Reincarnated as a World

Ch.214 Central Continent Grand Meeting

Ch.214 Central Continent Grand Meeting

[Central Continent, Holy Land of Snakes]

(2 weeks later)

The Holy Land of Snakes was famed for various reasons, some being its geographical location (the centre of the Central Continent), the unnatural size and lusciousness of its organic resources and the fact that it was an actual Sacred Land, filled with bountiful resources and leaden with magical energy. But these facts actually paled in comparison to the knowledge that this land was home to the most powerful entity on the Continent, Jörma the Devourer, along with the rest of her Snake brethren.

And as the name suggested, normally, only Snakes could be found on this land, with the exception of Human slaves that most powerful Beast factions owned, and on occasion, the Divine Dragons which could be considered their distant cousins.

But today, for the first time in history, a grand meeting was taking place within this land with all the most powerful races on the continent invited.

Giant snakes, blazing birds, winged dragons and serpentine dragons, icy furred deer, long-eared elves, large-eared Celestial Elephant Beastkin, golden monkeys and more. These amazing creatures were blazing with their natural auras and created a heart-palpitating sight that would shock anyone.

But despite that, they were not the main attraction. That achievement went to the humongous figures of the Celestial Beasts, Apis the Elephant and Jungo the Monkey King, along with Jörma, whose massive size wasn’t much inferior.

It had come as a shock to the entire Continent when it was revealed that Jörma wasn’t actually a Celestial Beast, instead being an Enlightened Beast who had only reached that size thanks to her prodigious bloodline, especially since that meant that she had an Enlightened Form, something that no one had ever seen. That would also make her like Gaia, the dragon goddess, since no one had ever seen her Enlightened Form either.

There also seemed to be some tension between the Elves and the Golden Monkeys from the North, but nobody there was surprised. Something happened a few years ago which resulted in a feud of sorts and ever since then, news that a Golden Monkey had killed an important Elf or an Elf had killed an important Golden Monkey could be heard from time to time. Not that they knew why.

But going by the leering gazes and obscene wagging tongues from the Monkeys, as well as the frosty resentful looks from the Elves, it wasn’t that hard to take a guess or 2.

There were other pseudo confrontations taking place in the gathering as everyone waited for the last few groups to arrive, but for the most part, there was no confrontation as heated as the between the 2 species of Dragons.

But it wasn’t all bad. Some groups were merry with each other, especially those that came from the same region (of course, that’s if they were allies and not contesting for resources in said region), and there were even specific individuals that seemed to be exceptionally popular.

Raiko the Beast Emperor for example, appeared to attract more conversations and smiles from people than even Gaia. Sure, a big part of that was because the latter was extremely aloof and didn’t mingle much outside the True Dragon race, in contrast to the former who had journeyed far and wide, making allies and enemies all over the place- but it was still a great feat.

The Elf Queen was another person who was exceptionally popular in the gathering. She was passionately conversing with others who seemed to be absorbed by what she was saying and didn’t look at all bothered by the gazes from the Golden Monkeys.

“Queen Titania” came a feminine voice from above. The alluring and mesmerising yet deep voice immediately caused most of the other conversations to cease.

Titania looked up and caught the gaze of Jörma, all 3 crimson eyes trained on her own. She was a little intimidated but didn’t let it show on her face, keeping up her ‘soulful’ smile. But what the giant Snake said next caused her lips to involuntarily twitch.

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