Reincarnated as a World

Ch.230 Make Your Suffering Worth It

Ch.230 Make Your Suffering Worth It

Gasalam felt a headache come over him as he tried his best to comprehend everything the strange Grand Elder was saying, but when he heard the words ‘I forced you to nearly become Wrath’, his temperature dropped and his mind went blank.

He stood there helplessly with his mouth hanging and his eyes shaking, the words replaying in his mind over and over again, it got louder each time and before he knew it the voice sounded petrifyingly monstrous. It slammed against his skull with each syllable and made him fall dizzy.

“W-what did you say?” He uttered. Maybe the Grand Elder was joking, or perhaps he misheard. Let him say it again.

The man, seemingly oblivious to his struggles, gave a bright smile. The brightest smile he had ever seen. But the words that came out his mouth dropped him to his knees.

“You heard perfectly correctly, boy. I forced you to nearly become the Sin of Wrath.”

His knees crashed into the ground. He grabbed his head, messing up his hair as he tried to alleviate his pounding skull but it didn’t work.

“YOUUUUUUUUU!!!” He screamed, but couldn't find any other words that could express even half of the emotions that were burning through him.

“It was a test of sorts. You won’t remember this, but I have big plans for my eventual true incarnation. Not only do I want it to hold the powers of this planet, or at least as much of it as it can, I also want it to harness the powers of the Heaven and Hell that I foolishly created.

So I thought, if I want the powers of Hell, it would help if I started off as a single Sin bearer before I became the one true ruler of Hell, wielding all Sins. So naturally I thought, what Sins do I like? Which one should I start with? The ones I wanted most were Gluttony, Lust and Pride, but I could only start with 1. So which one?

There was no reply.

“I needed someone, someone who was young enough that a drastic change in their mental state wouldn’t cause too much of a backlash, someone who was of the first generation, and someone who hadn’t cultivated yet. And I need them to be angry. That’s why I chose the Sin of Wrath of all Sins. A Sin that would give one an easy time comprehending the molten wrath of lava.

All of this has led you to this day, Gasalam. This lava here is your gift. Claim it and burn me with it if you dare, and make all of your suffering worth it.”

“I will kill you.” Gasalam spoke once more. Even calmer than before.

“My second gift to you... is a mutation. When you finish comprehending lava and gain the ability to control it, I will grant you a mutation that will make you like Zalucard, a progenitor of a brand new caste. Only after this is all done will you be allowed to leave the Burning Nines. Only then will your life truly be your own.”

And with that, he disappeared in an explosion of light... which then reformed the man who looked at him with a goofy smile.

“I almost forgot. Here’s a warning. Do not, under any circumstances, provoke the Ants if you want to live. You’re in the outermost ring of the burning Nines and they don’t often come here, but it’s still their territory so be careful.”

The man disappeared again but this time didn’t reappear. Instead, the protection that Gasalam had obtained against the heat vanished, and he suddenly found himself looking at various creatures not too far away from him that appeared out of nowhere.

As if a veil that had been between them had been removed.

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