Ch.294 What?!

Titania was standing upon a huge 4th Realm Darkwhale. The Darkwhales were allegedly one of the largest sea creatures alive, and yet not only did they have black skin which provided them great camouflage in the depths of the Sea where they were usually found, but they also had an affinity with the Dark element which made their stealth even greater. What was even more unfair was that their elemental attacks were also hard to see in the Sea.

A race like this had too many advantages in the depths of the sea and yet it was not their illustrious ruler Dakarn who became Kaiser... It was Zuko.

Titania shook her head at the thought of the impossibly talented creature and focused on the trouble ahead.

Standing amongst the most powerful members of her race along with a few 4th Realm Beasts that were in their Enlightened Forms, she should have felt invincible. But as she continued to gaze at the countless creatures of envy waiting for her on the shore, her heart couldn’t help but beat faster.

Usually she was unfazed in front of the various troubles in Eridius, after all from the moment she was born she already knew that regardless of whatever she faced, she would always have an edge over others placed in the same situation.

She was the progenitor of a powerful race, she had a connection with a unique World Tree, she was an Apostle of an even more unique Spring of Life, and she even had profound knowledge that only fell short in front of the Lady Spring and Creation goddess, not to mention her own talent and power. There were very few that could match her accomplishments and these were things that she had been born with or had acquired shortly after birth.

It went without saying that her confidence only grew since then.

And yet, even with all of that, even with a powerful army on her side, even with the stocks of Life Water granted by the Lady Spring that could bring someone back from the brink of death... She was not eased at all.

The aura of malice and destruction that was positively oozing off of the continent was just that threatening. Without a doubt, the upcoming battle was going to be the most dangerous fight of her life.

Titania didn’t waste time in expanding her Spirit Sense into the Sea and soon caught sight of... what were those?

Surging towards them were the most ridiculous looking creatures that she had ever seen. They all had mismatching features such as a mix of scaled and furred limbs, or one reptilian eye and the other an amphibian one, and some even had random body extra body parts that didn’t match their bodies, or even possessed 2 completely different heads. What was even stranger was that not one creature was identical to another.

They shared the same disorderly nature of their makeup and a unified erratic aura which made them seem like they were of the same race, but how could that be?

“WE’RE BEING ATTACKED! FIGHT!” Titania heard from someone on the far right. Going by the accent, it was someone from the Celestial Elephant Beastkin race.

She could only stretch her Spirit Sense so far and she was currently focusing it in the front where the beast that had raised the call was. But just as she was moving it towards the right, she heard another shout.

“WE’RE BEING ATTACKED FROM HERE TOO!” She heard from the far left. And then another shout.


Titania’s eyes widened and she instinctively started circulating her mana throughout her body, causing her all-white eyes to glow like stars as the strength in her muscles rose.

They were surrounded! So quickly?! How?!

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