Reincarnated as a World



“Kakaka! The look on your face must be a sight to behold!” Zuko exclaimed. Even if his mind was feeling extremely strange thanks to what was taking place in his brain, he didn’t forget for one second to spit out toxic words to his enemy.

“Why are you so silent? Come, attack me! You still have a little time left! Eii, what’s wrong? What’s keeping you so flaccid? Have you swallowed something strange? Oh my Depths! That must be it! With your kind of intelligence, you must have eaten some faeces after confusing it for something precious! What a silly fool you are, old fish! Quickly spit it out and let this majesty examine you!”

Zuko yelled with badly concealed glee, trying to feign a voice of concern.


Needless to say, he failed. If the hyperactive state of the lightning were anything to go by, Emperor Bilibu was furious. Very furious.

‘What a pity.’ Zuko thought with a dementedly wide grin.

To be honest, this was the first time he had ever acted like this. He had witnessed the behaviour before and had even been a victim of it himself many times. And as such, as a being of experience, he could tell you that It was truly a dastardly thing to be subject to.

Even killing the creature that violated you would not be able to wipe away the toxic stain that would stick to your mind. You would only have to forget about it after a few days or go on a horrific killing spree to lose your mind in the slaughter.

Zuko had never felt the need to inflict this on somebody else because it was so much easier to just kill, but here and now...? Oh the joy! He knew that Billbu wouldn’t risk getting any closer after recognising that his body had already made the signal that would draw the Tribulation, so he was free to say anything that he wanted and the other party could only endure it!

Ecstasy vibrated through his nerves as he watched the Sea Emperor rage at a distance but not dare to come close. This was almost as good as climaxing in the body of a female!

He continued to sing songs of unadulterated damage and poison, searing the ears of his greatest foe with noticeably increasing expertise. He utilised the culmination of his entire life's experience to formulate lyrics of such toxicity and fatality that even Bilbibu had fallen completely silent. But it was just as he was about to reach nirvana, just as his eyes were about to give up resistance and fall to the compulsion of rolling up in complete euphoria...- That he suddenly noticed a heart-stopping gathering of inexplicable energy far above his head.

Now what would it mean for him, if he got a White Tribulation from the very first Light? He had heard that Kaisers or those very close to that had experienced 2 White Tribulations? But what would that make him if he survived 3?


‘His talent is too great! I have to kill him no matter what!’ Bilibu thought as his tendrils flailed around wildly. Rage so intense that it affected his vision revolved around his body like molten lava, making him feel like he was genuinely heating up. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if he were to start steaming.

Never before had he been so angry.

First, he had to stand aside and watch as that FILTHY, FIIIILTHY Centipede vomited out afflicted line after line without being able to do anything about it. It had been easy enough to endure it in the beginning. After all, what rotten words had he not heard before? But the words only continued to rise morbidity, seemingly without limit.

The words that had been launched at him like attacks had eventually reached a state that left him temporarily flabbergasted. And only temporarily because that was the moment that the anger he had been suppressing broke out of his control and promises of slaughter sang throughout his mind.

‘Do you want to know why your mates are cheating on an expired like you with your children and just about any bottom feeder who comes close enough? I watched it happen once, that one jellyfish you like the most, the pink one? Yeah her, the things she was doing to that lucky Realm 1 Seahorse were just too exciting, I must admit you have a fine one on you. But what was absolutely CRAZY was the sounds she was screeching out as she took that little kiddo’s tiny cock into her womb like a free breeder. It was like she had never felt pleasure before! Emperor Bilibu, I MUST admit that I couldn’t help but wonder... if you were... impotent? That must be it right? Because-

‘FUUUCK!’ Bilibu inwardly roared to expel the words from his mind. How could somebody even think of things like that?

Lines like that and worse had been flung at him like shit, and the stains were still dripping down his mind. It was only the promise that he would get his revenge after the Tribulation that kept him patient.

But just what in the Depths was he looking at? A White Tribulation from the first light?! Does that mean that the disgusting cretin that was bullying him all this while was that talented?


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