.

Even now, his mind just seemed to pass over the costs of whatever improvement he was implementing, causing him to regard any cost as irrelevant.

Unfortunately, Eridel didn’t quite realize this yet.

‘Speaking of self-destruction, it’s about time I look into the real reason this World was on the verge of destruction when I got here.’

Eridel had always been planning on doing this, but he had always been so busy. Or rather, his narrow-minded focus in improving could finally be at rest for a little while and he could look at other things.

Afterwards he would look at the first generation Elves that he could tell were being born outside of the Archive. Being in the World Archive didn’t stop time after all, but he could reverse time or fast forward (up to current time).

And reverse time he did. To the time before Eridel Domicus.

In a certain region of space in the Lolay Galaxy, a peerlessly handsome man with long blonde hair and unfathomable purple eyes was floating in front of an insignificant Low World.

He was obviously an Immortal, only immortals had the ability to leave their World and survive in space, even travelling through it. But the stage of his immortality couldn’t be determined.

Regardless of his level, even the lowest of the low Immortal could destroy a defenseless World like this with ease.

Rayas marveled at the World before him. A completely undiscovered World with no enlightened species, something that was so rare that an Immortal had better chances of aging to death (something impossible).

But here he was. In front of a completely defenseless Low Word who’s fate now lay in the palm of his hand.

He then smiled so gently, looking angelic in coordination with his handsome visage. But his next words would cause anyone to be downright horrified.

“This World is the perfect material for comprehending the Laws of Destruction.”

Yes… he actually planned on breaking this World’s Core in order to comprehend the resulting Laws of Destruction.

Watching an entire World being ravaged by the Laws of Destruction alone, what could top that in the gains that a person watching would get in his comprehension of the Destruction Laws.

Rayas easily slipped through the World’s atmosphere and burrowed through to the center of the World.

When he found the core, He struck out with his hand, only causing enough damage for a crack to appear. Still with that damn smile on his face.

He nodded his head in satisfaction when the Laws of Destruction started to seep out.

Afterwards, he sat down, closed his eyes and crossed his legs with both palms on their respective knees (Lotus Position). This was the optimum position when cultivating. It helps the mind enter a smooth state of meditation, slightly increasing the effect of comprehension.

And just like that, months passed by as the entire World was ruthlessly ravaged.

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