Reincarnated as a World

Ch.23 Creating A…

The reason Eridel was excited about the potential of the Elves was because… they had yet to experience a magical outburst!

When they were in their cocoons, the magical energy was unable to breach through. This was because the cocoons had a protective mechanism that prevented all invaders even if it came with good intentions.

But now that they were outside of their cocoons, as long as they didn’t establish Mana and enter stage 1 of their cultivation, they could evolve into something greater.

As it is now, all of these Elves were Origin Elves! They had no ancestors, they had no bloodline to follow and evolve, they themselves were the ancestors! This meant that before entering stage 1, they could augment their existence however they wished!

Entering stage 1 was the same as setting your foundation, meaning, although you can continuously evolve in strength, you would never really break away from your species.

Even with countless mutations, it wouldn’t affect you THAT much. Unless… well. We’ll leave that for another time.

It was even worse for descendants even if they were 2nd generation. They barely had any chance of changing or upgrading species even if they drank the blood of an entire race, at most, they could mutate.

Of course, even as an origin lifeform, it still wasn’t easy and numerous factors came into augmenting their species they way those 3 humans did, but at least it was doable

Originally, Eridel didn’t care too much about whatever happened after the first Elves came out but seeing what happened to the human race with the Barbarians, High Humans and Blood Fiends, Eridel couldn’t help but have high expectations.

Eridel watched as Ciera played with Dodo around her Lake. Well, at least he thinks they’re playing. Looking at how she repeatedly slapped him around while he tried to escape with tears in his eyes… He looks quite pitiful right?

Eridel didn’t know why Ciera couldn’t sense him now, she did before when she was just born so he was a little confused. Was the time when she looked directly at his viewpoint a fluke? Or did something change?

...She couldn’t be waiting for me to call her first, right?

Nevertheless, he had seen that she was okay and he had no further intentions of interacting with her.

It was finally time to start his second big plan.

Eridel focused his attention on his core, preparing for-

“Wait! Daddy, come back!”

Preparing for a long seclusion. With this plan, he would probably take a very long time (by mortal standards) to come back so he felt a little guilty for leaving Ciera without saying anything-

‘You know what? I might as well say a quick bye.’

Thinking of the possibility that Ciera might come to resent him for his neglect in future, Eridel was slightly disturbed and decided to make things clear with her just in case. 

He was already somewhat attached to his self-proclaimed daughter and he didn’t want to burn bridges with her if it could be avoided.

Eridel returned his attention to Ciera.

As a matter of fact, he could constantly hear and see everything in his territory, but it was more like a mortal's peripheral vision, he wouldn’t see/hear clearly unless he focused on it.

“Ah! Daddy’s back, hehehe!”

Ciera squealed with tears in her eyes. It would seem that Eridel had made her cry.

“Mmn, I just wanted to say that I will be gone for a very long time so take care of everyone while I’m gone, okay?”

Eridel didn’t actually expect her to take care of them, instead he wanted the reverse to happen. He only said that to give her a distraction while he was away.

And the effect was immediate.

Ciera cutely raided her hand in an army salute and said with a wide grin

“Oh, okay! You can leave them to me!” completely ignoring the part where he said he’d be gone for a long time.

Eridel couldn’t help but marvel at her childishness despite having some of his memories... but thinking further about it, it was only right. Even if she had his memories, she was still a newborn with a childish mentality so it was natural that things and phrases from Eridel’s memories that were tailored for children was what she liked.

Just because she had his memories doesn’t mean she wanted to be like him. That was like a human mortal gaining the memories of an arrogant ancient immortal and suddenly calling everyone ‘Low lifeform trash’.

Eridel once again focused on his core.

He could finally begin to focus on his second plan which was…

Creating a System!

Yes! Eridel actually wanted to steal the idea of many typical isekai anime to create a system!


The system he was making was different from that 3rd rate trash that he kept seeing over and over again.

Okay, okay, those systems weren’t actually that bad and in actuality, they would be a lot more ‘helpful’ for the residents than the system he was going to make.

But that was the point. The main way of gaining strength was still to diligently cultivate and he would never change that. The system would be more of a super AI assistant that would be plugged in everyone’s brain. Of course, there would be more benefits but that could be discussed later. 

The point was that Eridel would never change his World into one that was ‘kill enemies for exp’.

Eridel was not a person that was so FOOOLISH as to turn his entire World into one filled with mass genociders.

Nay, although he harboured suicidal thoughts in the past, that was no longer the case.

Although it sounded all nice and dandy in those stories for a system that gives you exp for killing monsters to be possessed by all those World’s ‘adventurers’. The only reason that kind of World works is because the author says so.

But this World is not a game.

It is reality and in reality, people possess insatiable greed and a desire to always want more. Eridel couldn’t even remove this instinct from his own residents because of how needed this desire was at the same time.

It was good for people to always want more otherwise they would face stagnation (a word that strangely made him shudder), being content at merely doing enough to get by, not bothering to find ways to improve.

But on the flip side, when doing heinous or devious things got you that ‘more’, as long as you didn’t stop on the 2nd or 3rd time, you were definitely going to face addiction.

So Eridel couldn’t have this ‘kill for exp’ no matter what.

Even if he was to prevent killing from the same race giving you ‘exp’, that would just initiate countless racial wars, tipping the balance between Order and Chaos forever.

Eridel could list a million more reasons on why conventional systems were self destructive, but he couldn’t hold back his anticipation anymore.

He wanted to make the system immediately, he had planned for a very long time, thinking of all the pros and cons of a system and how a TRUE system should be, doing calculations upon calculations, upon even more calculations.

...He was ready.

It was time.

Eridel began to harness EVERY single Law.

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