Reincarnated as a World

Ch.22 1st Generation Elves

Rayas had spent 9 months there when he was interrupted by a sudden sound.

Bip bip bip!

Rayas’s eyes dipped in frustration. He had already sent a message that he was going into seclusion and yet someone still dared to disturb him?

Reaching into his pocket, he yanked out a strange rectangular device the size of a phone. But it was not quite a phone… or was it?

Sounds that were clearly a man speaking in a slightly frantic manner came out of the device. At this point, even if it wasn’t a phone, it was definitely some kind of communicator.

The look on Rayas’ face changed as he finally understood the point of this message. His eyes turned cold with a barely hidden glint of anger. His face then turned into one of regret as he looked at the World Core.

“I’ll be back soon.” He curtly said to the device.

Resuming his look of tranquillity, he stood up and… disappeared.

‘The Laws of Space...’ Eridel thought.

Eridel didn’t really know how he felt about this scene of events. He wasn’t angry, but nor was he okay with anything that transpired here at all.

Maybe it was because it happened before he became the World itself that he didn’t entirely feel it happened to him. But whatever the case, it was a dangerous situation. There was actually an Immortal that knew where he was.

On top of that, the event happened months ago so there was no way to track him at all. Otherwise, Eridel would have found a way to get rid of him once he was capable. It was too dangerous for other people to know of his existence. Well, his body’s (World) existence. No one would find out his soul that inhabited this World.

Well, even if he wanted to go after that fellow, he wasn’t capable at all. He was an immobile planet, how could he chase anything. More than that. His ability to manipulate World’s didn’t extend outside of his territory.

The reason he said territory was because he had been working on a hair-raising scheme that would allow him to extend his sphere of influence outside of just his mere 1 World. At that point, calling him a World wouldn’t be satisfactory anymore, he would be something… more.

‘Haaah… How troublesome, even if this guy thinks the World is destroyed by now, he might come back.’

Eridel felt like he was going to have another migraine like the time he was with Ciera, which didn’t even make sense since he didn’t even have a brain anymore…

Speaking of Ciera, it was about time he checked on her and the Elves, they should have been born by now.

With thousands of different schemes focused solely on countermeasures against Rayas, Eridel exited the World Archive, he’d been here long enough. It was time to do something new.

‘But first, the Elves…’

[ Central Continent: Center of The Eastern Forest ]

Surrounding the Spring of Life were roughly 200 figures clambering about carrying various materials to different locations; it was mostly wood but there was some stone to be found as well.

When Eridel first saw this, he was slightly shocked. He didn’t give the Elves any ability or supernatural intelligence that would help them discover how to create houses after mere days of existence. 

Even the High Human Queen of the East was only just discovering how to dig caves underground to use as shelter. While the thought of ‘building’ up occurred in her head. She hadn’t yet thought of a way to stick parts together.

So she had to content herself with living underground like the animals for now, something that really wounded her pride.

But after peering into their souls, he found out that the Elves were actually obeying the instructions of their Queen to build basic dwellings.

Now it was a lot more believable. The Queen had a lot of knowledge as a result of her contract with Ciera so something like this was nothing to her.

Knowledge and Intelligence were two very different things.

Knowledge is the collection of experiences someone may have. For example: knowing what a car is, knowing how to ride a bike, knowing how to eat. This is all knowledge. But just because you had knowledge doesn’t mean you know how to do ANY of those things.

And this is where intelligence comes in. Intelligence is the ability to comprehend something and use that understanding in action. Intelligence could also be considered an automatic calibration.

For example: Without intelligence, even if you knew how to eat. Would you know how to hold the spoon so that the food doesn’t fall out? Would you even know how to chew food in a way that you didn’t choke yourself to death?

No matter how easy it was to know of the concept ‘chew your food with your teeth, taste with your tongue, blah blah blah, knowledge does not cover how to react in abstract situations that intelligence automatically helps you correct.

For example: Let’s say you learnt how to drink water but you drink the water and it goes down the wrong way, cutting off your breathing. It was intelligence that let you know that something had gone WRONG and you needed to rectify the situation.

No amount of knowledge would help you if you had no intelligence.

Intelligence was also the ability to come up with more ideas using the knowledge that you already have. For example: ‘Now that I know how to use a spoon, I can guess how to use a fork.’

Even if the guess was wrong, you used intelligence to make a guess. Without intelligence, there would be NO guesses.

On the flip side, with no knowledge, there was no way to apply intelligence. Even if you had an IQ over 9000, if you didn’t even know what a house was, how can you think of a way to build one?

{ ????????????????????????????'???? ????????????????: Apologies for the info dump but this could be information that could be useful for you guys, or maybe you found the excessive information annoying and for which, I apologize. }

This was why the High Human Queen was at a disadvantage compared to the Elven Queen who had both knowledge and intelligence in quantitative amounts.

Unfortunately for the Human, Eridel had naught a lick of desire to help her. She would have to go through trial and error like the Primordials on every other planet.

Looking at the fairy-like Elves that had supernatural beauty and charisma, Eridel couldn’t help but feel proud.

But what got him the most excited was their potential!

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