Reincarnated as a World

Ch.227 Young Gasalam

Ch.227 Young Gasalam

Who else could it be other than Eridel’s avatar? As mentioned before, his QOB was too high for a majority of lifeforms to withstand so it resulted in their brains removing him from their memory entirely. An automatic self-protection that most people had.

But what was Eridel doing here, walking the streets of the Elven Kingdom’s capital city? What was he plotting this time?


(Elven boy POV)

Gasalam sat behind his stall, watching the crowds of Elves and Fae as they went about their business. Some would veer off to different shops or stalls as something caught their attention, but nobody paid any attention to him, and on the rare occasions that they did, they would only give a forced smile or a short glance filled with poorly hidden worry.

It was worse when they walked by his stall, saw the food he was selling, got interested, only to pale in fright when they realised just who was selling. They’d then give sloppy hello’s, trying to be nice according to the Faerie code that had never been dropped, and then scurry off without a backward glance as if they were running from something contagious.

‘Idiots.’ He said inwardly, tuning out the ‘H-how are you doing, Gasalam? You surprised me’ from some random black haired Fae lady who had actually yelped out loud when she saw him. Now, more people were looking at him, showing their faces twisted with judgement and he hated it.

Okay, maybe not all of them were showing such faces, but he knew that even if they were hiding it they were still the same. They were all just wimps who were scared of what happened to him but still wanted to pretend like they liked him.

But he didn’t care. 12 year olds are so wimpy. That’s why he cried that day when he got home. He was a teenager now and didn’t care about what those losers did with his food or drinks. Throw it in the bin or eat it, he would never care. Not one bit. He got money and that's all that mattered.

As expected, the Fae lady decided to buy, choosing 2 pieces of bread AND a drink, which he secretly cheered for. He didn’t mind the careless manner in which she picked them, nope. He was earning money and that’s alllll that mattered.

“Thank you, nice lady.” He said with a better smile.

It was always best to say please and thank you. Be kind to others and others will be kind to you. That was one of the aspects of the Faerie code. It was true enough, he had learned. At least, his business went smoother when he was smiling like a nice boy rather than giving glares like he used to.

Time passed with nothing more happening and it was quite boring but he didn’t mind, he was used to it. There were even days where he didn’t get a single interaction, talk less of an actual sale. 2 pieces of bread and a drink in 1 sale at that. This was a good day!

He smiled as he thought about that.

“You should smile like that more often if you want a normal life back, boy. It’s a good look.” A deep voice spoke. The accent sounded like nothing he had ever heard before and for a moment he was stunned. In fact, merely calling it deep seemed to be a gross understatement. What was that word that those fancy pansies like to use, sonoras? Sonorous? Whatever. This man’s voice was that.

He looked up and... immediately developed a headache.

“Wha-” He couldn’t finish the word before his vision faded and he passed out, but before he did, he caught the sight of 2 golden eyes.

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